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EV Button Use Strategy Discussion

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by efusco, Mar 19, 2004.

  1. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    [cross posted at 2G-YG]

    It's been about 3 weeks since the EVb install mod was announced by Wayne. Several of us have performed the modification. I'd venture to say that the vast majority of us had a vague idea of a few situations where we thought it would be useful. But, if we were being truely honest we did it more for the 'geek factor' and to further extend the technologic and functional capabilities of the Prius.

    So I've had mine for just over a week and a half now and find that I'm actually using it more than I'd anticipated, with no apparent detrimental effect on mileage. I want to do a couple things in this thread.

    1)I want to tell everyone, for purposes of feedback, what I'm currently doing with my EVb, and

    2)Try to get folks to more clearly define
    a)Where EVb is CLEARLY benefitial
    b)Where EVb is Clearly detrimental to MPG/not useful or appropriate to use
    c)Where EVb may be benefitial depending on circumstances, speculation, battery SOC, environment, etc.

    1)How I'm using my EVb:
    First of all, I'm really enjoying it. And I'm using it more than I expected. I can't say for certain that it's improving my gas mileage, but I think I'm reducing emissions a little bit.

    I tend to NOT use it first thing in the morning or after the car has been sitting for a while. I figure the first 5 minutes are pretty well shot, the ICE is going to run to warm the catalytic converter and itself whether I delay it or not. I actually tend to use that first 5 minutes and I just get going, I accelerate a little harder than usual and just go.

    I find that I AM using it when I know I'm going to be stopping soon and will have no need to go over 20-25 mph AND the HV batt. is pretty well charged. That way I figure the ICE won't accidently kick in unnecessarily. For instance, when I come home I turn onto my little gravel road that's about 1/4 mile from my driveway, as I slow to make that turn I hit the EV button b/c without the EV button I have to be VERY gentle to avoid the ICE coming on after I make the turn and accelerate up to 20mph or so. It also wants to kick in as I go up a gentle slope on my driveway after I've slowed to turn on there even though I never get over about 15mph going down my driveway. With the EV I'm in all electric before I make the first turn and all the way into my garage, the battery level doesn't drop a bit b/c there are several areas to coast on that road, yet the ICE never fires up the whole time.

    I do the same thing as I enter parking lots and I used it the other day to move my car to a much closer spot to where my kids were having soccer practice--the ICE never came on.

    a)Where it's clearly a benefit:

    The only CLEARLY thing I can think of is very short trips where ICE use can be completely avoided, particularly when the ICE will be cold and stay cold and thus avoid that initial warm-up period where emissions are at their worst and fuel consumption is at it's worst. Moving the car across a parking lot to a new space being a key example.

    I think you could add to that situations such as a crowded parking garage where you're in a long line of slow moving vehicles for an extended period of time from a cold start. You could potentially delay ICE start for the entire time it takes to exit the garage and then the ICE would start up and warm up only when you entered a normal traffic flow.

    b)Where it clearly is NOT a benefit:
    I'm not sure I have enough knowledge to answer this and look forward to hearing informed opinions here. I suspect that using EV in 'normal' traffic is not a good idea. If you are able to start from a stop light and accelerate smoothly and steadily to speed in normal mode that that is ultimately more efficient than using EV to get up to 34mph before ICE starts. I also believe that it's not a great idea to start up in EV with a cold engine if you'll be entering normal traffic flow right away. I think that the ECU is better programmed to determine when the ICE should start in those situations.

    Obviously, if the HV SOC is relatively low (even if above 3 bars) and you will be traveling in a hilly (particularly up hill) area or need the battery for overtaking/accelerating then I would let the ECU determine what mode to put you in. I suspect it will optimize the SOC. I think efficiency would drop dramatically if the ICE had to work harder to do the overtaking and hill climbing due to inadequate HV juice.

    c)Where EVb might be benefitial:
    This'll probably be the biggest category. Rather than repeat lots of stuff I'll just say that the way I'm using it (end of trip where I know the HV won't drain much but I don't have a need for the ICE to kick in, and long slowed down times in traffic) seems to me to be pretty logical and potentially benefitial--if not for fuel economy, then, at least, for emissions.

    Add to that those that suggest use when they know they'll enter any driving conditions where they'll be able to recharge the battery...that may be a long steady speed stretch of road at 45mph or it may be a long down-hill stretch where regenerative braking will recharge for them.

    see the Knowledge Base or Files Section for detailed instructions for installing your own EV Button
  2. john1701a

    john1701a Prius Guru

    Jan 6, 2004
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    When I leave my house with a cold engine in the morning, I either climb the big hill or jump on the 70 MPH highway. Each involves a wait at a stoplight. But despite both being such a burden on efficiency, the system typically delivers 30 MPG for the first segment.

    So the clear benefit of the EV button for me is in situations where I don't get a minimum of 30 MPG, like when I leave work. That involves waiting for several stoplights, all within the span of a 1/4 mile. The first segment is typically so low it is a horrifying sight... less than 10 MPG!

