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Why do people hate the Prius?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by dr_d12, Dec 12, 2008.

  1. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    The Prius doesn't suit everyone.
    People with super short commutes should be looking at electric.
    People who want to tow need a car which isn't a Prius.
    People with more than 5 in the family or who carry several friends regularly either need a van or 2 Prius.
    Men with low self confidence need a performance car or at least a car that looks fast.
    Young country men need a truck to prove they are men.

    I'm a Prius owner and I honestly believe there are people who bought a Prius and made a mistake in doing so, the other 99% of us are happy with our cars.
  2. infogeek

    infogeek New Member

    Jan 5, 2008
    2007 Prius
    I think some people hate the Prius for the same reason they hate left-wing liberals. It's a sentiment at least as old as crucifixion.
  3. pegasusat

    pegasusat New Member

    Jun 20, 2008
    Davis, CA
    2005 Prius
    "Sheesh. You aren't getting it, are you?"
    now who's being smug hmm?

    "It hasn't got any rattles. Everything seems to be there. New, it smells great. Everything works. The stereo is pretty good. The views from the mirrors are adequate."
    is this the first time you bought a car? how old are you by the way? you sound much younger than you look (yes i'm sure about this fact). i hate to burst your innocent bubble but all new cars should be like that. this goes to show how much you know about cars and the INCREDIBLE thought process that you went through in choosing one.

    "It's just a car, after all. No need to get all bent out of shape about anything."
    who's getting bent out of shape except yourself? it's just a car, and we are just PEOPLE that drive it. so who cares even if someone on here were smug? they didn't steal your money or call you a troll (until you start trash talking about them).

    " I haven't come across any Prius haters yet, but I suppose I might someday."
    wow INCREDIBLE (as in so utterly unbelievable)!! have you ever looked in the mirror?

    so in summary, SHUT UP. then i'll shut up.

  4. pegasusat

    pegasusat New Member

    Jun 20, 2008
    Davis, CA
    2005 Prius
    "But don't think you're being singled out for ridicule from the non-believers, since the phenomenon develops amongst Subaru owners, Volvo owners, Mercedes owners, Corvette owners, people from California, from Texas, from New York City, and even amongst political party fans."

    so did you participate in the verbal bashing of all those car owners too? better get on it.

    "I don't feel a need to insult people because they don't believe as I do."

    i seriously beg to differ. NO ONE here will insult you until you insult them first. if you started the spark, then admit that you caused the fire.

    "obligatory smiley faces" - no need for these if they are insincere.

  5. Mr Incredible

    Mr Incredible Chance favors the prepared mind.

    Jun 23, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    You're right, Pat, the Prius doesn't suit everyone. That's why there are many that aren't interested enough to look very deeply into it, or even at all. Many of those people only know the Prius through self-agrandizing Prius postings since they stick out so much. The simple pro-Prius postings kind of get lost in the background where they don't show as brightly. Those people that become intrigued will seek out more positive postings, rolling their eyes and pushing aside the more obvious preachers of The Way. At least, this has been my personal experience.

    But, unless you were expressing an extreme generality on the truck and fast car guys, I must disagree. It just so happens that I own each of those items, and neither were purchased for the needs you expressed.

    The truck is in the driveway because I do truck stuff. I don't need it very often any more, but it's too nice to throw away. I used to go 4-wheeling in it but I got tired of washing off the mud. I like to do some intricate movements through rocks, ditches, and terrain, but it isn't really suited for it. I like speed, and it's got a very effective gas pedal for a truck, so I keep it on. Oh, and I just like trucks. Kinda like you like your Prius, but different.

    The fast car I got, again, because I like speed. My old CB1100F gave me a lot of that but you can't go 140mph all the time. Plus, the Camaro is enclosed, has a heater, and has windshield wipers. These are very important and I enjoy them as well. I know the Prius has a heater and wipers too, but it's not as fast. And the Z28 has a better stereo.

