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Prius - not the car for all occasions?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Cox, May 12, 2007.

  1. Cox

    Cox New Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    I haven't posted here much, so apologies if I've broken some forum protocol: I want to indulge/share my story and see if I'm alone in my rationale...

    OK, so the history: I sold my beloved '02 E46 BMW M3 Coupe and bought a 2007 Prius touring with all the toys about 6 months ago. Why the change of heart? Well, I'm a bit of a petrol head (as I'd say, being from the UK) and, if I'm honest, a bit of a badge snob too, and was always delighted to be driving the M3. However, after a few years of ownership I couldn't justify the 'climatic footprint' of driving such a car day in day out, to work, pleasure etc etc. I therefore committed to driving a more environmentally friendly car - and after much research I chose the Prius as car that fits the bill, but also has the practicality to take my mtn bike in the back or even the three kids at a push.

    More recent history: Since getting it Nov last year, I have really, REALLY, tried to like the Prius: I even spent about $2k on the stereo to compensate for (read "drown out") the car's awful sound on the highway - the drone of that Atkinson cycle engine connected to the road through a CVT is truly dreadful - not loud - just dreadful. A more minor comment would be the slightly cheap feeling internal build quality, but I can live with that. Having said all that I'd made a commitment and I did feel like I was doing the right thing by the environment, plus I was pleasantly surprised by the reduced number of visits to the gas station (plus the reduced costs of filling up too), and around town the horrible engine sound is somewhat supplemented by the wafting sound of the electric whine which I find serene. However I do mostly highway driving, and whilst I try to go easy on the throttle, sometimes I'm in a little more of a hurry, so I'm averaging 43 to 48 mpg per tank - so still about 2 to 2.5 times the mpg that I got from the M3...

    Now: Fast forward six months of Prius driving and...? I have to admit I couldn't take it any longer. Now remember, I'd made a commitment to drive the Prius... so... a month ago, in order to, in my mind at least, 'have my cake and eat it' I bought a 2nd car, a '03 Porsche Boxster S (actually it's a 3rd car if you count my wife's Odyssey), which, I should hastily add, I commit to using FEWER than 1 day in 10. Like I say, I've had the new car for a month - and so far I have met my 'new' commitment: I now drive the Prius about 90% of the time, and just when I can't take it any longer, a take the Boxster and sigh a breath of blissful release. Don't get me wrong, I like the Prius for the right reasons, but I think there are a few important reasons why it's not the a car all could live with every day...

    So, I know I risk being flamed here, but am I truly alone in my judgement of the Prius? Have I sold my soul? Are there others who yearn for the powerful throb of a finely balanced, larger engine, whilst driving their Prii for the good of the planet/wallet et al? Whatever your opinion, I'd like to hear it.

    Happy driving! Cheers,

  2. boulder_bum

    boulder_bum Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2007
    Castle Rock, CO
    2007 Prius
    To some degree, it seems like sort of a "princess and the pea" kind of thing (hopefully I'm not the only one who knows that story). I noticed Prius owners who previously owned luxury cars complain of the the seats, the stereo, the engine noise, what have you, but I used to own a bare-bones Subaru wagon and everything about the Prius seems like an improvement over that car.

    Most of the issues mentioned are probably only a problem if you're used to a better alternative. I, for one, am not, so I never notice.

    That said, while you'd be giving less money to terrorists if you drove your Prius all the time, driving it 9/10 of the the time is 90% better than driving the Boxter S exclusively.

    I wish everyone who drives a sports car/SUV would drive a Prius 9/10 of the time! Think of the impact that would have!
  3. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    Are you driving on those horrible OEM tires? That's a lot of the road noise. Sound deadening/isolating material is available. But if it's just a badge snob thing...
  4. Cox

    Cox New Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Boulder Bum @ May 12 2007, 02:28 AM) [snapback]440439[/snapback]</div>
    'Princess and pea' - yes, that sums me up nicely!! <_<

    Thanks for endorsing with the 90% better argument - I feel better already...
  5. spideyman

    spideyman Junior Member

    May 4, 2007
    Central Illinois
    2014 Prius
    Personally, I don't miss or yearn for a gas guzzler. I am very happy and pleased to have purchased a vehicle that saves me money at the pump, and that was my main goal in making my purchase.
  6. Cox

    Cox New Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bill Merchant @ May 12 2007, 02:44 AM) [snapback]440443[/snapback]</div>
    Actually I don't notice the tires so much (mainly the engine drone due to natural CVT adjustments on the highway) - why is there a much better tire? Less noise would be less energy waste, potentially, right?

