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MFD touchscreen

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by jkark, Mar 2, 2005.

  1. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    Like many others on this board, I am intrigued at the possibility of playing DVDs and viewing various camera images and the like through the advanced tech provided by Coastal Electronic Technologies via the NavKit, etc.

    But I wonder how the DVD will be controlled? Does the NavKit also intercept the touchscreen commands? And if so, does the receiving DVD player need some special interface?

    In the touchscreen applications that I am familiar with, typically the touchscreen interfaces with the device (e.g. a PC) with a USB cable and then drivers on the PC translate this input into mouse commands, key presses, etc.

    Is something similar possible with the MFD + NavKit?

    I'm really looking to put together a macmini for my Prius and would like to avoid a separate touchscreen for it (far cleaner if I could leverage the MFD somehow). I still have to solve powerdown/up too but since the NavKit doesn't have an iPod interface the macmini could be my "ipod" (and I would use my real ipod everywhere else). Of course, I could play DVDs through the macmini as well.

    thanks for any info...
  2. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    I don't know but it seems to me that with enough hacking (in the old good sense) you could "get it on" I want a macmini fully integrated with the MFD and a high speed cell internet connection as well as iTunes and all the iLife suite, as well as a Tevio substitute. Of course that will be in my living room just before my car.
  3. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well the video controller from Coastal Electronics does what you want it to do (not the Nav Kit). I'm guessing the controls would be via the DVD player that you plug into the video controller
  4. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    Coastal's video kit does not supply touchscreen output to feed to an external device. All it does is provide 2 video and 2 audio inputs by pretending to be SAT2 and SAT3.

    I too would like to intercept the touchscreen and send it to my laptop, and of course send my laptop video to the touchscreen.
    Since the NAV kit obviously sends a keypress, the data is probably sent over the AVC network.
  5. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    thanks all - I know that it seems that our living rooms will be more capable than our cars but I aim to get a macmini going in my Prius if I can...

    I meant to say the video controller not the navkit from coastal but this Freudian slip is actually a good one. As DanMan32 points out, keypresses are sent through the AVC network by the NavKit somehow (to kill the infernal I Agree).

    So, I could take a built-to-order macmini (to add mem, wifi, bluetooth) and install it somewhere convenient in my Prius. Then, a hacked (or newer version) of the navkit could send touchscreen commands to the macmini (via USB?) by listening in on whatever bus that is (maybe it would only work on the map screen though - so there could be a better place in the Prius to do this...). Video and audio output would be through the video kit to the MFD and car audio respectively.

    The macmini comes with iLife and iTunes I'm pretty sure. And if the in-built wifi were not enough at the nearby hotspot one of the broadband providers (e.g. Verizon) sell pretty decent wide area wireless @ 128K I believe. That's pretty close to having your living room in your Prius imho.

    I can do all of this right now if I don't mind bypassing the MFD and use a touchscreen instead (such as this one: http://www.translinks.com/lilliput619.htm) but I much prefer integration with the MFD.

    Right now, I'm pondering how I would power this in such a way that it could come on on it's own and power down when I shut the car down. If I figure that out before I figure out the MFD, I might just have to do this anyway and have two screens in the car somehow...

    Someone already did this with a Lexus and there are other stories as well. Check out: http://www.123macmini.com/news/story/19.html
  6. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    Well, if someone in the Japan area can get the specs on the auto park, that would get us in the right direction. It has to provide the MFD with video, and it has to receive touchscreen data of where the user wants the car parked in relation to the displayed video. So that ID code could be used.
  7. techogurl

    techogurl New Member

    Nov 11, 2004
    Fayetteville, AR
    I had a post about the Mac Mini and the Prius...but it got lost in the site reset. Currently I've been talking to Coastal Dave about an integration project. I am sending him my mac mini to use for compatibility tests. I am also sending him 2 PSOne lcd screens for the headrests. But Dave seems to believe that he can make the mac mini work via the touchscreen.
  8. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    That is excellent news techogurl! So that's all I needed to tip me over: I think I will buy a build-to-order macmini and use it in my Prius in a cobbled together way (see below) until the Coastal solution is ready. Presumably that will be a cable harness or something that can be added to the video unit from Coastal? Hopefully, this will all be ready in time for me to use my tax refund on it... (otherwise, I'm sure I will spend that money on something else less worthy! :))

    cobbled together macmini solution
    1. bto macmini (bluetooth, wifi, 1G ram)
    2. inverter to provide AC for macmini
    3. mini lcd touchscreen
    4. run audio somehow into the car system (I presume there is an aux in somewhere handy in the Prius?)
    5. bt keyboard (to do email and other typing in the car - not while I'm driving though!)

    with this config, I can get started right away! I can re-purpose #3 to my diy pvr (which is headless right now) and re-route #4 when the Coastal solution is ready.

    The last bit of the puzzle is what do about power: I can provide it through an inverter of course (once again, I wish the Prius just had this standard) but I want to power down/up gracefully. I was thinking I could have a mini ups of some kind that stayed charged off of the inverter. There might be a problem with that but assuming it could work, I might be able to have the macmini sense when the ups was not receiving a charge (there are drivers for this I believe) to put the macmini into sleep automatically. It could probably stay in sleep mode for a week I'm guessing and maybe I could trickle charge the ups with a solar panel. From sleep, powering up is just any event on the touchscreen...
  9. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004

    Interesting! I'd like to learn more about that - I presume Google is not turning anything up on this but I will try to find details. I'm guessing everyone is looking and turing up nada.... I'll post what I turn up if anything...
  10. techogurl

    techogurl New Member

    Nov 11, 2004
    Fayetteville, AR
    I guess I should repost this... Dave says that their is a car integration software kit that Apple has for download.