    None of that has to do with being manly, it's all just fun. If the pinnacle of your vehicular search is the Prius, then you might not understand. You may have once, I don't know.

    I got the CRX because gas prices were high and climbing, it was cute, and it was $875. There was a lot of rust, but the object was to have it pay for itself over the winter by not driving the truck. It did that and much more. I changed the timing belt, a lot of gaskets, tune up stuff, new exhaust, new tires, bits & pieces from the U-Pull-It auto yard, got all the lights working, and drove it through the winter. It's a plain DX, but I've managed 52.98 mpgs over 175 mile course as a record. I get 40-42mpg every tankfull that I want. It's a nice little car.

    After the winter was over I decided that I enjoyed the car and wanted to keep it around a while. I cut out the rust, welded in new sheet metal, fabricated those pieces that I could not get or find, sanded, primed, and painted it. It turned out pretty good for the first time, but there are flaws. Oh well, it turns heads and a lot of people think it's cool. Can't go wrong there. My Harley turned heads, the truck turns heads, the black Z28 turns heads, but the Prius turns a few heads, too. Not so many, but some. It's good to have a nice ride.

    But Pegasusat, smugness is not what I intended with the comments I have made. I've been around long enough to know that no matter how smug you may be, somebody is smarter/more handsome/better paid/more experienced/has a prettier (fill in the blank)/ or pretty much simply puts you to shame. I lost that need decades ago. Some haven't learned that yet, but I like to think I have. Your opinion of that is just that...

    I did not begin this row with an insult. I merely gave my opinion. If it hurt some people's feelings...well, that's their thing to work through. I understand this is not the most bestest place to talk like that but I thought there were adults here that would understand the comment for what it was. I see that I was not entirely correct.

    The thought process that went into purchasing this Prius was, "Yes, Dear. You want the Prius. Ok." She wanted it for the pocket protector factor. She's like that. But, she's awesome and I love her so I started the research and bought her the car.

    All those things I mentioned about the Prius ARE, infact, the things that you look for in a new car. Duh. That's the idea. The Prius is a car and it does car things. It does some very well and some things not so well. The seating sucks for an over 6' guy, but it's kind of truck-like so I put up with it. The gas pedal works pretty good. The stereo is ok. The technology that makes it what it is is forward thinking and spectacular. All the things that implies is also forward thinking and spectacular. But I'm not going to sell all my possessions, say goodbye to my family, and join the cult. Sorry, aint' gonna happen.

    And, I'm likely older than you, have purchase my share of cars, and still like to go fast and feel the power. Chicks dig that too, so it's not just a man thing. But I guess we hang around different crowds. Mine with BBQ & beer, others with tofu & wine?

    Maybe that's more the difference, eh?
  6. slickQUICKprius

    slickQUICKprius I'm awesome!

    Nov 26, 2008
    2007 Prius

    The prius is a fun little car that's economical. That's all. I came on here mostly to find out info and maybe meet some cool people.. What I found is almost a cult-fanatical response to anything not toyota, and in many ways, anthing that's considered right wing.

    I like BBQ and I like beer, and so do my friends, but I decided I don't want the earth to be dead for my children, so I asked for a prius. I'm over the fact that my ex dumped me because she said the car pushed her over the edge (Apparently sensitive, caring, and a prius don't make good boyfriend material). I support our president and I can't wait for Obama to get into office. But I'm not a crazy hippie, and I'm not gonna fight to change someone's opinion. I'll give my side and that's it. Unless they're blatantly wrong and I'm angry!
  7. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Mr. Incredible,

    I don't know, I prepared BBQ, fried okra, black eye peas, and beer last night for dinner--I don't think I've ever had tofu. You are full of bad assumptions about the community, trying to make excuses to dislike and ridicule them/us. So you create a convenient straw man.

    The funny part is the the more you type the more apparent it is that you are in many ways what you say you loath or say you are not. It is apparent you hate the Prius or at the least resent it/don't see a need for it. But since your wife wants it and you don't dare insult her, you come here to insult us. You got roped into this car against your will and now you need to understand and maintain it, and it really seems to have settled into your craw so you take it out on us.

