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FOR SALE - 07 Toyota Prius 800 miles

Discussion in 'Private Sales' started by cfmx, Jul 31, 2007.

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  1. cfmx

    cfmx New Member

    Jul 31, 2007
    We just purchased 07 Prius w/ Package 2. Blue w/ bisque interior July 2nd 07. Love the car but have to sell it. It has 800 miles on it. No accidents, non-smoker, and no pets in vehicle. It is in new condition other then miles. No scratches, dents, dings. We tented the windows w/ lifetime tent and added custome seat covers made for the prius. We are asking $23,000 and live in Palmetto, FL. Purchase price w/ deal admin fee was $25,000. click here to view car.
    Send me a PM if interested or reply to post.
  2. morpheusx

    morpheusx Professor Chaos

    Mar 6, 2007
    Akron, OH
    2011 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(cfmx @ Jul 31 2007, 03:53 PM) [snapback]488250[/snapback]</div>
    Because I'm nosey, why do you need to get rid of it. I mostly ask because this is the second time this week I have seen an 07 prius for sale by an owner with less than 1000 miles on it.
  3. cfmx

    cfmx New Member

    Jul 31, 2007
    Not to sound like we are freaks but my husband and I don't feel safe putting our newborn and 2 year old in the backseat w/ the emf being so high. I know this is a huge topic that goes both ways.
    My uncle who works for the National Cancer Institute in Washington said if it was his car he would not put his kids in it. That is good enough for us and now taking our loss on it.
    We love the vehicle and are already getting avg 50 mpg before break in period.
    I just know that if we where to keep it and one of my kids got sick from a possible side effect of emf I would feel horrible. Most likely we are just being over concern.
    Anyone know how to keep the car running w/ out the battery & electric engine?? Let me know and we will keep the car.
  4. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    Please don't take this the wrong way, but I think your uncle is an alarmist that knows NOTHING about the Prius.

    Your kids are more likely to get cancer from the tailpipe emissions of the SUV you are probably going to replace the Prius with.

    I would suggest you read THIS THREAD in its entirety.

    Then if you're not convinced, sell your Prius...and your cell phone, TV, microwave oven, TIVO, VCR, laptop/computer, etc. Get rid of that iPod (please, send it to me) and sorry, no iPhone for you! Stay away from that photocopier at work. You see where I'm going with this?

    Uncle is full of it. I'd suggest he put another layer of tin foil on his beanie.

    EMF in the workplace.
  5. cfmx

    cfmx New Member

    Jul 31, 2007
    Like I said we will take the loss. We are not looking into a SUV but another mid-size vehicle that is better on gas then what we traded in on the Prius.
    Everyone is entitled to there option. I feel like there is not enough hard evidence either way on emf. Prius sold in Sweden are shielded why shouldn't ours?
    I'm not concerned about emf w/ adults because it does affect us like kids. I don't place my kids in front of our microwave. I don't have a old tv that's not shielded (plus our tv is on maybe a total of 5 hours a week if that). Our kids don't use the cell phones.
    We all know EMF dissipates very rapidly with distance. That is why this is not an issue w/ standard gas cars that have there battery upfront w/ the engine.
    I'm not saying anything negative about the car. Like I said I love the car and hate to get rid of it. I just wish it was shielded more so we and others that have posted the same concerns don't have to worry.
    BTW - not only did my uncle not recommend the kids ridding in it, but also our pediatrician. He said he has taught his kids to use a cell phone for emergency in order to REDUCE the risk of EMF. And since the Prius measured high where the car seats are he would say the same about the car.
  6. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Your pediatrician!!! Gimme a break. Pediatricians get ZERO training in EMF. My wife is a pediatrician, I'm and ER doctor, we have 3 kids and they've all been riding in the Prius almost daily for the last 4 years.

    Have you looked at Godiva's link? What measurements have your uncle or pediatrican taken to determine the amount of EMF in the Prius and what amount are they concluding is a safe level of exposure?

