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Should I buy the 04 Prius?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by marcovi, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. marcovi

    marcovi Junior Member

    Feb 4, 2004
    2010 Prius
    Any thoughts why not? $28,000 Tax and Licence for package #9 in total for California. Is it really worth it? Does it really save that much fuel? To compensate overall cost? Return on Invesment? Savings?
  2. jeffrey

    jeffrey New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
    Marcovi, if you are buying this car simply to save money on fuel, it is probably not worth it. I bought it because I wanted to support the technology, and save some fuel, and not at all because it was absolutely the coolest thing automotive-wise in decades.... :mrgreen:

    I traded a car that got around 22-27mpg for the Prius, and it gets around 45-50 overall. If this halves my consumption of gas, the savings is easy to calculate. For my own part I guesstimate a savings around 12 gallons per week. Hardly significant in the overall scheme of things, but on the other hand if everyone did this the savings would be overwhelming.

    If, however, you simply want a short answer, then ok. Buy it :)

  3. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Let's take your question in little pieces...

    1)Should I buy...?depends much on your situation, priorities, and financial status.

    2)Is it worth it...? I think so. I think you have to look at the whole package, the entire product you're getting. What other sub-$35K car has VSC, SE/S, Bluetooth phone, Touch screen and voice activation controls, lowest emissions and one of the highest mpg of any vehicle on the road? Much depends on your priorites here. If you're looking for a luxury car then this won't do it for you--the seats don't adjust much, the finish is not top notch, there's a bit more road noise than one would like. But for a mid-size car in this price range I think it's hard to find anything to compete.

    3)Does it really save that much fuel...? Enough to make up the difference in cost of a Corolla? Probably not unless you do a lot of driving. Enough to make up the difference in a top end Camry--yes. Enough to compete with a $10K compact fuel efficient standard transmission car--never. Does it save enough gas to help save the earth--probably not your car alone, but as the start of something larger and more important--you betcha. I have almost 4200 miles on my Prius--I've put 92 gallons in it---I have at least another 300 miles in this tank of gas! Compared to my Expedition I put about that same amount of fuel in it every 1100 miles! Maybe not a completely fair comparison if one is in the market for a fuel efficient car, but in my case that makes a huge difference. Again, this car boils down to a lot more than just a dollar for dollar comparison for many of us. And, even with that as a big comparison point I think the Prius holds it's own when you consider comperable features.

    4)Return on Investment, Savings...? Still a bit of a question mark if you mean resale. The Classics held their value quite well, but now there's a little bit of a glut of them on the market with many folks trading up for the '04. Savings? Again, if you want the cheapest vehicle on the road to drive this is not it. If you can take pleasure in the great MPG, great emissions control, great technology, fun of driving, and accept that the cost of those things plus some of the other features that make this car so special and unique then it is a great value.

    I suspect that, since you're considering a Package #9 that you're NOT looking at just the cheapest car to drive on the market (nobody NEEDS voice activated navigation) You're intriqued by and interested in the technological features, I suspect. If that's the case then I think you'll easily find this car a bargain. The more you drive and appreciate the sophistication of this car at so many levels that you don't even know about yet you grow more and more fond of it and more and more impressed with what Toyota has create and where the world is headed in the not very distant future.

    Just don't get in a hurry to get one...you've got a wait in store.
  4. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    Evan said it well. You are probably asking the question because there is a "committee" in your head; some of whom think this is way cool, technologically advanced, great for the environment, etc, and others on your head committee think it's not worth spending this much money, you could be spending it on something more practical or investing in your 401k, etc. Is that your mother's voice you hear??
    We all have multiple selves when confronted with big decisions. I spent many nights alternating between money anxieties and sci-fi fantasies about this car as if it were some spaceship. My partner's son thinks it is.
    I opted, like Evan, to put my money into supporting something that holds a promise of change for the better. Until we humans learn to use resources "circularly", i.e. recycle and re-use, instead of linearly where everything ends up in a trash bin, we will most certainly destroy ourselves by destroying our environment.
    When I put my environmental glasses on, 90 percent of the cars I might have considered buying simply vanished. Many of them get good mileage, but, in the end, they represented the past, not the future. I hadn't planned on spending this much money, but this car was so extraordinary that I felt it was time. My second choice of car was the Jetta TDI diesel which I would have run on bio diesel (itself a truly exciting new venue for environmental rescue and rethinking).
    I doubt you will regret this car. I disagree with Evan about the fit and finish. I think the car is very well put together and the fit is typical Toyota: sharp, even seams, matching joints, flawless worksmanship. I think this car is easily worth 35k. A friend who drives a Lexus felt the Prius was a worthy comparison.
    Keep us posted. (Little voice in your right ear, whispering:" Do it, Do it.")
  5. Jeemz

