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My TSB EL010-04 Update Thread

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by efusco, Sep 18, 2004.

  1. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Some data on my experience and with the EL010-04 TSB done on my Prius.

    Timeline Thus far:

    • At the time of drop off ODO mileage was 12394. I showed 56.3mpg with 366 miles on the tank. Either 3 or (More likely) 4 bars on the fuel guage. I turned off the Smart Entry/Start--this may be important.

      At pick-up ODO mileage reset to 11831 (as expected as that is what they recorded at the 9/9 "check"--though it's going to make keeping track of Lifetime MPG a little funky!). MFD showed 22mpg with 7 miles!!! A/C was full blast set at 70 degrees. I do not know if there was a lot of idle time or what, but they must've been doing something weird for mileage to be that low. 2 Bars on the fuel gauge. Car brought around with the fob in the slot...just drove away as I had things to do.

      When I next tried to drive the car the Smart Start did not work! I'd turned it back on on the original drive home. All other features seemed fine. I went through multiple rounds of trying the button in both positions, in READY, with car off, every combo I could think of.

      Called the Service mgr...bring it in. The Prius certified tech, Mark, was, fortunately working and took it straight back. They worked on her for about 1 1/2 hours and could not get the fob to recognize the car as having smart entry. Apparently as part of the TSB "all the computers" have to be reprogrammed. For some reason (?b/c SS/E was turned off??) it didn't take and he didn't know how to fix it. He's going to call 'Kansas City' on Monday and see what they say and get back to me. Just to let you know...the battery in the FOB is fine, remote works great and the fob, obviously, works in the slot. Also, my wife's fob does not work either.

      Hopefully it's just a reprogramming thing.

      Everything else was 'normal'....just had to redo the shutting off of the reverse beeping. Even NAV, BT Phone, etc. retained their presets. Apparently they kept the 12v on a tender during the install.

      I'm going to make this thread a 'sticky' and will update it for the next month or so. That is mostly so those who are waiting to have the TSB done for other experiences to see mine, which I'm trying to document in as much detail as possible.

      I'm currently at 1 bar on the fuel guage and will try to fuel up ASAP after it starts flashing to get a 'baseline' for how much difference the TSB has made. My previous largest fill was 9.6 gallons and that was driving more than 60 miles past the start of flashing.

      Look forward to any comments.
  2. jkash

    jkash Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    West Hills, CA
    2004 Prius
    My first thought, better you than me. I would be a nervous wreck if my car came back from the service and didn't work right. That's why I haven't had it done yet. I'm waiting for someone else to have it done where I get it serviced before I take the plunge. I am not unhappy with getting 400 per tankful. I usually fill-up with two bars left. Getting gas is not a big deal to me. It only takes a couple of minutes.
  3. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    no not Evan the General Practioner
    Evan the Guinne Pig.
  4. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon\";p=\"40338)</div>
    Is a Guinne Pig someone who drinks too much Guinness Beer???
  5. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    could very well be but until Danny gets the spell checker working again that was the best I could do Mister Guinea Pig!
  6. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon\";p=\"40374)</div>
    :lol: Either way the title fits!
  7. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    [align=center:21324c5209] UPDATE #1

    Last bar started flashing on my way home from work this evening. Drove 4.7 miles to the gas station and pump I almost always use.

    I'd traveled:
    104 Miles since the TSB was done showing 2 bars
    470 total miles on the tank

    MPG showed 50.0 for the 104 miles
    MPG had shown as above.

    I filled to 2 clicks after auto stop of pump on lowest fill setting.
    Took a total of only 8.308 gallons :cry: :cry: I was really really hoping for better since that number is almost exactly what I'd get previously. I'm still holding out hope that with a full tank reset things for the next fill will improve.

    Anyway, overall calculated mileage for the tank was a respectable 56.57 MPG ...assuming there were no other miles traveled that I'm not aware of or fuel drained or added that I'm not aware of.