    Sell for whatever reason you wish, but the EMF excuse is just unfounded paranoia.
  7. echase

    echase New Member

    Sep 25, 2006
    Sorry the prius isn't going to work for you... have you considered sheilding the car seat, or the entire rear passenger area? A thin piece if steel (tin/aluminum/lead is not effective, it must be ferrous metal) sheetmetal is all it takes to block magenetic fields.

    I share the OPs paranoia regarding EMF ... but I suggest further research.

    The type of electricity, and if AC, it's frequency would have an effect on the type of field. Isn't the Prius running on DC? It is my understanding that DC does not have a buzz like AC, and thusly screws less with your nervious system. I could be wrong on this. Anyone?

    Still, my one year old who is not allowed to watch ANY television sits in the center of the back seat, right over the battery.

    I appreciate the posters concern for the health of his child, and I appreciate that he has weighed the mainstream sience against his gut. However... there are greater concerns. Check out your television, if it's a tube type TV, the cathode ray tube's electron gun is still aimed directly at the viewer, shielded or not, it's quite harmful... try upgrading to an LCD or Plasma for a more healthy alternative.

    A larger concern for somomone concerned for the health of thier childern is this: organochlorides ... google it up... they are major bad news (science agrees on this) and they are EVERYWHERE. THey are generated by chlorine in tap water, in bleached paper products (diapers, anyone) and in massively high levels in swiming pools, and anywhere chlorine bleach has been used.
  8. morpheusx

    morpheusx Professor Chaos

    Mar 6, 2007
    Akron, OH
    2011 Prius
    I agree with everyone else, what about everytime you walk in to a store and pass through the electronic frequency detector, or go in to almost every public building including most schools, restaurants, and recreation centers that are all wifi hot spots. I remember back in the 80's when I was a kid about hearing about how it was dangerous to be anywhere near a microwave while it was operating, in fact they used to put signs up in some stores and restaurants that said "microwave in use in this facility", 25 years later I have never ever heard of anyone actually having health side effects from the radiation.

    I would be more concerned with the battery exploding from being overcharged and overheated then EMF and the fact is the Prius doesn't ever charge the battery to full capacity so the chances of that are probably about the same as your gas tank exploding in any everyday car. Which is far less then the fact that according to statistics over 50 % of americans will be involved in at least 1 severe car accident either as a driver or passenger in their lifetime.

    I hope it works out for you though and some lucky new owner.

    By the way it has also been proven that by breathing in fumes at the gas station while pumping your gas can be linked to causing brain cancer so make sure you hold your breath as you may need to pump a little more often.
  9. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    People people people. . .

    Clearly they do not want the car any longer. Why do you continue to waste your time?

    If anyone is interested in a 2007, low-mileage Prius please contact cfmx.
  10. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    Now, given the concern over the health of their children I have to wonder why the original poster didn't consult Uncle and Kid Dr. before purchasing a Prius. It's not like no one knew about the batteries or the motor in the car.

    I'm afraid the more I read the lower my esteem for the OP goes.

    Didn't read my link. Didn't do any homework.

    So I'm downgrading to either Troll or really.......let's be polite and say ......grossly uninformed and easily swayed by the totally uninformed and hysterical anti-hybrid crowd (which would include Uncle and Dr. Baby.)

    You're entitled to your opinion. Go ahead and sell your car. But don't try to convince any of us here about the evils of EMF and how the Prius is all going to give us (or our kids) cancer. Because we know what we're talking about. You obviously don't. You have formed your opinion. But we are informed of the facts.
  11. boulder_bum

    boulder_bum Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2007
    Castle Rock, CO
    2007 Prius
    Not to throw accusations around, but the broken English of the poster makes me suspicious that this might be a scam.

    "Everyone is entitled to there option."
    "Most likely we are just being over concern."
    "We tented the windows"

    I wouldn't be surprised if the "seller" were either a Nigerian who wants a check or personal information without selling anything, or someone peddling stolen/defective goods.

    I only say this because I used to work for an e-commerce company and we had to watch out for this kind of fraud.

