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fuel economy

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by Olathe Prius, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Olathe Prius\";p=\"99776)</div>
    First of all an EV button could work great for 1 1/2 miles, if your trip was downhill all one way, uphill the other. You could use it for the downhill trip and charge up the other way. But even then there are problems:

    EV won't go 40 mph and if just one place the engine starts you have to warm up and you lose. Also, it won't work when the battery gets too cold, or too hot.

    I too was frustrated by my lousy mileage at first. But three things really helped cure me: First from Green Hybrid graphs, and other posts here I know I'm not doing all that badly for the conditions I have to drive in.

    The second thing that helped me was even though I have always tried to drive economically, my last car was quite old so I had not been checking it's mileage for years. It was quite good and near the EPA specs or better! But I had a long commute in those days. So I looked at the data I had on fillups, and miles, and calculated my mileage for my new short commute and found the car did percentagewise even worse than the Prius, under matching conditions, compared to what it did at it's best on longer trips.

    Everybody brags about their mileage, and when you dig out the details, most people are reporting their best trip coasting down hill or something. I'm not talking about Prius owners here, but those other people who are in denial that the Prius can get any noticable better mileage than they can get. Every car gets a wide range of numbers, and I've yet to see a car that goes over the EPA numbers under all real world conditions.

    But I along with many here, have proven that under EPA like city or highway conditions we can at least beat the numbers! That is really all we can expect. Every car on the road can get mileage down toward 0 mpg if in a traffic jam, and you sit stopped long enough with AC going full blast. It just takes a bigger traffic jam in a Prius.
  2. Olathe Prius

    Olathe Prius New Member

    Jun 17, 2005
    Wow, I wasn't expecting that. Given the last few interchanges we've shared, I thought we had got past that initial "contact". I sure am glad you don't hold grudges. Well, I'm glad to see you're firmly in touch with your feminine side. Oh, and by the way, even though I may not embrace everything that it on this forum, I have yet to call anyone a liar. Gee, I haven't seen anybody else called a liar, either. I guess I must be special! If you call 'em like you see 'em, you might get your eyes checked! Not everything is as it seems. I have in fact seen C&D's articles, CR's articles, AND I saw Greenhybrid.com's database within the first few weeks of getting my Prius. When I saw a database with 137 cars listed and only about 6 of them getting the type of mileage I was getting, that was my tipoff that something might be wrong(and dear Doctor, I DID say MIGHT), and that precipitated my first trip back to the dealer. Oh and one other thing, just about everybody that posts on this site (that I have seen so far)is getting better mileage than me. There are very few Priuses in my town, and the one owner I have been able to talk to is getting 50mpg city.

    You said: " I don't make personal attacks and never attacked you. You're attacking Toyota and all I'm saying is that this is purely your commute and driving technique to blame " Let's see, I believe I would translate that to mean: You never make personal attacks, BUT it's all my fault! Sounds like a personal attack to me! Just how in the world do you know, beyond any doubt that the problems I'm having are all between my ears and that there is no way in the world that there could be the slightest chance that there is an issue with this vehicle. I know that doctors in general have a tendency towards delusions of godhood, but I suggest you keep it in the medical field. I have never considered that the problem had to be purely mechanical, and I suspected other variables (such as me) could be contributing to my driving experience. If I had, I would not have been researching this subject at all!

    Oh, and about my commute - you're right, biking or walking would probably be better for me. Lord knows, I could use the exercise and get the weight off. However, unlike you, I have to make house calls in my business and I need my car the rest of the workday. Otherwise I would accept your prescription.

    My angst with Toyota was precipitated with the attitude of dealer service. When I approached them about the problem, they said "Oh yeah, you should be getting a lot better than 37mpg city." Any then when their initial diagnostic doesn't come up with anything they said: "well, 37mpg city is normal for this area of the country. You can't be getting 50mpg on the highway. That's impossible! You must have your numbers mixed up." Basically when the answer wasn't cut and dry, I got the corporation brush off, after practically calling me a liar. (see.... ya got company!) Then I called the Prius specialist at Toyota customer care. I had to leave a voicemail for a call back, which I have yet to have that call returned. So let's see... I paid full retail for a car, wait 10 months for delivery, It's isn't any place close to what was represented to me when I purchased it (ie: about a 40% variation in advertised city mileage - I could have lived with a 20% disparity - your thoughts on that do have some validity) All that, coupled with Toyota's reponse or lack of it so far..... Come on, put yourself in my shoes for a few minutes. If you didn't know all that you know and you had the same experience, are you telling me that thought that you might have got a bad one wouldn't go through your mind at all? THAT is why I said something about the lemon law. I didn't say I was going to do it; I didn't say that everything I was seeing and experience was based on pure unflawed facts. I said that I was considering it if all else failed. By the way, that's why those laws are in place, to protect the consumer. But by the same token, the "victim" does have to prove his case. So, at least for now, your Toyota stock portfolio is safe from me.