    Jeemz New Member

    Feb 29, 2004
    Sonoma County, Northern California
    Bob, your arguments FOR buying a Prius are almost exactly mine. I too was looking at the Jetta TDI, with the thought towards biodiesel. But getting that alt. fuel would have been a bit hard and the current use of diesel is just too dirty for me.
    I was also looking at the MINI, but then, having to buy premium fuel for it, despite its CLAIMS of 33 mpg, at about $2.50 per gallon as of today, it cancelled itself out of the running. What was left???

  6. Jeemz

    Jeemz New Member

    Feb 29, 2004
    Sonoma County, Northern California
    Hey Marcovi,
    What finally tipped it for me (to order a Prius) was the thought that when I'm 90, sitting on my rocker on my front porch, cat in lap, I'll regret the day I DIDN'T BUY that Prius auto-mobile back in '04!

  7. chgoman

    chgoman New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
    Not that it's really been done here, but one argument against the Prius that I think is funny is when people say it's not worth buying the car from a financial standpoint because you'll never save enough money in fuel to make up for the increased price over the Corolla. That's a funny argument for 2 reasons.

    1. It's a completely different car than the Corrolla (size, shape, and definately features), so why compare it to the Corolla.

    2. Many peoples choice in buying the car isn't Prius or Corrolla. In my case, I love trucks and have used them extensively for many years. For me, if I didnt' get the Prius, I'd probably have looked at another Ford Ranger as mine has served me faithfully for many years. Comparing the 45-50MPG on the Prius vs. the 17 MPG I average on my Ranger, you can see that I'll save a lot of money over just a few years. For me not only does buying a Prius make sense from a environmental and technology standpoint, but financially it really does make sense.
  8. boa8

    boa8 New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
  9. ifftster

    ifftster New Member

    Mar 5, 2004
    St. Petersburg, FL
    Simply put...it's all that and more. :D
  10. Dauth

    Dauth New Member

    Feb 23, 2004
    Chester County, PA
    Look, first things first, you came to a Prius board so you are not likely to get too many dissensions. Most of us here either own or are in the process of buying one so there is little likleyhood that we are going to severely badmouth something we have invested this much time and money into. That being said, the responses above questioning what you are looking for are right on the mark. Car buying is a pretty personal choice and a lot more plays into it than pure logic. If all any of us needed was a vehicle to get us form point A to B we could probably all get by with what we had/have prior to owning the Prius (even if it meant repairing it)

    Ask what it is you want out of a vehicle and what you want it to say about you. Be honest, a lot of us want that ego stroke of what the car says about us. Even the same car means different things to different people - both positive and negative. Some look at the Prius and see high-tech, others environmental concern, anti-SUV arguments, high quality, inspired styling, bland styling, overpriced compact/midsize car etc. What do you see?

    I started looking for a vehicle almost a year ago. Probably a mid-life crisis thing. I was first set on a WRX wagon - quirky, fast yet still somewhat practical. In the end, expensive to own (premium gas, high insurance rates) and a little cramped in the rear for my son. I looked at a Mini (very fun to drive - very cramped too), Honda Element (very functional but felt underpowered and gas milage wasn't that good - my son loved it though), Honda Accord (excellent build but ultimately bland), Hyundai Elantra (inexpensive to own/operate, good warranty but not inspiring), VW Jetta (very nice interior - very cramped rear seat, a lot of reported quality issues) and many other cars. I finally selected a Prius with the AM package.

    I'm not sure even now I can fully explain why. I liked the newness of it, the technology involved and the fact that I would get good gas mileage and low emissions. There is plenty of room inside for my family, the hatchback is very practical and Toyotas reputation for quality is excellent. I felt for around $23,000 it was a good compromise for what I felt I needed in a car (comfort, room, quality, low operating expense) and what I wanted in a car (something new/different/quirky). I don't regret the decision.
  11. boa8

    boa8 New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
  12. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    I agree, well said, Dauth. At the same time we have to remember that boa is from Switzerland, where I think he's said before that he would be paying a 40% premium compared to the US price and the a few of the options he's really interested in aren't even available (HID).

