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Hydrogen Highway's Dead End. FINALLY !

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by hill, Mar 6, 2008.

  1. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    They already do :) Diesel locomotives don't have 'direct drive', they produce electricity which is stored in batteries. This is then used by the electric motors that move the train. As such, a diesel locomotive is the equivalent of the as yet to be produced Chevy Volt - an electric vehicle with a 'range extending on-board power source'
  2. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Don't know the make but they're identical to the regular Purlator trucks (med-large in size). The only difference is the hybrid decals under the Purlator name and the silence of it cruising by.
  3. miscrms

    miscrms Plug Envious Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2005 Prius
    I know I've posted this before, but it just nicely sums up the whole topic for me:

    BTU/mile "well to wheels"
    2005 Gas ICE: 5900
    2005 HEV: 4200
    2005 FCV: 5100
    2030 FCV: 3200

    From my own calculation based on US DOE testing:
    1999 GM EV1 NimH Grid-to-Wheels: 373Wh/mi = 1273 BTU/mi

    Its not only an efficiency problem. This is one of the more efficient means of producing hydrogen, but its use of coal creates a lot of CO2. If you make Hydrogen from water, it takes considerably more energy than above and all that energy comes from the electric grid. The numbers I've seen put it at 5-9 times more electricity than just driving an EV.

    Here is one study showing that 84% of all light duty trucks, cars and SUVs (or 73% of total LDV fleet) could be converted to 33 mile range PHEVs without having to expand the current electrical generation capacity:

    Lastly, the DOE estimates the cost of a large enough Hydrogen production & transportation infrastructure to cover 40% of the LDV fleet at over $500 Billion! Thats not actually making the fuel, or the cars, or the fuel cells thats just the infrastructure and for less than half of the light duty vehicles on the road!

  4. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    have you heard of Stan Meyer - Water Fuel Cell

    he figured out how to make hydrogen inexpensively

    couple of weeks after he was on national TV he got whacked out.
  5. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Alternative energy inventor assassinated at airport?
    Charlotte Macklenburg Police detective, M. Conner, said that it would be a while yet before the toxicology report comes in on this case​
    On Nov. 11, inventor of a revolutionary, affordable, clean energy technology, M. DeGeus was found slumped in his car, totally unresponsive, in the long-term parking lot of the Charlotte Douglass International Airport in North Carolina.
    He was taken to the hospital and died a short time later. The autopsy suggested heart failure, so officials were saying the death was a result of a medical problem or natural causes, and not likely to be a homicide. (Ref.; ref.)

    Those who were involved with his research are doubtful, citing, among other things, that he had been in good health at around age forty five. The timing is also suspicious. He was apparently on his way to Europe where he was to secure major funding for the development and commercialization of his technology, which could make oil obsolete.

    Charlotte Macklenburg Police detective, M. Conner, said that it would be a while yet before the toxicology report comes in on this case.

    Tom Bearden, a well-known figure in the cutting-edge, clean energy technology industry, wrote a lengthy report on the inventor, his death, and his technology. He said:

    "DeGeus was the inventor of a thin wafer-like material/device that somehow specially aligned the atoms or electron currents ongoing in that material, so that the wafer produced a constant amperage at a small voltage – continuous real power, or in other words a strange kind of “self-powering batteryâ€.

    Bearden also speculates about the cause of death, citing a technology that shoots an electromagnetic beam that destroys the body's control of its heartbeat. He said there are two basic sizes of the Venus ECCM technique. One has a range of around thirty feet, and the other, about the size of a bazooka, has an effective range of around 200 feet.

    Bearden claims to have been hit with such a device along with his colleague Ken Moore while at a restaurant several years ago. They felt the fibrillation and saw the would-be assassin about 20 feet away, with his suit coat pulled back, exposing a book-sized shooter. Fortunately, they were near an emergency exit and were able to get away before a lethal dose was received.

    DeGeus had been in Salt Lake City a couple of weeks ago, demonstrating the technology to some people who were also seeking to raise money for its advancement. That group said that DeGeus was not the only person who knew how the technology works, and they hope to see it go ahead even though DeGeus is no longer around.

    The above information has been brought to the attention of the other media and police.


