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Good news, bad news

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Festus, Oct 16, 2006.

  1. BrianTheDog

    BrianTheDog New Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Northeast Alabama
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rick Auricchio @ Oct 16 2006, 11:18 AM) [snapback]333435[/snapback]</div>
    It's a very funny episode, if you don't take it too personally. (Actually, I learned something that day. The ep made me realize that I do get smug at times.)

    Keep in mind that they also poke fun at George Clooney in that episode -- and he's among the show's biggest supporters.
  2. kente777

    kente777 New Member

    Oct 20, 2005
    NW Florida
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Festus @ Oct 16 2006, 01:07 AM) [snapback]333312[/snapback]</div>
    1) I wouldn't call this Prius rage. He was certainly insensitive and definitely ignorant, but rage? When I read the title of the thread my first thought was you got physically assaulted for owning a Prius.

    2) When you say "...the damage was done," what do you mean by that? I think it was very big of him to come over and apologize. He certainly was wrong in his verbal jab at you, but he was man enough to apologize. Forget about the "damage", just forgive and don't take it personal.


    P.S. Congrats on your new blue baby!
  3. xbdude

    xbdude opticat

    Oct 14, 2005
    North Central Florida
    2010 Prius
    Lots of positive comments from others, but a few say that I'm "SMUG" after they watched that South Park episode. So be it.
  4. FloridaShark

    FloridaShark Member

    Apr 4, 2004
    Orlando Florida
    If you want to see the episode of South Park go to

    All South Park . Com

    Season 10 second episode.

    Enjoy it's a good one :lol:
  5. TheProgrammerGuy

    TheProgrammerGuy New Member

    Jul 1, 2005
    Albany, GA
    I admit that I am no psychiatrist and I was not there when it happened, but from what you describe it seems more like you were the one that was wrong. You were definitely not "keeping an open mind". I don't believe that "turning the other cheek" is a good description for what you did. Why take it so personally when some says something about your car? I like my Prius as well as anybody, but it's just a car. I really do not care what anybody else thinks about it.
  6. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    drive it, enjoy it, let him see how much you like it. one day he'll get curious about it and then you can tell him whatever he wants to know. till then, especially if you're a homeowner, it's wisest to keep the peace with the neighbors.
  7. huskers

    huskers Senior Member

    Aug 21, 2005
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dreichla @ Oct 16 2006, 09:20 AM) [snapback]333390[/snapback]</div>
    I thought it was..."you can bring a horse to water - but you can't hold it's head under water long enough." :lol:
  8. Alnilam

    Alnilam The One in the Middle

    Jun 8, 2006
    Carlsbad, CA
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dreichla @ Oct 16 2006, 07:20 AM) [snapback]333390[/snapback]</div>
    and if you can get it to do a reverse back-flip off the high board, you've really got something!
  9. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I would say actions speak louder than words. When I got mine, my friends would acknowledge it's a cool car but nothing more. Now, some wished they had the money to buy a hybrid, while others continue to pound on it for being slow.

    just watch, the moment a hybrid is available on their favourite car, they'll gonna praise it likes there's no tomorrow. It's sickening, really.
  10. sl7vk

    sl7vk Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Salt Lake City
    2006 Prius
    Any sceptics have shut up, once I let them take it for a spin around that block. I would give that a shot. The guy apologized, accept his apologies and hand him the keys, see if he likes it.
  11. SiliconAddict

    SiliconAddict New Member

    Aug 27, 2005
    People are idiots. The number of people cutting me off and glaring at me on the road has increased at least 40% if not more. I think its only a matter of time before my car gets keyed. :angry:
  12. Pinto Girl

    Pinto Girl New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Festus @ Oct 16 2006, 01:07 AM) [snapback]333312[/snapback]</div>
    Can't speak for your neighbor, but I have the feeling that if he tried driving a Prius (with at least a halfway open mind), he might be surprised that it has its own 'rush' too!

    It's an acquired taste, to be sure, but in my opinion it's definitely worth a try. It's fresh and subtle and exciting and different and challenging at times.

    I'm at a loss to explain the anti-hybrid panic. I had a touch of it, when the Prius was introduced to the U.S., and to this day I have no idea *why* I felt as I did.
  13. TJandGENESIS

    TJandGENESIS Are We Having Fun Yet?

    Aug 11, 2005
    ★Lewisville, part of the Metroplex, Dallas, in the
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Festus @ Oct 16 2006, 02:07 AM) [snapback]333312[/snapback]</div>
    Yes, the hybrid threatens; it's like this with any new technology.

    Take CD'S, for example. I know this may seem like a stretch, but follow me here. When CD's frist came out, about twenty + years ago, I was then working at a Penguin Feather (a local 'record' store in the Washington, D.C. area). I was the CD buyer for the store. And so, I was the 'expert' on CD'S. But even I was sort of put off by them at first, preferring my records and their warm, natural sound.

