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Clip between Positive Terminal/Fusible Link and 12v Battery Hold Down upper bracket?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Technical Discussion' started by MarcNeedsHelp, Aug 14, 2021.

  1. MarcNeedsHelp

    MarcNeedsHelp New Member

    Aug 14, 2021
    Superior, WI.
    2004 Prius
    So I just purchased a 2004 Prius from a relative on the the cheap. They only used the vehicle sporadically over the short time they owned it. This led to multiple discharge and jump starts of the relatively new Duracell (dated Feb 2019) 12v that is currently in the vehicle. I haven't needed any jumps in the 2 weeks that I've owned it, but I do drive it daily. I have however noticed that I quickly see odd behavior like radio sputtering and lights dimming if I boot to anything other that Ready mode. Built in diagnostic shows 11.4v in IG On mode after sitting overnight in the garage (cool climate), jumps up to 14 in Ready as it should. Fuel economy is good. Drives good.

    It's my understanding that with 11.4v seeming to be the max I can achieve each morning (after several daily tests), that the Duracell should be replaced after suffering through too many discharge events and inactivity.

    I plan on buying the Napa direct fit vented AGM 51 battery since I can currently get it for about $150 after codes and a rebate. I had planned on installing it myself but I'm having second thoughts on that because I just don't trust myself not to break a wire or short something out. These vehicles scare me in that regard. I have a shop that'll install it for $40ish so that's probably wise.

    Finally, my question is about the Positive terminal and how it's attached to the 12v Battery hold down bar. Upon inspection my battery compartment looks alright, no signs of water. But whoever installed the Duracell took the fusible link/black box/terminal thing off of the tie down that I've now noticed it's supposed to be attached to. The tie down bar was in the hatch luckily and I already ordered the correct bolt and washer nut for the 2 ends. I just however noticed in the videos that it's supposed to be affixed to the positive terminal/link somehow in the middle of the bar. I cannot find any mention or video of this fastener other than 1 video where he pulls it off quickly and you never see it. Is this something that I'll need to get the terminal assembly to seat correctly?
  2. edthefox5

    edthefox5 Senior Member

    Jul 25, 2007
    Clearwater, Florida
    2007 Prius
    Hard to picture what your saying about the battery assy. I've included some of my battery pictures please do the same.

    On mine You will see an added red wire on a spade lug that's an auxiliary power supply for tow lights so your car of course will not have that red wire and all that red goop you see on the connectors is anti corrosion grease no corrosion back there!
    Also you will see 2 black cables plugged into the black fuse assy with white plugs. Get a small flat blade screw driver and press the release clips and pull both those cables out then the battery is completely removed from the cars 12 volt buss. Cant hurt the car.
    Then you can safely take the battery out bolt up the black plastic fuse assy and the cable to the chassis no sparks no drama.When done bolting plug those 2 cables back in there different size plugs.

    Be aware the first time you try to start a Prius after new battery install the car freaks out and will light every light. Just turn the car off and try again and it will start right up.

    11.4 is done. Your right to be scared Stop jump starting this car its really the most dangerous thing you can do to this car and hopefully at the least your using the front jump point.

    Your new so may not be able to post a pic until you post 5 chats so just enter in a period like this .
    and post that 4 times that will allow you to post pictures.

    Also be aware there's probably alot of water in that battery well. Prius leak real bad in the hatch area. There's a rubber plug in that well and also under the spare tire if the car lives outside just drill a hole in that plug big enough for water to weep through but not big enough for a rodent to jump through. Mice love a Prius very tasty wiring. Don't remove the plugs if car lives outside or mice will be hosting weddings in your hatch.

    You can search anything you want to just use the search forums link up top. and search for instance: 12 volt battery. There's only about 2 million posts about the mystery's of that battery lol. Lots of sad story's of people killing there car jumping it. Search leaky hatch too.

    Good Luck!

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    #2 edthefox5, Aug 14, 2021
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2021
  3. Walter Brogan

    Walter Brogan New Member

    Jun 9, 2024
    2005 Prius
    This wire came out of the plastic connector I tried soldering the wire back in the clip . But it keeps popping out I drive on some rough roads. I currently have a small screw running along side the wire into the clip . The clip gets warm after about 6 hours of running . How do I get the wire back in the clip properly .

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