    But, no, it's certainly not just badge snobbery. A Civic Si with a manual 'box would probably have fulfilled most of my desire to 'enjoy the driving experience again'.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(spideyman @ May 12 2007, 02:47 AM) [snapback]440447[/snapback]</div>
    Good post - and I suspect there are lot here that will agree with you. Cheers.
  7. onlynark

    onlynark Member

    Mar 10, 2007
    bay area
    Other Hybrid
    Cox your not the only one. I completely agree with Boulder, that many people who've owned luxury/sports cars are not fully satisfied with the prius. Remember, your going from a ~50k car to a ~25k car. Thats half the cost of your M3. So dont think the prius will have all the benefits of the M3. But then again, this doesnt only occur with cars. With almost everything in life, if you go from something expensive to something a lot cheaper, you probably wont be fully satisfied. Its like eating regular steak after having had filet mignon for several years. Or living in a 1 bedroom apartment by the highway, train station, and dump after having lived in a 5 mil house.

    btw, my friend has an 02 or 03 m3 as well. Although IMO the seats are slightly better, as well as the stereo, the prius matches it pretty well in regards to comfort. Also, take a look at the HCHII, that might be more your style.
  8. Cox

    Cox New Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(nark @ May 12 2007, 02:55 AM) [snapback]440452[/snapback]</div>
    Good points. Yes, I guess the quality/price point is a big driver for me. And whilst I agree that comfort is all there in the Prius, the build quality, whilst acceptable, is not as nice as a premium vehicle - but like I said, I can live with that. It's the, er, driving dynamics of the Prius that I can't live with everyday... and I'm surprised how many folk sort of agree, at least partially, with my rationale (not necessarily the execution)

    On the HCHII suggestion, you know, you're spot on the money there - I have to admit, I actually prefer the HCHII for appearance at least, but the back seat doesn't fold down, so it was impossible to load the mtn bike into it. That alone made it a non-option for me.
  9. onlynark

    onlynark Member

    Mar 10, 2007
    bay area
    Other Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cox @ May 12 2007, 03:06 AM) [snapback]440454[/snapback]</div>

    yeah I agree. Also, my friend's brother (same friend that owns the m3) currently owns a dodge viper. They also have an H2, a Ranger Rover and a jaguar. So I agree, the quality is not really luxuries, but for a car thats at least half the price, its actually not bad. Plus it has all the cool tech toys like the backup camera and stuff.

    I also agree that the back seat is a disadvantage of the HCHII. But for me, it doesnt matter, I can use my dad's prius if I need to haul anything :rolleyes:
  10. jamarimutt

    jamarimutt New Member

    May 4, 2004
    I moved from a GTI turbo to the Prius and for several months missed the excellent performance, the quality of the interior, and various ammenities, such as fully adjustable seats, telescoping steering wheel, automatic door lock at 8 mph, etc. But, three years and 62,000 miles later I am very happy with the Prius. The gas savings (including fewer visits to the fuel pump), the smart entry system, the climate control feature (set it at 75 and forget it) and the CVT transmission (no shifts) are the things I like the most. Overall performance and comfort are also good.
  11. senna4ever

    senna4ever New Member

    Mar 19, 2005
    Stupid 2010 Olympics
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cox @ May 12 2007, 02:02 AM) [snapback]440436[/snapback]</div>
    No, you are certainly not alone. My Lexus was my escape...but I only have the Prius now, as the Lexus was totaled by a taxi that ran a red light. I haven't bothered to buy another car yet...soon, maybe. I've kind of come to terms with the Prius' high noise levels, crappy ride quality and uncomfortable interior.
  12. robincx

    robincx "Fear is the mind killer"

    Feb 21, 2007
    North Boston, NY
    2007 Prius
    I see your point clearly and feel you've compensated perfectly. I also share your admiration of tidy construction and g-forces. I've had a couple of Porsche's myself and still own an Audi A4, not the same thing as your Boxer of course, but it does sit flat on the road and tracks like a tank. Merchant is correct about the tires though, they are awful. I've added 17" wheels with 215's as well as a BT plate thus far and the improvement to the driving experience is substantial. However, I am currently looking at a Hayabusa to satisfy my occasional need for speed and g's.
  13. senna4ever

    senna4ever New Member

    Mar 19, 2005
    Stupid 2010 Olympics
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(robincx @ May 12 2007, 06:26 AM) [snapback]440472[/snapback]</div>
    Ariel Atom! :)
  14. robincx

    robincx "Fear is the mind killer"

    Feb 21, 2007
    North Boston, NY
    2007 Prius
    Ah yes, the Atom, have you seen the UK video's? Question is, have you seen any in NA? ...plus the ticket is a bit out of range for an weekend toy. Either would be fun on the Sea to Sky highway though.
  15. donee

    donee New Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    2010 Prius
    Hi Cox,

    I never had a problem with the engine "drone". I define a drone as a continous constant pitch, low frequency pitch noise. And the Prius just does not drone to that definition. The Prius engine changes pitch all the time. It did take some getting used to the pitch variability. Which might be called a low frequency chirp, or anti-drone. I was very keyed into gauging vehicle speed by engine pitch during highway cruise. And had to unlearn that and do casual glances at the speedo instead. Good thing they put the speedo right there up front. I did find that anoying at first, but am used to the Prius now. An aural speedo might be a good ad-on. Then the Prius would drone like other cars do, although you could set up the audio harmonics to make it more of a rumble. And you would probably be more satisfied with it with the aural sensation.

