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Marjorie's New Adventure

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by marjflowers, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. marjflowers

    marjflowers New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
    Owensboro, KY
    2006 Prius
    I am officially registered for the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk in Washington, DC in early October. I will be walking 60 (not a typo!) in 3 days!

    It's strange how this came about -- when the tax rebate bill was signed, I didn't think it's such a great idea. I am virtually illiterate about economics, but I do know things are getting really tough for many people. So I decided that on the off-chance that it would help, I'm going to spend it rather than save it. So then the next dilemma was that I do not want or need any more stuff, and I'm really not interested in stimulating China's economy. So I settled on domestic travel, which I've been less able to do since becoming disabled. My first choice for a quick trip was to go to Las Vegas to see the Cirque du Soliel Beatles show ( did I mention I'm a HUGE Beatles fan?), but given the difficulty so many people are facing, a trip to Vegas just seemed utterly obscene.

    Meanwhile, I had heard of the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk and thought it would be really cool to try. But none of the cities where it is being held is even remotely close to Kentucky. As I was pondering what kind of trip I might take, I saw an ad for the event, and everything clicked into place. Sooooo, I will be using my $600 for airfare and hotel in Washington so I can walk 60 miles! :eek:

    In order to participate, I agreed to raise at least $2,200 that will benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation (not the official name anymore). If the 60 miles wasn't daunting enough, the idea of asking people for money certainly was! But I'm getting past that (sort of). Now my greatest source of apprehension is that during the event, I will be sleeping in a tent without electricity! :eek::eek::eek: You gotta understand, my idea of roughing it is staying at a Red Roof Inn! I've only been camping twice in my life, and both times, it rained, the tent leaked, and I slept in a soggy sleeping bag. The only up side to the tent thing that I can see is that there are a number of people willing to contribute money just so they can see a picture of this!!!

    I am really excited about this challenge, not only because it is such an important cause, but also because I am now physically able to do so. Sixteen months, due to obesity and COPD, I was physically unable to walk as far as my mailbox -- I now walk 5-10 miles a day! I feel like I just have so much to celebrate, and this is the perfect way to do it.

    Peace --

  2. ny biker

    ny biker Member

    May 22, 2007
    Northern Virginia
    2022 Prius
    Wow, that's great. And congrats on the improvement in your health.

    I've never done this walk but I know people who have (here in DC and in California), and they had a great experience. Also I've done similar events, including the Race for the Cure around the Mall (5k walk), a 38-mile inline skating race for Team in Training (Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) and various bike rides for the Lance Armstrong Foundation, so I know the atmosphere will be great. Don't worry about staying in tents - you'll have plenty of fellow walkers to keep you company.

    I hope you'll have time to visit some of the sites while you're here. If you need any information or advice for your trip, there are plenty of PCers here in the DC area who can help.
  3. moxiequz

    moxiequz Weirdo Social Outcast

    Feb 28, 2007
    Bay Area, CA
    2007 Prius
    This sounds great. Congratulations on your improved physical condition! :clap2:

    I love walking. I'm a horrid wimp when it comes to jogging or running but I can walk forever (or about 8 miles in a day - whichever comes first).

    How are you training now? Do you have a regular walking circuit?
  4. marjflowers

    marjflowers New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
    Owensboro, KY
    2006 Prius
    Thanks, guys!

    I am so looking forward to being in Washington again. It's just about my favorite city to visit. It's been a while, so I haven't seen the World War II Memorial. And I'll have to make a trek to the FDR Memorial -- it's my absolute favorite. Monument AND president!

    My walking now consists of using Leslie Sansone's InHome Walking DVDs -- yes, I walk in front of the TV! My friends kid me about it not really being walking. Till I challenge them to a workout! It's really more like aerobics: besides various steps, you're also moving your arms in the air at the same time. The beat of the music sets the pace, and for the most part, it's 4-6 mph. My REAL training will mean facing the outdoors -- aargg -- no ceiling fan and padded carpet! :eek: I'm also going to have to become accustomed to hills. :eek::eek::eek: But the pace will be slower than I'm used to: around 3 mph. Of course, instead of 2 hours at a time, I'll be hoofing it all day!

    Peace --

  5. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    This is great Marjorie!

    Question: Do you raise straight contributions, or do you raise pledges based on how far you actually manage to walk?

    Question: Your first post fails to mention whether it's 60 miles or 60 kilometers in 3 days. Which is it?

    Item: 20 km per day is doable with the proper training and footwear. There are people who walk 20 miles in a day, but I find that even in the best shoes, my feet cannot take it. I walked 16 miles once. Not sure I could have made it another 4. I recommend you include at least some actual walking on pavement (assuming you will be on pavement in D.C.). And work up to an actual 20-mile walk a week or two before the event. And the second straight day will be a lot harder, as your muscles will be stiff and sore. I recommend yoga as a way to stretch and warm up for the day's walk. But that's something you'd need to begin now, along with your aerobic training.

    I'm sure the event will have provisions for people who cannot complete each day's walk. Of course, there's added incentive if the pledges are based on your actual miles walked rather than flat donations before the event.

    I hate sleeping in a tent. However, there will be so much energy, and so much camaraderie, that it will greatly mitigate the physical discomfort, and if the organizers are competent it need not be all that uncomfortable. (If they are incompetent, it could be hell.)