    Plus your descriptions about yourself and vehicles seem to focus on what other people think of your purchase. Who cares what they think? I don't see anyone else here going on the same way ("do these jeans/this car make me look fat?") Folks here continually discuss aspects of the vehicle they dislike and rip on Toyota for various things. However, there is also a community committment not to allow unfounded assertions to go unchallenged and it is probably necessary since there has been such a concerted effort to misrepresent the vehicle (and to some degree its owners.)

    You seem to be set on breaking up a "cult" that only exists in your mind.
  8. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    This now reads like a Fred's House of Pancakes thread. At one time, there was some technical content related to Clarkson's review. Given the BBC's protection of copyright, it is likely to be pulled from Utube soon.

    Bob Wilson
  9. pegasusat

    pegasusat New Member

    Jun 20, 2008
    Davis, CA
    2005 Prius
    "All those things I mentioned about the Prius ARE, infact, the things that you look for in a new car. Duh. That's the idea."
    "The gas pedal works pretty good. The stereo is ok."

    OH my goodness. you still don't get it! From a 2009 Hummer to a 1989 Celica, i would assume that the gas pedal works pretty good since it is sort of the essence of a car. and i am not even nitpicking at every word you said. the idea is that with your very primitive way of thinking, you seem to go into a parking lot (after having done your "research"), look at a NEW car, and comment on its "spectacular" features, such as a working gas pedal, the new car smell, lack of rattles, the OK stereo, etc.

    then you make the important decision based on: 1) what your wife said. 2) what she told you to get. 3) what will make her happy.

    my assumptions aren't too far off from what you told us, yes?

    "The thought process that went into purchasing this Prius was, "Yes, Dear. You want the Prius. Ok." She wanted it for the pocket protector factor. She's like that. But, she's awesome and I love her so I started the research and bought her the car."

    But I guess we hang around different crowds."
    bingo!!! the ONE true fact out of everything you have said. and now the smugness factor has obviously been shifted to potentially racist remarks like "Mine with BBQ & beer, others with tofu & wine?". nice move.

    the bottom line is, no one gives a dime about what you think of us. we can call us prius drivers (including your "dear") smug or whatever. we clearly don't hang out in the same circles, and i would hate myself if i ever did. if you can't say nice things about people, then it's better to not say anything at all.

    ever thought about why you would waste your time drinking beer on something as pointless and shallow as insulting people (that you DON'T KNOW)? so what if some of people in this forum are smug while others aren't? it's called LIFE. people are different. grow up dude.
  10. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    What is tofu?
    I was at a barbecue last Friday and another next Friday and one the Friday after that. I'm the son of a truck driver and a stay home mum, a husband, a father and very much straight. I enjoy beer more than wine and motor sport over dance.
    I've had fast cars and big cars, I have held a racing licence and used it, sooner or later we grow up, well most of us.
  11. NorCal Rusty

    NorCal Rusty RatherBWakeboarding

    Mar 1, 2008
    2008 Prius

    I learned along time ago it is better not to question she who must be obeyed! LMAO!
  12. donee

    donee New Member

    Aug 15, 2005
    2010 Prius
    Hi Patsparks,

    Driving and Dance may be closely related. The winner of the American TV show "Dancing with the Stars" was a race car driver - (Helio Castranevas?). And if you think about it, that makes sense. Both are heavily reliant on synchronous timing, spacial perception, balance perception and muscle motor function.
  13. Mr Incredible

    Mr Incredible Chance favors the prepared mind.

    Jun 23, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    All the vitriol seems to be coming from people that say that type of vitriol doesn't exist.
  14. Mr Incredible

    Mr Incredible Chance favors the prepared mind.

    Jun 23, 2008
    2012 Prius c

    You accuse me of gross assumptions and then jump right into the same mud puddle. What's that all about.