    I signed on to this forum looking for help, not get ridiculed, which you have aptly done. I have appreciated the untainted responses that I have received from you and all the others who have been helpful. I'll admit, (unlike you) I don't know everything, least of all about the Prius. I'll take all the advice and help I can get and try it. The things that make sense and work, I'll implement. The things that don't seem to work, I'll shelf and if they don't ever hold water, I'll discard eventually. But I don't need your kind of abuse now or ever. If you can be civil, feel free to respond to my posts. I CAN accept constructive criticism, even some good natured ribbing. But IF that's too hard for you and your ego can't handle THIS post, then you know the half that I took back in the second post reponse a few days ago?...... You can have it all back. In that case, you're way too thin skinned for me and just make both of our lives simpler and ignore my posts from now on. There are plenty of good people on this forum that I can converse with. This may be entertaining for some, but I've got better things to do with my time. My apologies again to everyone else that had to endure this. I just had enough! I really am a nice guy!

    And oh yeah...........Hmmmmmmmmm!
  3. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Dude, you've got a huge chip on your shoulder and no tact at all.

    I never said the problem was b/w your ears. I said it had to do with a combination of your driving style, commute and the way the Prius warm up works.

    And no, "we" hadn't got past that initial contact. You attacked me in a huge way--quite rudely and unfairly and incorrectly only to discover that your lack of attention to detail showed you to be mistaken. Much like your situation with your Prius.

    I'm not, much as you may not believe it, attacking you. I'm attacking your approach to the problem. I'm attacking your lack of openmindedness about how to resolve it.

    Not once have you acknowledged the wealth of information I've contriubuted to you. Not at all. If you signed on here expecting everyone to hold your hand and say "oh ya poor sad child, claim the lemon law, sue the pants off everyone, and while you're at it feel free to insult individuals on the forum and thier professions like you did when you were 3 then you signed on to the wrong place. We're not going to coddle you or your 'blame everyone but yourself' attitude.

    The facts have been presented to you, you don't like them, so you attack the presenter and ignore the facts. Brilliantly mature.
  4. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    say Evan....... troll?
  5. bethmaup

    bethmaup New Member

    Nov 7, 2004
    Austin, TX
    Isn't this what personal messages are for?
  6. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I don't think he's a troll, but it's amazing how he can go off on a tangent taking a minor comment out of context and then a 3 paragraph rant and ignore the 95% of content that is fact.

    But hey, I've only been on the forum for 20 months and made 3107 posts and never had anyone fume like this...guess it had to happen.

    And btw Olathe, you did say you were going to file a lemon law complaint. Check your second post--it's your next stop.
  7. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bethmaup\";p=\"99971)</div>
    They are indeed.
  8. Olathe Prius

    Olathe Prius New Member

    Jun 17, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(efusco\";p=\"99966)</div>
    Ok, I'll bite one more time. In my last post, if you please, I said: "I have appreciated the untainted responses that I have received from you and all the others who have been helpful. I'll admit, I don't know everything, least of all about the Prius. I'll take all the advice and help I can get and try it." (edited for emphasis)

    Forgive me, your highness, for not bowing and scraping properly.

    I reviewed your profile, found out what your general view on "things in general" are, and could have a lot of fun baiting you and entertaining the rest of the forum. But, that's not what we are here for. So, I'll follow some advice that's found in the Bible. "Agree quickly with thine adversary"

    You're right Evan E. Fusco, MD. I'm wrong. Totally and completely. Whatever you have to say to me is utterly and totally true from now on. AND All you've said to me in the past. No kidding. I'm serious. God bless you and so do I. I'll say a blessing prayer for you tonight before I close my eyes for sleep. It'll be fun seeing you argue with that.
  9. micheal

    micheal I feel pretty, oh so pretty.

    Apr 14, 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    2004 Prius
    Perhaps the parts of the Bible about turning the other cheek and being slow to anger would have been good to have in mind as well.
  10. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Ok guys, break it up.

    Please, we're giving suggestions. It's obvious none of us will be able to give you an exact remedy for your lower than average mileage. All we've done is presented a wide range of possible factors for you to consider. Granted, that is quite low. Perhaps you could check the tyre pressure or even if the dealer changed your tyres. Perhaps check your oil level to see that it's not overfilled. The oil level seems to be one of the culprits as was discovered by another PriusChatter

    As for dealer service, we all know Toyota dealers don't exactly have the best service in town (I think Lexus and Saturn have Toyota beaten). Even the dealer whom I've bought 3 cars from don't exactly 'pamper' me unlike the Lexus salesman I know. With that respect, you may contact Toyota Customer Care.
  11. Olathe Prius

    Olathe Prius New Member

    Jun 17, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tideland Prius\";p=\"99995)</div>
    Michael, You're right, I got sucked in during a moment of weakness and should've just ignored it. Byproduct of a rough week at work, but that's no excuse. I apologize and try to avoid a repeat.