    Coming from a Saturn SL2 (think EV1 with a 1.9 liter DOHC aluminum gas engine and second row of seats), all the amenities in the Prius are a significant upgrade.

    The main complaint I had was the non-linear handling feedback, and chasis low resonance frequency, which intefered with man-machine control loop. That was remedied to my satisfaction with the installation of a BT Tech Chasis Stiffening plate (although its probably more of a chasis vibration damper). Now the feedback from the road is much better, and the car goes where you point it, when you point it, not after three or for 1/2 second period vibrations. The front end still has some odd vibrations when going over bumps, but the tail follows the front now, which it just did not feel like it did before the installation of the BT Tech plate.
  16. Duffer

    Duffer Member

    Jan 5, 2007
    2013 Prius
    You have been conditioned well by the advertising departments of the car companies. You "know how a car is supposed to sound, you know that a performance car makes people envyous, you know that without these status symbles that your life is empty. Snap out of it! A vehicle is meant to move your arse from point A to point B. Do you think that I am wrong? Try walking! The sheep may look up to you for driving a BMW, but do you really base your happiness on what other people think of you? The car industry is finally going to change more than the suttle facelifts that we have seen for the past 35 years and the Prius is a stepping stone. Or you can plug back into the Matrix Neo and be a battery for the machines.
  17. jyl

    jyl New Member

    Nov 17, 2006
    2007 Prius
    The Prius isn't all things to all people, as much as some people think it should or could be. To achieve its fuel economy and still be realistically priced, it has some tradeoffs. Every car does - e.g. the "premium" vehicles you guys talk about have abysmal fuel economy and cost 1.5-2.5X the Prius.

    Your fleet size depends on how much you want and how much you can afford. If you want sports car handling, and can afford it, then the fleet grows. If you want luxury, and can afford it, then the fleet grows some more. If you want nameplate status, then the fleet grows again. I say "want" - no-one "needs" Porsche handling or Lexus comfort or Mercedes status.

    Our "fleet" currently is the Prius, a Porsche 911, and a VW Vanagon camper. The Prius drives 90% of the miles, the VW 10%, and the 911 hasn't been driven much at all lately - but with summer here, that should change, it'll take some of the Vanagon's 10%.
  18. ystasino

    ystasino Active Member

    Apr 17, 2007
    Tucson, Arizona
    2007 Prius
    I think the Camry Hybrid would suit you much better...

    To be honest, this Prius cannot come close to the spirited drive you were used to. Did you really buy the Prius to reduce your carbon consumption?

    I'm pleasantly surprised with the lack of righteousness of most people in this group. I don't think Toyota made Prius to save anyone, and though it's cool to know that you are having almost zero emissions, most people (like me) buy and use the Prius as a great, well-built, pioneer, statement, commuter car that it is.

    This forum's members don't represent the average Prius owner and that's no hit to anyone. I've seen dozens and dozens of Prius cars here in Baltimore, but not a single one had the grills blocked by insulating material. Mine will be the first :)

    So be honest with yourself on what you want. If you can't compromise, the next Prius should have a better interior (why all this hard plastic Toyota?) an 1.8 lt engine, it will weigh less, have less road noise (which does mostly come from the crappy integrity tires) and should be a major improvement. Toyota listens to its customers...
  19. Cox

    Cox New Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jamarimutt @ May 12 2007, 05:07 AM) [snapback]440459[/snapback]</div>

    Good comments. And smart entry?: Now there IS a great technology that frankly should be commonplace by now. Makes using a car so much esaier.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(robincx @ May 12 2007, 06:26 AM) [snapback]440472[/snapback]</div>
    Thanks for comments. You know, I have to say I am still very skeptical about the BT plate. Also, I don't really have a problem keeping the Prius going in the direction I want to - I've got used to having to gauge my user inputs more carefully on the highway.

    A Hayabusa!!?? Now you're talking!! (Just 10% of the time of course... if you can resist the temptation)
  20. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hi Cox,

    You might want to add some sound deadening material (such as dynamat) to the door panels. It might improve the sound quality of your custom stereo and help keep the noise out.

    I do agree that the Prius is not for everyone. But hey, at least you have an option to drive cleanly to work and a toy for the weekends. :)