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SKS proximity functions not working

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by jpeachman, Sep 15, 2024 at 3:20 PM.

  1. jpeachman

    jpeachman Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2005
    Pittsburg, CA
    I just had new tires and TPMS sensors installed on my 2006 Prius. When they brought the car out of the bay, the fob was in the slot on the dashboard (as is normal after someone else works on it) and the car was running, so I just drove home that way. It wasn't until next day when I discovered the SKS proximity functions weren't working, for the first time in all these years (I'm the original owner of the car).

    I assumed it had just been turned off via the button on the dash under the steering wheel, which is next to the Set TMPS switch. But no amount of turning it off and on has restored the proximity functions. It isn't the battery on the fob; the remote lock/unlock still works from over 30 feet away. Unfortunately, this is the only fob I still have.

    Is there anything I can do short of bringing it to a dealer to try to turn the SKS proximity functions back on? It was working fine prior to the tire and TPMS sensor change. Thanks for any words of wisdom!
  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    That's very strange because to enter in the VIN numbers of the TPMS sensors into the system requires being nowhere near SKS functions or any of that in the menus but if someone you know has access to the Toyota software you can get into the SKS menus and see if for some awful reason something somehow has been turned off. You say this is the only father you have left so you've had the two when you bought the car new have they had new cases put on them and the trapezoidal transponder chip is not been moved from the old case to the new possibly ever but of course this would arreared it's ugly head before all of that and when you mean SKS functions you mean walking up to the car with the remote in your pocket extending your hand and The car allowing you entry?
  3. jpeachman

    jpeachman Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2005
    Pittsburg, CA
    Actually, they couldn't program the new TPMS sensors at all because their tool wasn't working (they warned me in advance, so I was already expecting to have to return at some point to get that done). But there's a button under the steering wheel next to the SKS "Key" button labeled "Set" which, as I understand it, tells the TPMS system to recognize the current tire pressures as "normal". I assume they might have tried that "Set" button, and accidentally pressed the "Key" button that turns SKS proximity sensing off and on. By proximity functions I mean both unlocking the doors automatically with the fob in my pocket and starting the car, also with the fob in my pocket. Those functions have always worked in the past, and neither do now. The remaining fob I have is an original one for this car, in good physical condition and in its original case. Everything worked normally when I drove to my tire appointment, and it hasn't worked since, so there almost has to be some connection. But regardless of how it happened, I'm just trying to regain the lost functionality at this point. Thanks!
  4. jpeachman

    jpeachman Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2005
    Pittsburg, CA
    Oh, and I don't have access to the Toyota software, unfortunately. I was just assuming the toggle button that turns the SKS proximity functions off and on might have been pushed, but putting it in the "on" position (button out, vs. "off" which is button in) doesn't seem to help.
  5. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Yes I'm not sure what can kill your SKS functionality like that I don't think it has a separate fuse or something else wouldn't be working at the same time in other words It's on a circuit with other things I'm pretty sure again a good read of the system from the manual they shed some light on the four cars I have I've never lost SKS functionality and I've had all of my cars with dash tops off staring at the SKS computer etc never fooled with it didn't think it was a good idea they all work I do have the trapezoidal chips and all of my remote and one or two of my cars I only have one working remote and they never leave the car unless I'm going somewhere where they absolutely have to be locked up which is very rarely in my world. I'm looking for two remotes actually right now for SKS system so I can get them set up to work on the cars that I only have single remotes on.