    Quick overview of "advance fee" or 419 fraud:
  12. PriusMikeAZ

    PriusMikeAZ Junior Member

    Jul 27, 2007
    I think you're being a bit paranoid! It's just some batteries. There are so many frequencies floating in the air now between WiFi, Cell Phone, Satellites, Microwaves, etc, it's no wonder everyone doesn't have brain cancer. The reason is, it's because it doesn't cause cancer.

    I'd do some real research before you get rid of a car which gets 50MPG and cuts greenhouse gases by 50%, on throw $4-5K away! (yes, I average 50mpg with the AC on). Maybe call up NASA and the Jet Propolsion Labaratory for advice.

    I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 18 month old. They don't drive in my car since I use it for work and my wife drives a van, the kids rid in it, but I wouldn't hesitate transporting my little ones in my car.

    No one has gotten brain cancer from Cell Phones and they've been around since the mid 70's!
  13. ceric

    ceric New Member

    Oct 30, 2004
    Fremont, CA
    2005 Prius
    Whoever is concerned about EMF should be very very concerned about their hair dryers,
    though you use it only briefly.
    They emit much EMF and when they do, they are so close to your heads! :D
  14. Godiva

    Godiva AmeriKan Citizen

    Apr 8, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Boulder Bum @ Jul 31 2007, 11:43 PM) [snapback]488497[/snapback]</div>
    custome seat covers?

    Ridding in it?

    "And since the Prius measured high where the car seats are he would say the same about the car." Since when? Where's the proof?

    More likely Romania.

    She knows the Prii in Sweden are shielded and didn't bother to do any research before buying this Prius in July? You'd think anyone that concerned would have done a little homework before such an expensive purchase. Total clueless before purchase, now an expert less than a month and 800 miles later?

    And there was a recent poster that was offered a low mileage Prius for under $5,000. That turned out to be a scam. Wonder if the original scammer found us and decided to "sell" their Prius here.

    BTW my favorite 419 site is Scam-o-Rama. Very amusing reading.
  15. NoMoShocks

    NoMoShocks Electrical Engineer

    Jan 21, 2007
    Camas, WA
    2010 Prius
    I would be happy to buy the used Prius, but since it is one of the high EMF models, I can only offer $18,000. Also, after tenting the windows, did that completely take care of the termite problems?

    You might want to consider replacing it with a Hummer. They have Very Low EMF, and will last 2.5 times longer than a Prius as well.

    Sorry, I guess I am still shook up today, because some of my friends and I were chatting about my Prius today at work, and they were asking me about the gas mileage. I said I had got 60 MPG one day, but my average was closer to 52 to 55. Then one of the other engineers popped out of his office to inform me that it was a well established fact that Prius cost more to operate than a Hummer when you consider the cost of all the materials, cost of labor, yada, yada , yada, so I told him that that report was proven found to be full of unsupported facts, but he would not accept it. Instead, he just kept saying, no, it is true, I red it in a magazine. Oh well.
  16. Rae Vynn

    Rae Vynn Artist In Residence

    May 21, 2007
    Tumwater, WA USA
    2007 Prius
    Well, along with selling your Prius, I sincerly hope that you've only breastfed your babies, and that you NEVER give them any dairy products at all.
    Also, that you are limiting their exposure to pesticide and herbicide residues (very carcigenic) by only feeding them certified organic produce and meat (if you allow meat. Meat is acidic, and cancer thrives in an acidic environment.)
    Oh, and make sure that they are eating enough organic blueberries, every day.
    No soda pop, ever. Between HFCS and artificial sweeteners, any pop is setting you up for metabolic disorder, a much higher incidence of diabetes, and possible colon cancer.
    Are they getting enough vitamin D?
  17. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Alright guys.
    I'm putting an end to this. I think you've managed to more than question their impressions and desires, I'm pretty sure you've managed to insult them personally.

    Questioning the rationale of the EMF claim provided by someone else is one thing but over-reacting to someone attempting to do what they is best for their family is something completely different.

    They said twice that they didn't want to talk about it but it just wouldn't drop. They've been accused of being a troll. So I guess it serves two purposes when I keep this thread from perpetuating any further.

    By the way: if you are interested in the car, please PM the original poster.
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