    Besides your casting about in the dark about me is equally unproductive. I didn't buy any of the cars/trucks/bikes because I wanted to look "hot" or be a part of that crowd. Each has been fun in and of itself, but some come with crowds regardless of what you want.
  15. Celtic Blue

    Celtic Blue New Member

    Aug 4, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Your own words refute what you claim, yet you can't see it...hilarious.
  16. Mr Incredible

    Mr Incredible Chance favors the prepared mind.

    Jun 23, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    We will shirley not see eye to eye on this, and could go 'round and 'round here about whether it's what I said, what I meant, or simply how you choose to interpret it. Suffice it to say, what you think you understood is not what I said.

    I gave an opinion as one who was recently an outsider. Believe what I say or dont', in the end it really doesn't matter. People will see how the discussion went and interpret it through whatever color glasses they look at the world.

    Thanks for the debate, it was enlightening.
  17. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    I'm not a very bright man, I am struggling to follow that which I have just read.
  18. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    I suspect the truck is in the driveway because it is good for people to see it and know you are a man with a truck. This is what the average truck owner does. You keep the little Honda out of sight I expect or hope people think it's your wifes.

    The Z28 is restricted to the same speed limits on the road as even a Prius, so unless you get some track time the speed limits apply equally. I think people that drive these cars like people to know they have a fast car. I'd even put money on it that you wash the Z28 more often than the family sedan and when you wash it you do it were others can see it, and it takes twice as long as the sedan does. That's also why it's the only car you mentioned the colour, it's the show pony. Do you accelerate a little harder when there is a crowd at the side of the road? I bet you do. I bet it does most of its miles in urban areas too.

    It has everything to do with being manly, look at who drools over American sports cars, pubescent school kids and insecure middle age men.

    Don't get me wrong, I like people to look at my cars too, although if they don't it worries me not. I have a 1968 Toyota Crown which has under 20,000 miles on it, I like that people look at that when I take it out. It isn't fast, it isn't all that stylish but it is nice to see the old girl being preserved. I got a real kick the other day sitting at traffic lights with the windows down when I heard the young woman in the MX5 beside me say to her partner "that's a really nice car" while pointing to my car. I don't know if she knew I could hear her, but I sat up taller in the seat because of it.
  19. Mr Incredible

    Mr Incredible Chance favors the prepared mind.

    Jun 23, 2008
    2012 Prius c
    I remember the first time I really became enamoured of 4wd's. 1977. I was was looking for a car at the Dodge dealership and came across a new white Power Wagon. I knew I would someday own something like that, but didn't get one until 1988. I'm on my third 4wd now. I've never not gotten to where I was going having one, and they are dead useful for those that do truck stuff. I've hauled lumber, gravel, rocks, landscaping timbers, wire, dirt, garden tillers, mowers, shingles, compost, furniture, fenceposts, and a hundred other homeowner, gardener, builder, and helper things. Why begrudge me something because you don't need it? You didn't NEED a Prius, but you wanted it and bought it. Good show, I say.

    Ultimately, it sounds like you simply disapprove of the way some other people live their lives. Yeah, and? Is that where this has been heading all this time? You don't like what I drive so anything I have to say is automatically null and void? What does that say about (again, some) Prius owners? That they're no different from any other people that look down upon other people that don't live in the Officially Approved Of way?
  20. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    I'm not begrudging you anything. I'm not on a Prius forum preaching V8s and SUVs, I wonder who is? I'm also not on a V8 or 4x4 forum pushing Prius or the environment, I was happy here minding my own business not preaching to anyone.

    When I need a 4WD I hire it, I have done so on 3 separate occasions this past 12 months. Had the right rear wheel of one lock with mud but that didn't stop me. Well not until I found a dry patch I could dig the mud out on and get moving again.

    I have no issues with you owning any vehicle you choose, just if you also choose to use stereotypes about Prius don't squeal when someone does it to the vehicles you drive.

    In fact, I care not what others think of me, I think you should take the same attitude. But if you choose not to, that's cool by me.