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Hybrid battery No. 2 Frame wire voltage sensor HACK

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Aegean, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. dolj

    dolj Senior Member

    May 14, 2012
    Wellington, New Zealand
    2007 Prius
    In my opinion, being critical keeps people honest.

    Being critical is not a negative thing – unless there is something that one is not being open and transparent about.

    FWIW, in post #18, VZvrtny responded transparently and openly and did not come across (at least to me) as being threatened by the questions.

    The responses from Camper and Azusa, on the other hand ...
    James Analytic likes this.
  2. James Analytic

    Jun 14, 2019
    2006 Prius
    Glad I commented. I had no idea there were the ACENBAY aftermarket products and as always I am glad to read the detailed dialog regarding what would not be commonly discussed or as readily found with my search queries.

    Nitpicking is great, even if not dissed or cussed. :)

    In my situation, I wound up using another harness from a parts battery. So will be one down as the one found in the 04 pack I was attempting to get back into service was bad. Was reported the vehicle ran fine until what appears the P3030 code happened due the something causing corrosion and or an open circuit on the og harness. Found a low block 3 module measuring 6.3V and also labelled 6.8V. Had a few 7.40V measuring modules that have sat for months and ghetto replaced since was instructed to only do that. I guessed would be OK as all the pack modules were reading 7.60 to 7.61 beside the 6.3V module in block 3.

    Little awkward not testing each more thoroughly and doing the balancing shuffle where I think I can make a algorithm to optimize the placement via iterating through all the combinations to find the least voltage, current capacity and/or internal resistance difference. Seems like an app or excel or calc open source spreadsheet would be handy.

    Here's after an hour drive and sitting for a few hours. Seems OK, good enough and made them happy. Block_3_2004_adding_7_40_module_replacing_6_8.jpeg
    #22 James Analytic, Sep 3, 2024 at 1:52 PM
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2024 at 2:07 PM