    Until I got Marillion, and their CD, Misplaced Childhood. The sound was amazing. And I was really hooked. So, I started to play that CD a lot in the store, and push CD'S, and well, things changed. People got into it, people that were afraid they would have to replace their collection of vinyl, and you know what, they loved it. And yes, they had to replace their vinyl.

    Hybrids today, they represent a shift in thinking. It's not the solution to the problem, but it's a shift in the right direction. And speaking as a gear head, (so I know what I am speaking of here), it represents a change. Gear heads, they think their days of driving hot rods, of tricking out cars, they are over. Well, no. Just like CD'S meant that vinyl was no longer the number one way of getting music, you can still buy vinyl; I have the new Bob Dylan, and Bruce Springsteen on vinyl. It's just that CD'S are easier.

    And now the iPod is making CD'S obsolete. SO, a lot of my generation is in fear of them. Eventually, though, we will have them, and our CD collections will dwindle, maybe even be replaced. But until we give in, we fear the iPod. We resist the change.

    Does this make sense? I hope so.
  14. molgrips

    molgrips Member

    Jul 6, 2006
  15. andreaswin

    andreaswin New Member

    Jan 9, 2006
    i usually get only positive remarks on my prius,, people ar ein general very courious about the tech in the car... allways a few that talks about cost effectivity and that it uses more gas than stated,,, my answer is that all car uses more than stated and You in general dont buy a car for investing money, but that my car still has a good milage.......
    And people that want cars that uses lotsa gas or simmilar should be happy for hybrid cars , because we contribute to slow down the increasing demand and cost on fuel......
    Andreas :)
  16. nerfer

    nerfer A young senior member

    Mar 1, 2006
    Chicagoland, IL, USA, Earth
    Other Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(dbermanmd @ Oct 16 2006, 08:48 AM) [snapback]333379[/snapback]</div>
    This is good advice, I was rather surprised to see it come from "the doberman". Looks like I need to readjust my impressions as well.

    I have a friend who's said a couple times that the Prius is not cost-effective and there are better ways to be environmentally friendly. But I know it's just a difference of opinion, and not an attack on my values or judgement. And then in the next sentence he'll say, thank goodness for people like me, because this is a technology that needs to become commonplace.

    My argument against people's impression it won't save money, is to either go into a lot of details about the negative studies and depreciation rates, or simply ask them why they didn't say that with my previous car, when I bought a Subaru Outback instead of the very similar Legacy L. The Outback adds a beefier suspension, a little higher clearance, and different trim for a few thousand dollars, but nobody questioned my choice on that (definitely not needed for the Chicago environment), and I certainly wouldn't make my money back on that. So why should opting instead for some high-tech features and fewer emissions on a car that costs the same be a problem? Especially when those features come with gas savings and higher resale value that makes those additional features essentially free.

    If you're in it to save money, you'd buy a used small car. Anybody who buys any new car is putting a higher priority on reliability (hopefully fewer car repairs) or on keeping up with the Joneses than on saving money. So if they bought their car new, they don't have a leg to stand on.
  17. hycamguy07

    hycamguy07 New Member

    Feb 18, 2006
    Central Florida
    2007 Prius
    In 2004 I became involved with a Prius, no body wanted the car.... So our fleet dept asked me if I wanted a new car? :D I was thrilled, I quickly said yes.... They handed me the key fob and told me it was on the back row. I drove my 99 ford down the line but only saw one fully marked car, it was the Prius. I laughed and thought it was a joke, I hit the key fob sure enough the lights flashed.. :( I loaded my stuff in side. I was surprised to find it roomy& quite peppy. I had to read the operating instructions to strat it and drive it but then it became second nature.

    The fleet mgr told me the car needed to be tested for 2yrs for road patrol & I was the guine pig.

    I said ok, 'it was a brand new car' OMG the wise cracks started the next day from the other officers & agencies. After the first week of not having to refuel every other day & going 4 days on a tank I was hooked.. When I worked 2nd shift and would stop at stores other officers would jeer me until I let them drive it then it became cool.. :rolleyes:

    "The little clown car" is what everyone called it after I got it.(jeers like does it play circus music when you drive it? or wheres the golf clubs? or they would stare and ask if there were any clowns piled in there or Aww what a cute car, want my flashlight batteries?)

    The final outcome of the test showed the car wasn't good for road use. It didnt like hitting (medians, curbs & lack prisoner room after the cage is installed) but now they are being used as unmarked detectives vehicles & cummunity service vehicles. I liked the car so much I bought one :)

    And I became the unofficial Prius spokesman (like Wendys) for our agency.. I would visit trade shows we would display the car and facts from toyota and answer questions, The car was a hit.. :)

    People would look at me like I was lying when I told them it would do a scary 105 mph and it would go 500mi on 11gal of gas & that you didnt have to plug it in as it self recharges... The self recharging statement was met with amasment.