    Being able to just crawl along using nothing but electricity for that initial short distance would be fantastic. I could simply defer the warm-up process to when I get out on the open road.
  3. king_of_the_huns

    king_of_the_huns New Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    Foster City, CA 94404
    I only drive about a mile to work, on my way to work I use EV ( 3~4 bars left when I arrive ), on my way home I drive it normally and it recharges just nicely. I don't know if I'm going to be doing this in the long term, but my Prius certainly made people look at the crossings...

    ... not to mention the "geek factor"... I love taking my collegues from the R&D lab to lunch...

    ( What I will end up doing most likely is to drive in EV mode until I leave the housing complex and get on the main street, which is like half-a-mile. )

    Nevertheless, it's a great mod and I appreciate all your works!

  4. plusaf

    plusaf plusaf

    Feb 15, 2004
    Raleigh, NC
    2004 Prius
    mostly gut feel response here, but i'd let the computers do the decision-making most of the time and use the option 2a and circumstances like that for EV only. i'm not driving one yet, but it occurs to me that the only times i'd really like the IC to not be running is in a parking garage, entering or leaving, and in my own home's garage, to keep any hydrocarbon emissions out of my garage, home, and nose.
    any time you take to the highways without warming up any engine is bad for it. i once drove my dad's '63 chevy to work one winter, and there was little choice after work but to get onto the 55mph highway home almost immediately. it drank oil at about a quart a month because the pistons and rings didn't have time to expand and fill the gaps, but it didn't seem to hurt the engine. just blow a lot of oil past the rings and maybe some seals.

    just my 2 cents for now.
    good questions, though!
  5. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    I'm as envious as all get-out, but there's no way I'd attempt the mod. My typical trip is 10 minutes. Five minutes of warm-up at 25 mpg, followed by 5 min at 50 mpg. All city streets at around 30 mph. I would like to use the EVb to draw down the battery on the last couple of miles, so that when I start out cold, and the engine has to warm up, but not much energy is needed to move the car, that excess ICE output could be recharging the battery. As it is, my battery is almost always near full. Once in a great while, when the ICE is warm, I'll get a stretch of electric mode and see 4 or 5 bars. But not often. I'd pay $500 for a Toyota-certified EVb that would not risk invalidating the warranty.
  6. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I think there's a decent chance you'll be able to get that, for a lot less than $500, in the next year or so. Just a gut feeling, but I think Toyota will realize that people in the US want it and, if they can get through the EPA BS then they'll be able to offer as an aftermarket mod.

    I don't blame you for being cautious.
  7. john1701a

    john1701a Prius Guru

    Jan 6, 2004
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    > any time you take to the highways without warming up any engine is bad for it

    Some will actually do exactly that due to non-explicit comments.

    That's where the need for a "guide" comes from.

    For example, my definition of "open road" (as in my prior comment) meant a sustained 30 MPH cruise afterward. But someone could easily think I was referring to a faster speed.

    Anywho, if not used wisely, the EV mode could easily cause MPG to be lower. Just look at how common the "slow acceleration" misconception is.
  8. rdverb

    rdverb New Member

    Dec 10, 2003
    Monterey, California
    I think there's a decent chance you'll be able to get that, for a lot less than $500, in the next year or so. Just a gut feeling, but I think Toyota will realize that people in the US want it and, if they can get through the EPA BS then they'll be able to offer as an aftermarket mod.

    Just to chime in if TMC is watching, I know they want to "mainstream" the car for the US market and a manual switch per these methods may have too much "geek" factor for the image they want, but a full time switch on the logic of the power selection algorithm (like changing shift points in auto trans cars) could go a long ways towards accomplishing much of the benefit of the EVb described here and not require constant intervention.
  9. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    My '04 Prius actually seems very reluctant to go into electric mode. If the SOC is okay, and I'm cruising along at 30 to 40 mph on a level road (all roads are level in Fargo) and I let up a bit on the pedal, I can get it to go into electric mode for a while.


    If I am going slowly (10 to 15 mph) it never seems to go into electric mode even when the SOC is showing 7 bars green. Only by coming to a full stop, waiting for the ICE to shut off, and then keeping down to 6 or 7 mph can I keep it in electric mode.

    If I slow way down and pull into a parking lot and then drive 5 to 10 mph for a considerable distance, it never goes into electric mode. Again, even though the SOC is at 7 bars green.
  10. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Let me just say....huh?

    Can you try to explain what you mean in more detail...I really don't know what you mean here.

    If I understand what you're saying is you want a setting where the computer picks the best setting...but that's what it does already. The whole point of the EV button is to allow people to override the computer when they know that they can do a better job due to familiarity with the route and circumstances. They have the ability to be predictive whereas the computer does not.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not tryiing to dis your idea, I just don't quite understand what you're saying....once you explain I may disagree! :mrgreen: , but I might think it's the most novel concept I've ever heard too.