    Suggestion: Find a professional sports trainer who can teach you how to bandage your feet to prevent blisters. But first, in the shoes you will be wearing, go out and walk until you begin to feel the "hot spots." Stop immediately when that happens, before blisters form. This will show you the areas on your feet that need protection. As you build up your distance, you'll learn where your feet need protection and how to protect them. Given adequate aerobic training, it's the blisters that will put the limit on how far you can walk.

    And be sure to provide us here on PriusChat with a way to contribute. You won't want to post your mailing address, but you could take out a P.O. box short-term for the purpose, or create a special PayPal account for the purpose, or something like that. Or maybe the organizers have an address we can send contributions to in your name.
  6. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Okay, I googled them and found your contribution page and made a contribution. It turned out to be very easy to find your contribution page. I am not posting the link, but if you are willing to do so, it might help encourage others to donate.

    I also found an answer to one of my questions: Contributions are straight donations, not based on how far you walk, or even on whether you actually participate. Therefore, I've donated a smaller amount. I'll donate more if you actually enter the event, and most if you walk the full 60 miles, or a pro-rated amount if you walk some but not all.

    On the donation page I sent you a message with details and how much more I'll donate if you complete the event.

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    P.S. If you are not web-savvy enough to post the link, but you'd like it posted here, I'll be happy to do so. I just don't want to post it without your approval.
  7. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    wow. marjorie, that's a wonderful thing to do with your irs check! and to use your improved physical condition to raise donations to help others... you're truly an inspiration!

    and daniel, your generosity is also inspiring. thank you for donating to this important cause.

    breast cancer is an issue that's extremely close to my heart. literally. do we have until october to make a donation?
  8. marjflowers

    marjflowers New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
    Owensboro, KY
    2006 Prius
    Daniel -- Thank you so much!!!!! I sent you an e-mail thanking you for your generous donation through the 3-Day page, but I wanted to thank you here as well.

    I was reluctant to post information about how to donate, because in another chat group I belong to, soliciting donations is strictly forbidden. And PriusChat is simply too important to me to risk abusing it. But if you think it would be okay, I'd love for you to post the link. Web-savviness is not my long suit -- IOW, I don't have a clue how to post a link! If anyone else thinks this is a problem, PLEASE let me know.

    The walk is 60 miles -- yes, 60 MILES!!!! My training will begin next month, and it will include walking on pavement, trails, and (gulp!) hills! It's a 12-week training program designed for novices. During our first meeting, I was assured that, if I follow the training, I'll be able to do it. And besides, having to return home in abject humiliation is simply not an option -- not to mention the added incentive you've provided! :) Seriously, there will be a sweep van for anyone who needs to ride to the next rest stop. They assure us there's no shame in having to use it, but I may have trouble convincing myself. Then again, I ain't closing any doors!

    Your suggestion about checking my feet for hot spots to prevent blisters makes such sense. And I definitely will have to be taught how to properly care for a blister. And thanks for suggestion yoga -- I've been thinking about it for some time, and now is the perfect time to start.

    Again, thank you so much, Daniel. Your contribution is for a truly good cause, and I take it as a personal vote of confidence!

    Peace --

  9. marjflowers

    marjflowers New Member

    Apr 2, 2006
    Owensboro, KY
    2006 Prius
    Wow, what a wonderful thing to say -- thanks, Galaxee! Actually, the inspiring ones are those who donate so generously, and especially those who are living with or have survived breast cancer. Raising money, walking 60 miles, and even sleeping in a tent is NOTHING by comparison.

    Yes, donations can be made through October. If, by the event date, I haven't raised my required amount, I will have the options of either ponying up myself or choosing not to walk. I surely don't have the money, and there's NO WAY I'm going to train for 6 months only to have to drop out at the last minute!

    I'd like to propose a challenge regarding the irs rebate -- I dare you all to find a way to use it to make a difference. It could be a contest of sorts -- most creative, most effective, most bizarre, the possibilities are endless!

    Peace --

  10. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    This is Marjorie's donation page at the Breast Cancer 3 Day organization. Donations go to them, not to Marjorie, but she gets credit towards the $2,200 she must raise to participate. If she fails to participate for any reason, donations are NOT refundable.

    To participate she must raise the money before the start of the event, but donations can be made up to 4 weeks after the event. (In case you want to do as I did, and promise an additional donation, after the fact, conditional on how far she actually walks -- trusting her, of course, as I do, to report honestly.)

    Accepting donations after the event allows participants who have not raised the full amount to give the organization their credit card guarantee of the difference, but continue fund raising after the event, or depend on promises dependent on their performance. Or, it allows people who have raised enough to participate to raise even more through conditional pledges, to be donated after the event.

    If the mods think posting the above link is inappropriate, they are of course free to delete it. I predict they will not. In any case, it does not take much imagination to find her donation page on their site.

    And Marjorie: I am very impressed by the way you have turned your health around, and the way you have found a fun and useful way to use your newfound health and further improve it at the same time!

    As of this posting, Marjorie is 1/3 of the way to the minimum she must raise. There is no maximum.
  11. Boo

    Boo Boola Boola Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    Flushing, NY
    2007 Prius
    Thanks Marjorie, and good luck.

    Thanks Daniel for encouraging contributions and posting Marjorie's contribution page.