    Additionally the Mac mini is very quiet and draws a mere 20 watts of power; during DVD playback, this rose to only 28 W.

    I no longer believe that the unit will fit in dash in the hubby. If you opt that route, you'd have to cut out the black housing for it to fit. So right now I guess you'd have to install in upper glove box and load dvd at stops. Hmm. :/
  11. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    :mrgreen: All I can say is that I have died and gone to heaven!! All I can say is that I have died and gone to heaven!! :lol: A Mac in my Prius. I quiver.
  12. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    Well, I wouldn't want a mac, but if I can control my laptop PC, that would be awsome! MP3s, DVDs, lots of other stuff. At 800x48 resolution, probably can't do much else like read mail when near a in-the-clear access point.

    Probably don't need an inverter for mac mini, probably would run right off the 12V, even if it draws more current to compensate.
  13. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    ok, it looks like this is going to be really feasible so I am going to order my macmini some time today... I think I'm going to downgrade the memory (to 512M from the 1G I was planning) to afford the faster CPU and more importantly larger disk (80G). This way I can carry around my entire music library as well as soft copies of any DVDs I might want to watch (this will reduce the power consumption even more as I think it is cheaper energy wise to run the HD than the DVD).

    As for power, running off of the 12V directly is a great idea! I might do the UPS thing anyway though because otherwise, I would have to shutdown the mini each time (and worse wait for it to boot). On a UPS, it could stay in sleep mode for days I'll bet.

    For location, I was hoping for in-dash as well... maybe in the holder thing next to the driver's seat? I think there is 12V in there already. I just realized I also have to be careful about location to ensure that WiFi and BT work well.

    Assuming Coastal will have their hands full for a while & therefore not be able to get to this integration in the near term, I will pick up the LCD monitor (and then re-purpose it when it is obsoleted by a connection path to the MFD). Therefore, I also have to figure out how to power the LCD monitor and where to mount it. I think I'm going to go for this one: http://www.translinks.com/lilliput619.htm

    It should be interesting to get this working... I can't wait! Not only iTunes, iLife (especially iMail and iCal), etc. on the road but imagine a bluetooth headset connected to the mini running Skype! VoIP phone call from the car!!
  14. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(techogurl\";p=\"69966)</div>
    I can't find this kit for download anywhere on Apple's site. I even have developer access to the ADC part of the site and can't find anything there. Any pointers to it are appreciated...

    Also, I'm zeroing in on an answer for the power supply. The most promising approach is a limited DIY DC-to-DC solution or I may just buy it complete (the P1900) from these folks (http://www.carnetix.com/) when available. Maybe I will just startup/shutdown the computer in the meantime. I'm certainly not going to wait as that would be far too sensible :)

    I have to dig out from this site how XM is added to the standard car audio - I presume, I can fairly easily add the audio out from the mac mini to Sat1 or something? Or is it not going to be that easy? I don't want to do anything too permanent as I plan to eventually remove the lilliput lcd touchscreen to re-purpose it for home use on my pc pvr. I would then route macmini audio, video, mouse, etc. to the MFD via Coastal Dave's solution when it is available later this year. (I'm already thinking of writing an itty-bitty keyboard app in cocoa for the occasional typing that might be needed via the MFD).
  15. raf

    raf Junior Member

    Feb 25, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(techogurl\";p=\"69966)</div>
    What's the URL for this software?
  16. techogurl

    techogurl New Member

    Nov 11, 2004
    Fayetteville, AR
    I have not downloaded this software to my mac mini. This is just what Dave told me on the phone. So I do not know if it is Apple official vs compatible with Apple products. He has also no provided me a link as he said he'd install it onto my mac mini himself.
  17. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(techogurl\";p=\"70762)</div>
    sounds good - please keep us posted... I wonder if he is talking about iDash? That's an open source project that is looking pretty cool (but early). See this URL: http://idash.sourceforge.net/
  18. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    So, I just wanted to check something with the group real quick.

    I found this device called AUX-BOX that seems to be an auxillary audio input thing (there's one model for the iPod too!). If I'm reading it correctly with the approp (included) wiring harness for the 05 Prius this thing just let's me plug in stereo audio input instead of XM. Do I plug into the JBL (the head unit?) or the CD changer? I have no idea what I'm talking about here.

    I'm willing to give up the 6-CD changer to do this but it looks like I won't have to. I guess that once this widget is plugged in the system recognizes it or something?

    I should be able to get decent sound quality from the stereo headphone jack to the RCA plugs theis aux-box thing has but I'm starting to wonder where I'm going to route all these wires.

    Here's a link fyi to the gadget: http://www.pac-audio.com/auxbox/Default.htm

    It looks like it's about $90-100 online.
  19. bookrats

    bookrats New Member

    Mar 12, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    Pepa describes his experiences in installing a PAC AUX-BOX in this thread.

    Also see the sticky thread
    List of hardware that positively works for links to these products.
  20. jkark

    jkark New Member

    Nov 6, 2004