    Next update will probably be at the next fill up...probably a couple of weeks unless there are other issues or they fix the SS/SE...I pray!!
  8. nannyandnutro

    nannyandnutro New Member

    Mar 29, 2004
    Minis Tirith, TN
    Got mine finished on Tuesday. I haven't refilled the tank yet but since having the part replaced (pipe) my MPG has been dismal. I'm somewhere between 45 and 46 with lots of city driving. I've not had a tank that low since the car was new. Wonder if they're related? Mine was sitting at 23 MPG when I picked it up. Not sure what happened there. Maybe when this tank runs out things will get better.
  9. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    [align=center:ba248f3e61]UPDATE #2 [/align:ba248f3e61]

    Ok, went in today to have the SKS (Smart Key System--I'll stick with the new nomenclature from now on, I like it better anyway) fixed/reset.

    No luck. Actual quote from Mark, the Prius Tech "I've never been this confused in my life." When I went out to see how he was doing after waiting in the waiting room for almost an hour and a half you'd have though someone just told him his dog had died. He'd called Kansas City, got no help. He called California...they told him to do some other TSB...no dice...the TSB they sent him didn't even look the same as what he was seeing on his scanner.

    Ok, the details of what I've discovered/learned/deducted....
    1)They sent a new FOB and key with the Computer/Combination Meter. He sent back my old FOB/key. Said it was part of the TSB, but I can't really find anything in there that says that.

    2)When I brought in the car I brought both my new FOB and my wife's old FOB. I noticed something interesting as I was getting into the car this morning. When I opened the driver's door and moved the fob within the range of the interior oscillator/transmitter a tiny hidden light on my wife's FOB (but not my new one) began flashing and continued to flash for several minutes. Eventually it would stop for no apparent reason.

    3)My wife's FOB will start the car with the FOB in the slot, but it will not unlock or lock the car with pushing the buttons....my new FOB works fine for all things, except the SKS....hmmmm. I asked if maybe my wife's FOB battery could be dead, but they said "no" b/c the light flashes. Still tempting to try a new battery.

    4)Neither FOB seems to be 'registered' with the SKS system in the car itself. This is the worst part to me. As I see it it's exactly the same as if you lost both of your FOBs and had no spare. They can't just get a new fob and register it with the car, they have to replace the entire SKS computer with some pre-registered FOBs!! I'm afraid I might be in for an entire new SKS computer.

    Where I stand on this....They're trying to get one of the high powered Prius Techs from Kansas City to come down sometime soon to work on my Prius to try to fix it. They're supposed to call.

    First bar since refill dropped off at around 90 miles into the tank. The second bar dropped off about 30 miles later. Hmmm...not too reassuring that the TSB has made the guage more predictible. Still, I care most about the end of the tank and how much is left when the last bar starts flashing...We'll have to wait another week or so for that answer.

    Stay tuned for further updates!
  10. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    Right now, I'm driving my car while awaiting word on the computer arriving - the dealer (Koons Tysons Toyota, Northern Virginia) told me on Monday it'd only take a day or two for the computer to arrive (?!) - they've got in the filler pipe, but as soon as word is in that the computer is here, I'll take mine in with, as asked by the service representative, 'as little as possible gas in the tank'.

    Hoping to hear back from him today, I'll be sure to mention how it all goes once the car goes in.

  11. bookrats

    bookrats New Member

    Mar 12, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    Thanks very much for the detailed reports, Evan; and major sympathies for the problems you're experiencing.

    Your first report made me think of the half-dozen software settings for wireless key transmission (with or without SKS) that I've seen listed here and there on the Service Manual CD.

    Thought maybe something had "switched off" one of the software settings, so the car wasn't even trying to receive & transmit in SKS mode. However, the flashing light on your wife's fob makes me scratch that idea -- i.e., your Prius is "trying" to make contact.
    So, we'll cross our fingers for you.

    Besides, those high-powered Prius Techs from Kansas City -- there's nothing they can't do! Why, I've heard they can get 55 MPG out of a Prius running on apple butter and hard cider! :)
  12. losaltosprius

    losaltosprius Junior Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    My sympathies on the key fob problems. It makes me reluctant to take my car in for the fix.

    If it's of any assistance, here are three out of four PDF files associated with key fob programming that I downloaded from one of the sites (unfortunately, I can't recall which one!) in April.