    For some reason the general public is really turned off by plug in cars... :huh:

    As my final thought, I feel that toyota is the true hybrid and the others are just posing wannabes.
  18. jstox

    jstox New Member

    Oct 5, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(FloridaShark @ Oct 16 2006, 10:59 AM) [snapback]333520[/snapback]</div>
    Thanks for the link, cute. Unfortunately, I got this mental block right from the beginning and couldn't drop it. If somebody really, really, really cared about gas cost, emissions, natural resources, etc ..... then why hatch a couple goofy looking kids to suck more resources for the next 70 years.
  19. eagle33199

    eagle33199 Platinum Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    2015 Prius v wagon
    After the fact like this, i'd suggest making peace, like others, and pretty much allow the issue to drop. Don't bring up mileage and such with him - it may be seen as a sort of "revenge attack". instead, wait till he comes to you to ask questions about the car.

    Most of the experiences i've had with people have really been great - but there are always a few that have a hard time accepting something new and radically different. To combat them, come prepared with the facts (stick around here long enough, and you'll be spouting them off in your sleep). Almost everything anyone will say negatively about the Prius comes from one article or another, which are almost always posted on here and ripped to shreds. make sure that you phrase your responses in such a way that it's not personally offensive. Something like "yeah, i read that consumer reports article too - did you know they printed a retraction a few days later, stating their numbers were slightly off and the Prius did better?"

    To get you started in your "preparation", i'll go for the great responses to the arguments he posted:

    It's a huge waste of energy.
    There was an article that attempted to measure the total lifetime energy of a car from conception to dust. However, it included some errors. For example, the design that goes into any new car will make that car appear to be more energy expensive at first - only after production ramps up and more cars are sold is that "energy cost" diffused. So comparing a relatively new car like the Prius with something thats been around longer and has had more sales isn't really all that fair. We can go find the article and find the other errors and omissions if you'd like.

    (carmaker X) and (Y) get much better gas mileage;
    Do you know how the EPA does their mileage tests? they put the car in a hermetically sealed room and run it pretty much at speed - the big problem is, that speed is lower than anyone drives anymore. their highway numbers are found by driving at 55MPH! These tests really are meaningless when the cars get out into the real world. Here are some hard facts though: My best mileage is ___, my worst is ___, and lifetime average is ___. EPA estimates for a comparable car (say the toyota corolla or camry) are ___ (don't remember off hand), so i'm still doing better than the highest estimates.

    The Prius has TWO systems that can go wrong;
    yes, you can look at it that way - there is a "traditional" system in the gas tank, fuel line, and ICE, as well as the electric system including the batteries and motor/generators. However, it's truely one hybrid system that works together in concert. But regardless of how you look at it, the hybrid power train and batteries have a great 10 year warrenty with them. So if something does go wrong, i won't be paying for it for pretty as long as i own the car - 5 years from now, who will pay for repairs on your engine, or fuel line?

    they're a waste of money
    Thats been printed many times, in many articles. The original is credited to consumer reports - what they don't tell you is about the retraction that was printed a few days later. Apprently their numbers were wrong - The Prius and Civic hybrids do save money. Here are some direct comparison facts for you: the prius has more room in it than a corolla, and slightly less than a camry. Some of the features i have on mine - like SKS, nav, etc don't come on the corolla from the factory, and yet thats what most articles compare it to. But even with that comparison, the Prius only costs about 3k more than the corolla. Did you know i'm getting a tax credit of ____ for buying the Prius when i did? Add to that an estimated fuel savings of ____ per year (depends on how much you drive, current price of gass, etc), and the price really isn't all that different - plus i get so much more for my money!! Also, did you know that most people with a Prius don't have to change their brakes until about 100k miles? The regenerative braking is frictionless, so nothing wears down most of the time - infact, some people have reported replacing them due to rust as opposed to being worn down!

    So, those are just a few of the possible arguements you can use in situations like that. The real key is to not get emotionally involved - instead, dispute the facts and the reporters who get it wrong. it should help everyone keep a level head - who knows, he might even start reading those articles with a bit more of a critical eye!

    On a side note, when i first drove my car home, one of the guys i was living with at the time was sorta the same - He didn't rant on about it, but he did say something to the effect of "you know those things don't get the gas mileage they claim - it's all a lie to get you to pay more for no gain". To this i replied "How much did you spend last week on gas for that new boat of yours?". that shut him up real quick! Later we were talking about it, and even did a comparison of the EPA numbers for his car versus what he actually sees - big difference there! It's pretty much became a game with us now... he tries to find something wrong with the car, or some reason i shouldn't have gotten it, and i try to convince him he should buy one to offset the damage he's doing with his boat. :p
  20. nerfer

    nerfer A young senior member

    Mar 1, 2006
    Chicagoland, IL, USA, Earth
    Other Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Oct 17 2006, 10:56 AM) [snapback]333939[/snapback]</div>
    It took me awhile before I realized you worked for the police department. That is a specialized area for car performance (acceleration and suspension come to mind). But you also sit in one area for long periods of time with the engine running, so in those cases a hybrid engine of some kind could be very kind to your department budget (gas and catalytic converter replacements, from my understanding). Perhaps a larger hybrid would be more in line for the police? Ford Escape would be less noticeable on stakeouts, maybe a Camry would be big enough?