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Phones likes, dislikes and wishlists

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by vvillovv, Jul 29, 2024 at 5:21 PM.

  1. vvillovv

    vvillovv Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    I was searching yesterday for a tube I'd seen a few weeks ago about solar research using quantum dots and found out a lot of new stuff about quantum production of current chips used in the latest phones and computers.
    Today I needed some help understand a computers shell behavior and found out about a new (to me) program that searches for readable text in files that don't work nicely with pure text parsing programs due to the symbols encoded in those files. Thanks HowtoGeeks ! Anyways I clicked on an article linked below.
    I thought to myself someone here might like it and others might be interested to know a phone like this still exists today, I know I was.
    As the title might suggest, this thread is more about what others here think about phones of any kind
    not just the newest version of the minimalist one I'm linking to here.
    Why I Pre-Ordered the Light Phone 3, a Minimalist Phone With Screws and a Wheel
  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    had a flip phone for years, mostly for emergencies. got an iphone awhile backand wouldn't go back for anything.
    it is so handy to have the net at your fingertips anywhere you go.
    and now, with car companies charging a monthly fee for gps, that reduces my $25. mo.phone payment to $15., which is only 5 dollars more than the flip phone service back in the day
  3. vvillovv

    vvillovv Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    It seems that once most anyone goes apple they appear to never want to go back. Sadly, kinda, I'll probably never have to opportunity to own, my big brother warned many years ago not to mess with his stuff and I after that I've lost complete interest, other than keeping up with industry viewpoints. I still remember when apple was moving to dragon fly BSD as the base of OSX. I'd read that at least on apple pundit was disgusted with the price Adobe was charging apple to compile DragonFly for them as wanted apple to just buy Adobe. hehe
    Neither here nor there in retrospect, unless looking at how the press in the industry and pundits still behave towards each other.
    I also remember the flip phone days. I had a few too, as well as a razor slide up screen jobber, seems like ancient history now. i got the misses a LG V60 with the dual screen fold-able case. It was the right price and considering there are only a few current flagships that offer it, it was an obvious choice and LG even put out an upgrade from Android 11 to 13 which was nice, at least after I had done all the downloads and installs. It also can shoot 8K video, but the misses never has taken a picture with a phone camera that I know of, so it's camera kinda goes to waste. There is a downside to the LG since they exited the phone industry in that there will more than likely never be anymore Android version upgrades for any of their phones. And the other flagships with the dual screen (one is the pixel 8) I've read is promising Android version upgrades for something like 5 or 6 years. <rant> Like 99% of current owners will keep their phones for even half that long. </rant> hehe ps thanks for sharing \:)
  4. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I understand and respect where Light Phone is going.
    I don't want to go there with them - mostly because I do not have to.

    Just yesterday I finished up at work and did some chores for my CFO.
    I returned home to find my 8-year-old granddaughter was over to visit while my sweet daughter and the other two littles were working on her classroom.
    Divide and conquer. ;)
    When I went to bed some hours later I went to charge my iphonethingy and discovered that I had left it in my truck.

    I do not want to go back to a decades-ago world of small neighborhood grocery stores and mom and pop diners just because some people cannot control themselves and eat too much of all the wrong foods thanks to mega-grocery stores and fast food outlets.
    I don't wish to plant crops and I'm not really enthralled about equine transportation - or some of their owners, quite frankly.

    The notion that the world's landfills are bulging from billions of discarded smart phones because their batteries are dead or their screens are broken is counterfactual.
    My gracefully aging Samsung 8 from 2017 ago is still fully functional and still worth a buck or two on the open market. I do not use it as a phone but it still serves as an IOT device when I 'want to adult' and use it for apps that aren't available on IOS.
    When it dies it will be recycled - as nearly all phones are, eventually.

    Apple is the company that I love to hate and hate to love, but I cannot remember an owner who did not trade in their usta-apple for its replacement.
    As a matter of fact, the Apples have perfected the GM model of planned obsolescence by combining it with Toyota's marketing strategery of making you buy a "+" model to get some particularly useful option. Those that are trapped behind that gilded wall garden trade out their phones more often than people who use smart phones and like automobiles - they're nearly universally recycled.
    Getting most any phone's screen or battery replaced is about as easy as replacing those items on a car, and fortunately, usually scaled to the price of the phone itself.

    #4 ETC(SS), Jul 31, 2024 at 7:41 AM
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2024 at 7:51 AM