    My opinion based on your initial comments, is that this should probably NOT be a standard feature. There should either be a 'geek pack' of port or dealer options that allows for the addition of an EV button, maybe an extra battery pack, the NAV disable (and a Bluetooth disable), maybe a little LCD that tells when the ICE is on or off, and another showing when REGEN braking is happening, etc. Or they could just offer the EV button as a lone add on. That way those who know, or think they know, how to use it could add it on. Best would be to do it for about $150, I think. That way people wouldn't just throw it in just to have it, but those who want/need it could get it affordably.
  11. FredWB

    FredWB New Member

    Dec 1, 2003
    San Diego, Colli-fornya
    Initally before we got the EV button I thought I would be saving a lot on my commute home. I usually get 58-70 going to work and 38-44 coming home on my 11 mile commute. It's a net downhill to work and slightly uphill coming home of course. The traffic is always jammed up at one section for 1-3 miles. 5-10 mph and slightly uphill. Even with the SOC green, I can rarely make it through that section using the EV button. Once the ICE starts up in the pink zone, my savings quickly go out the window and one day I posted my record low of 38 mpg.

    So my new approach is moderation, which seems to be working better. It's great for backing the car out to wash. Sometimes at the start or end of my commute where I know I'll only be sitting at a light for 2 min while the engine runs I'll use it. If I see the SOC is all green and I know I'm approaching a long downhill I'll use it there too. One neighborhood on one of my routes home has about 12 15 mph speed bumps. So you get the car up to maybe 25 or so and you have to slow down. And it's a very slight uphill too. The ICE constantly kicks in there so having a high SOC and the EV button helps a lot.
  12. runeridr

    runeridr New Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    Both my home and my workplace are on the top of a hill, by using the EV option I am able to delay the firing of the ICE. It seemed to be such a waste to go down a hill nearly a mile long with the ICE running and not contributing to the propulsion of the car. I also do not use it if the batterly level is below the half way point since I think wide fluctuations in the battery level could result in premature battery failure. I do like the "control" of determing when the ICE is going to start.
    '04 Salsa Red #9
  13. xlarimer

    xlarimer New Member

    Feb 10, 2004
    berkeley, california
    My work is at the bottom of a 900 foot drop four-five mile downgrade. I've overcharged the battery each time I come down the hill. I think I am perfect for this EV button because I should run the whole way to work without starting the ICE and arrive with a full battery.

    Coming home is a different matter...I'm learning to leave two or three (prefer four) bars on it so that when I do get the EV button, it won't start up the ICE.

    So, would I be a good canidate for an EV morning commute?
  14. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Depending upon the speeds you drive and how steep the hill is you might do OK with it....You'll never make it 4-5 miles (one mile is more realistic; maybe two if it's slightly downhill going). But I think you'd enjoy having it.
  15. ifftster

    ifftster New Member

    Mar 5, 2004
    St. Petersburg, FL
    am i the only one here who wants an EV button just for the coolness factor? it would be nice to pop it in stealth mode just to turn a few heads while cruising the strip. most people i show the car to are more impressed by the silence than anything else.or maybe i'm just shallow...
  16. FredWB

    FredWB New Member

    Dec 1, 2003
    San Diego, Colli-fornya
    Yes it is pretty cool driving through a parking lot in ev mode only. Could be dangerous if the don't see you coming. Today I posted my best round trip commute using the button sparringly. I had 69.2 mpg to work and 42.7 mpg for the 11 mile commute home. I just can't break the 43-44 mpg mark on the drive home with the 1 mile of nearly stopped traffic uphill, followed by more hills. But at nearly 56 mpg and at about 59 degrees and foggy weather I'm happy. I did finally hit 2 pink bars at the end of the 1 mile of very slow traffic to start up the ICE but by then the speed had improved.
  17. cyclone

    cyclone New Member

    Jan 14, 2004
    Silicon Valley, CA
    b)Where it clearly is NOT a benefit:

    When attempting suicide by CO asphyxiation in a closed garage, best NOT to have the E/V mode turned on! :angel:
  18. hedwig

    hedwig New Member

    Mar 8, 2004
    Orlando, FL
    I've never been overly fond of living in Florida until now. The flatness of this entire state is ideal for the Prius - so far the best I've done is 37 mph without ICE (at constant speed, not at a slow deceleration) - I can only assume there's a sloping grade on that road that isn't detectable by the eye, it has to be less than flat. I drive that road several times a day, and it's about two miles long, but on gym days I run it at 4:45 a.m. - I LOVE having the windows down and the radio off. It's so great when you can hear crickets at 35 MPH! :mrgreen:
  19. norman

    norman New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
    So can someone please confirm for me,

    If I enable EV mode, the ICE never comes on ? or does it just engage later than usual (or when the battery gets too low).

    I am worried that my wife wouldn't know if it was engaged or not and might deplete the battery unknowingly.
  20. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    The ICE will still come on IF:

    1. You go faster than EV mode permits;
    2. The SOC drops lower than the computer likes.