    I find them barely intelligible, so I can also sympathize with the Prius tech who worked on your car! Toyota builds a great product, but the documentation (apparently, both for the users and the technicians) is lacking.

    [Note: I can apparently only attach three files here at a time. The next message contains the fourth.]
  13. losaltosprius

    losaltosprius Junior Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    Here is the fourth keyfob related file.
  14. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Thanks for the files, I'll take a look, but I think I have them and, unfortunately, all require both the hand held scanner/programmer tool AND a registered FOB...I have neither currently.
  15. victor

    victor New Member

    May 18, 2004
    Gilching Bavaria Germany, &amp; Drapanos, Crete, G
    I have a manual method of deleting and re-registering a the fobs. I will post it tomorrow night (its at home and I only have net access from work)
  16. losaltosprius

    losaltosprius Junior Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    One other thing: in the mysterious file cix1.pdf (Registration) the flow chart on page 2 has a flow chart in which the first step in the third box labelled "Hand-held tester operation" is:

    "Select LS430 from the menu."

    Would a Lexus dealer have more experience with this process?

    Just a thought.

    As I said, the process (even if we had the tool) is virtually unintelligible to me and I have graduate degrees in Physics and Computer Science!

    Good Luck
  17. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    [align=center:e728e2f345] UPDATED #2A[/align:e728e2f345]

    Service manager called. As I'd thought and as I told them...but they didn't want to believe, the SKS ECU must be replaced.

    If you have this TSB done and you have the SKS DO NO TURN OFF YOUR SMART KEY SYSTEM!!!! He said that when they talked to the 'experts' they said that is why it isn't working. There is nothing in the TSB that warns of this, but when the system is reset, if the SKS is not turn "ON", then it clears the registration and you can no reregister the FOB...essentially the SKS is dead.

    The new SKS ECU is expected in next week, along with 2 new FOBs. Hoping they'll let me keep my 2 old fobs and just register those to the car as well so I'll have spares.

    This is good. Something valuable learned so hopefully others won't suffer the same fate. Evan the Guinea Pig strikes again!!
  18. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    Evan: Thanks for the timely update. HUMU is in for his brain transplant for the fuel gauge TSB and I wonder if I will have the same problem. Last time I brought him in, I had to re-engage the smart entry, but the car did recognize the fob. Hope yours was only a one-time occurence and that this won't happen to all of us getting this work done.
    I appreciate your huge contributions to this chatline, by the way. I noticed that you also have a Seaside Pearl Prius. Do you get comments about the color? Most people who talk to me about my car comment favorably on the color.
  19. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    You're welcome and I'm glad I've been of some help. I get an aweful lot from these communities and hope to give a little back.

    Most people do like the seaside blue, but by far most want to talk about hybrids in general.

    Finally, I emphesised this more in my thread at Priusonline and Yahoo 2G, but folks like Tempus who have to leave their car for up to 2 weeks at the dealership are in a tough spot!

    In 2 weeks, if you leave your SKS turned on, you will almost certainly drain your 12v battery. If you turn it off, and the service tech doesn't know to turn it back on (and how would he since the TSB says NOTHING about it), then you lose your SKS ECU!! I think this is a situation where it is very very important to talk with the service advisor, try to talk to your service tech, let them know about this problem. Write a note to turn the SKS back ON and tap it to the steering wheel or over the key fob slot or something. Maybe go back once a week and insist that they let you start and run the car for a while to recharge the 12v battery. Since the waits for the replacement combination meter/computer are clearly in the 10day to 2 week plus range right now and many dealers are insisting on keeping the car we're going to see problems with either dead batteries or unregistered ECUs, neither is a good situation!! :pukeleft: :pukeleft:
  20. TheMaskedMan

    TheMaskedMan New Member

    Aug 20, 2004
    Fly Over Country
    I was planning to have mine done next week. But not after reading this info!! My dealer had not even heard of the bulletin. Thus, I'll wait and just continue to fill up with only 7 or 8 gallons. That's no problem. But being first in line at this dealership, THAT would be a problem.