    Free-Energy Battery Inventor Killed at Airport?
  6. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    there are many of the TESTED sources of alternative energy:

    • Tesla's Turbine (Saipan Tribune)Saipan Tribune; May 13, 2005) - Today, Tesla turbines can be used in a number of practical settings. Co-generation of electric power uses waste heat from conventional diesel generators to provide additional energy from the same fuel, which makes the entire process more efficient. They can also be used for generating electric power from hydro, thermal solar, and ocean-waves. (
  7. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    has anyone of you tried
    Hydrogen-Boost Mileage Enhancement System
    I am thinking of converting my Mb 300 E

    Get 25% to 50% better gas mileage with a Hydrogen-Boost Kit!!!

    How It Works

    Hydrogen, in combinations with other electrolyzed gases (actually Brown’s gas), introduced into the intake manifold of your engine, will accelerate the flame spread during combustion, thereby getting more of the vaporized fuel to combust during the initial part of the power stroke. The benefits of the addition of Hydrogen in an internal combustion engine, including a diesel engine have been well researched and documented. ​
    The fuel heating system brings the fuel to a temperature that allows more of the injected fuel to vaporize, preparing it for combustion. This increases engine power (Power Test) and reduces your engine's need for total fuel, and also reduces exhaust emissions. Recent Emissions Tests showed a major reduction in hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide with comparable or reduces NOx emissions. XCEL PLUS engine treatment protects and reduces friction inside the engine.​
    Dynamometer Tests have shown 18-31% mileage increases with equipment alone. Road Tests have shown 50-100% increases in mileage with the additional implementation of driving tips in the operator’s manual. Most engines equipped with electronic fuel injection and on-board computers adjust automatically, by cutting back on the amount of fuel injected. For optimum mileage gain with an extra-lean fuel ratio we recommend our electronic control circuit that helps the computer make the optimum adjustments. Carburetor equipped engines are enhanced by adjusting the carburetor to compensate for the hydrogen and heated fuel.​
    Installation and Maintenance

    The Hydrogen-Boost System takes an amateur a few hours to install and most of it is only an add-on system that can be removed from your vehicle when you sell it and reinstalled on your next vehicle. The fuel heating system takes about half an hour to install ( depending on accessibility to your heater hoses and fuel line) and requires no maintenance.​
    Maintenance amounts to refilling the Hydrogen Generator with water each time you fill your gas tank. Carry a drinking water bottle in your vehicle and it only takes about the same amount of time as checking your oil. All electrodes are high grade Stainless Steel and never need replacing. ​
    Hydrogen Boost Diesel Applications

    We are pleased to introduce our dynamometer tested Hydrogen Boost system for diesel powered vehicles. More than just a hydrogen generator like our competitors’ devices, our system addresses the whole vehicle in an attempt to optimize efficiency. Please read about the History of Hydrogen Boost Diesel Applications. Our Diesel packages carry the same money back guarantee and commission policy as our gasoline system packages.​

    Hydrogen-Boost Mileage Enhancement System
  8. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    Woooooh! Conspiracy! Him and the inventer of the 200mpg carburator ... and let's not forget the perpetual motion machine, bought out by big oil
  9. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    And although he had a team of researchers none of them knew how it was done and none of them have carried on his research. Does anyone else think that's odd?
  10. zeeman

    zeeman Member

    Mar 13, 2008
    2008 Prius

    how about a few conspiracies related to EVs?

    have you herd of that oil company, what was the name ... ah yes ...Chevron and E95 battery that is perfect for EVs that they own rights to
    and they do not want to sell? Have you heard how they sued Toyota and Panasonic forcing Toyota to stop production of EV RAV 4's thast could make 110 miles on one charge?

    Have you seen the movie "who killed the electric car?
    have you heard how GM smashed all of those EV1's at LOSS even though
    people who owned them wanted to buy them off for 24,000 each?
    instead, it cost GM $600 per car to trick them to Arizona then back to CA where the cars were smelted.

    so, that was not a conspiracy?

    were those things covered by the main stream media, by any chance?
    why not?
    isn't that strange?

    or, maybe i should quote what Bill Hicks would say:

    "go back bed America, your gvmt is in control" and "You are free to do as we tell you. "



    right, there is no conspiracy

    that why gas is $ 4.00 a gallon and our best engines are ICE type that are about 25% efficient, with 75 % pollution and enormous heat loses.

