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Prolong Charger Cable Prius Gen 2 Fan Pinout

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by The Jovester, Oct 30, 2022.

  1. The Jovester

    The Jovester Junior Member

    Apr 16, 2018
    Medford Lakes
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    Hi All

    I have 2 gen 2s for my daughters and built a homemade charger based on the plethora of info provided here and insight central. THANKS TO ALL ON PROVIDING GREAT INFO ON THE DIY CHARGER!

    My one daughters car had a prolong cable already attached which led me to HybridAutomotive.

    On the charger harness pins 1 and 4 go to the positive and negative connections to the battery pack. Pins 2 and 3 go to the fan (blue and yellow wires) via the HybridAutomotive circuit box which controls the fan and also connects via quick connects to the Prius wiring harness. My question, does anyone know which pin is positive and negative on pins 2 and 3 (yellow and blue wires)?

    I’ve called HybridAutomotive and they won’t divulge as it’s their patent regarding the harness and circuit box basically trying to force me to buy their charger. Appreciate if anyone has the answer to my question.

    Thanks all
  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    So when this cable you have with the two pins in question connects to the Toyota harness can't you look at the two pins yellow and blue or whatever colors you said and see what they're going to in the Toyota harness wouldn't that be the equivalent so like the black and white wire going to the fan and which is the ground probably and I don't know what the hot wire is I'd have to go out and look at my Gen 2 you could just hold the harness up to the plug it's supposed to go to and see where the yellow and the blue wire go to the Toyota and then that would mean the blue and the yellow wire that the Toyota wires are feeding through the plug you know what they are now because you know what the Toyota wires do do you follow my thinking I know it's bad but I think that's how I would do it I don't care what the people it whoever company proprietary's problem is.. I know that the prolong system when it's connected does work the fan and charging the battery and all that so I would think if you knew what the pins did on the car side you know what they do on the prolongs side of the plug.
  3. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Don't know much about the prolonged setup that was this the round green and white pancake thing and I know these were costly does this charge the whole complete battery was like you know an output of near 300 volts or is this a low voltage thing that can stay plugged up for weeks at a time or what? The Venice hybrid thing I have has a switch on it with three different output voltages The one for the Gen 2 3 I think puts out right at 300 and generally unless it's being connected to a dead battery the Venice hybrid unit will only run about an hour until it stops increasing the battery voltage and then it's recommended you disconnect it because then you're starting to overcharge matter of fact when I charged or topped off my reasonably new HV battery in my Gen 2 it didn't even sit on their 40 minutes and the rise and voltage drop to the 5 minute no change range where Venice hybrid recommends you disconnect the charger because you are right at full. Sposedly. So that type of charger you could not leave on the battery for any length of time without you frying it. And now I'm interested in some kind of a trickle thing that I could just connect to the battery not have to worry about any fan running and just leave that thing sitting on there whenever the car is parked I guess would be more for me to remember to unplug it so I don't drive off and tear the charger up but I'd like something that could trickle and that it could sit on there for 2 weeks if I was gone without overheating the battery destroying the battery or the charger or what have you. Or maybe it's better I just wait till I get back and put the 300 volts on for 2 hours rather than one or something of that nature?
  4. alftoy

    alftoy Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Saskatchewan, Canada
    2008 Prius
    If you've already built a DiY charger why not use the DiY harness to the HV battery?
  5. The Jovester

    The Jovester Junior Member

    Apr 16, 2018
    Medford Lakes
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    The one Prius already has a prolong harness when I bought the car. The second Prius I’ll make the DIY harness. The question is for the prolong harness for a Gen 2, does anyone know which is the negative and positive for pins 2 and 3 which go to the cooling fan. I have the DIY charger and just need to connect my 12 volt dc source to pins 2 and 3 on the prolong harness which will power the cooling fan.
  6. alftoy

    alftoy Senior Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Saskatchewan, Canada
    2008 Prius
  7. The Jovester

    The Jovester Junior Member

    Apr 16, 2018
    Medford Lakes
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    Thanks for links. I did look through HybridAutos info before calling them but doesn’t give info on positive or negative pins on harness. I’ll either open the green prolong fan control box to look at the circuit board to see if it indicates pos or neg or just make bypass connection to fan. The question is if polarity is reversed to green prolong fan control box if you’ll damage the circuit board. I’d disconnect the quick connects to car so I don’t damage anything in the Prius. Kind of a pain as the harness is already hooked up and ready to go with my DIY charger but the fan Pinout is only thing holding me up from using. Tested the charger and it works no issues. Just need the fan connected. With all the info provided on DIY charger on this and other websites, it was a snap to build. Thanks
    alftoy likes this.
  8. The Jovester

    The Jovester Junior Member

    Apr 16, 2018
    Medford Lakes
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Premium
    For anyone who needs info on prolong harness pinout for Gen 2 Prius:
    Blue wire = positive fan #2 pin
    Yellow wire = negative fan #3 pin
    Red wire = positive high voltage hybrid battery #1 pin
    Black wire = negative high voltage hybrid battery #4 pin

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    #8 The Jovester, Nov 8, 2022
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
    alftoy likes this.