    Bottom line - if boa were in the US I bet he would stick out the wait :)
  13. XravenX

    XravenX New Member

    Feb 6, 2004
    Harrisonburg, VA
    I am trying to buy a prius cause I am an eco-ranger. I traded away my V8 gas guzzler for a Prius because I want to "do my part". The gas savings verse the up front cost is very small. If you drive 100 miles to work and back everyday, I could see a benefit. But the Prius is hopefully the start of eco-friendly cars and I wanted to support that change.
  14. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    I've had my '04 Prius (blue #7) for almost two months. If you look at the whole car (not just the HSD) I think it is worth far more than its price (though for me the nav would not have been worth it). This is a great car: it's comfortable, it handles well (admittedly, less so on the freeway in a strong crosswind), and contrary to one of the comments above, it's got great fit and finish. And being a Toyota you can expect better reliability than just about anything else out there. The high mileage, hybrid technology, and super-clean emissions, are all just gravy.

    The savings on gas won't ever pay the difference compared to an econo-box, but what you're getting is not an econo-box: you're getting a semi-luxury car at a bargain-basement price. Plus you get to feel green.

    If you need transportation at the cheapest possible price, the Prius is not it and 55 mpg won't make it so. And if you demand the luxury of a Lexus, it's not that either. But if you want the best car that $20K to $30K will get you, this is it.
  15. Jeemz

    Jeemz New Member

    Feb 29, 2004
    Sonoma County, Northern California
    Oh, one more reason to by (as if you needed another): there's a $1,500 tax break for the 2004 year. :wink:

  16. aforkosh

    aforkosh Active Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Oakland, CA
    2023 Prius
    It's only a deduction, not a credit. If your marginal rate is 28%, that comes to a $322 savings in federal taxes.
  17. stuhillman2004

    stuhillman2004 New Member

    Feb 8, 2004
    Limousin France
    2007 Prius
    Go for it. I've been driving Jaguar (XJ6, XJ8 and XJS V12) for years. Now I have to compensate for all that consumption. Not really - the Jags are superb but sooner or later they and the Hummers will bite the dust. I love my 2004 and on the financial front to get all those options on the #9 you have to go Jaguar, Audi, Bimmer etc. So what's the $27K compared to those? Buy it, love it. This is the only car since my MG TD where other owners smile and wave.
  18. mossypete

    mossypete New Member

    Jan 3, 2004
    Berkekey, CA
    Here's another thing to think about,. It's an economy car - a high tech well done roomy comfortable wonderfully effiicient economy car. You''ll be facing acres of plastic trim, manual seats no leather or even vinyl, no sunroof or any of the comforts or luxuries that you'll find in a top of the line 4 cyl Camry which is in my opinion the nearest (slightly roomier) comparable (sizewise and pricewise) Toyota. Test drive both - think about it how much time you spend driving - How important is your interior environment. How important economically or politically is driving a car that gets 25-30 mpg vs one that gets 45-55 mpg. These are some of the issues I thought about before buying mine. I'm happy with it but I do miss some of the things I gave up whe I sold my 20 year old S-Class Diesel Mercedes 300SD.
    On the whole I'm content with my choice but during the especially beautful weather we're having in Northern California riight now I sure do miss having a sunroof
  19. Ken Cooper

    Ken Cooper New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
    We're all different ... It's your call. Here's why, for me, the answer is yes:

    The car has character ... It stands out as unique ... It's superbly engineered ... It's interesting in virtually every respect ... It's environmentally responsible ... It's fuel frugal ... It's very practical (lift back, fold down seats, etc. ... Its roominess surprises everyone (no more complaints from the back seat like I used to get with my Audi A4) ... It has a very fine sounding music system ... and it has something that virtually no other car in this price range has: The combination of Vehicle Stability Control, Traction Control, HID Headlights, and Front & Rear Seat Side/Head Airbags.

    If you have a well developed respect for high technology and engineering prowess, you'll love this car.

    And finally ... It's cool ... It's a lot of fun to drive ... And it commands attention everywhere you go (great conversation starter).

    Your call ...