    Tideland, thanks for the input. Tire pressure is one of the first things I checked and did add a few pounds pressure. Didn't really make much difference. I had Toyota service change the oil and filter this week when I had it in (3500 miles - a little late but not bad). I did notice the oil level posts. If I read them right, I should probably drain it back to 3 qts???? What do you think about some of the oil additives, such as but not exclusively, Slick 50? I added a product like that to the 2003 Matrix that I had before the Prius and it really quieted down the engine, helped some with the mileage. It did have 40,000 miles on it though. I've had good results with additives like that in several cars in the past, but the Prius is a obviously a different breed.

    I am experimenting with the "when to coast and when not to" driving strategy that's been discussed in this string and the "Confused by the talk about not using the electric motor" string. It'll be interesting to see the results. If I'm reading it right and what I've seen in my driving experiment so far, I've been my own worst enemy for mpg. I'll keep y'all posted on my results.

    As far a Toyota customer care goes, I really can't make a definitive opinion yet. I left a message several days ago for a callback from the Prius specialist that I left a voicemail for. I'm a little irritated that I haven't received a call back yet, but for now, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was on vacation and I'll get a call back on Monday.

    One other thing, if anyone is interested, MSN just posted an interesting article on Hybrids. The link is:

    I haven't finished reading the article yet, but so far it looks pretty interesting.
  12. Tadashi

    Tadashi Member

    Feb 25, 2005
    Fort Hood, TX
    2005 Prius
    One thing I have noticed is that I get better mileage on the highway than the city despite what Toyota publishes. Mostly because it takes little effort to keep me coasting than to accelerate me from constant stops.

    I think you are still missing the point everyone keeps on reiterating. Your mileage is not going to improve until your commute gets longer. The first 5 min I only avg about 25-50 mpg but my trip is 30 min so at the end I get around 54 mpg. A reflash is not going to fix this, nor will changing your driving style. You can only do so much until you get out and start pushing.

    Stay away from oil additives. I found this site when I had my F250 and looking into the same subject: http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/images/lucas/lucas.htm

    I just put in Mobil 1 5w30 but according to Mobil the 0w30 is better to increase fuel economy. I will switch next change out. I am also getting oil tests at each oil change so everyone can see what it is like.
  13. Olathe Prius

    Olathe Prius New Member

    Jun 17, 2005
    No, I get it. I'm just looking for any additional edge that might help compensate for the lousy mileage during the warmup drive. You're right, I can't do much about the first 1.5 miles or 10 minutes driving when it's cold, but I know, from what you guys are telling me that there's room for improvement beyond that point. That's why I'm asking. Sorry if I wasn't clear.
  14. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    if I strictly used my car for my commute and nothing else (grocery store runs and etc) I would get about 40 mpg. seriously. my commute is 2.5 miles and takes about 4 minutes on average. i hit 4 stoplights on the way, which are usually red when i reach them.

    unfortunately that's just the way it works. but i'm not moving farther away from campus to get better mpg. but take heart, you still are using less gas than anyone making a 20 mile commute and are getting astronomically better mpg than anyone driving the typical suv.
  15. Tadashi

    Tadashi Member

    Feb 25, 2005
    Fort Hood, TX
    2005 Prius
    Get the Prius+ modification, although you may have to wait until it drops from $10k to $3k. :p Or DIY the Prius+ yourself. I saw a parts list somewhere but not sure where.
  16. Olathe Prius

    Olathe Prius New Member

    Jun 17, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee\";p=\"100183)</div>
    I know what you mean. It's like I told my wife. I'm probably going to have a hard time finding any non-hybrid owners who will feel sorry for me because I'm only getting 37mpg city. :)
  17. coloradospringsprius

    Feb 25, 2005
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee\";p=\"100183)</div>
    I almost always walk to work - it's well under a mile by foot, and about a mile in the car - but on the rare occasions when I've driven the unwarmed-up Prius, I get between 20 and 25 mpg.

    Hmm ... finding a longer route in order to improve mileage even though total amount of gas used increases ... now THAT would be diabloical (I miss the PriusOnline "twisted evil" emoticon here!)
  18. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Olathe, if I'm not mistaken, the oil level should be at 3.9qts so maybe drop it down to 3.5 instead of 3. As for additives, I don't really believe in them. Oddly enough, after our 72,000km service, our service centre added a fuel injector cleaner (without telling us) and charged us for it. Now, usually I'd go complain cause you don't perform stuff without telling us. It's clearly NOT on the Toyota Maintenance Menu and it's something I don't believe in that helps the engine/fuel economy/environment or what other rubbish they claim.

    However, strangely enough, our Camry's trip computer has been showing an average of 10.0L/100km (24mpg) instead of our usual 10.9 or 11.0L/100km (21mpg).
  19. micheal

    micheal I feel pretty, oh so pretty.

    Apr 14, 2005
    Lubbock, TX
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Olathe Prius\";p=\"100005)</div>
    That is understandable as I can easily fall into the trap myself! It's goog to have accountability (just tried to do it gently and in a way that I do not fall into it myself).

    It can be frustrating to not get the mileage you are hoping for, I know for sure. They are many things that could be going on (which others have already mentioned). One thing that might be helpful is if you could find someone in your area with a Prius would test yours and you test theirs to see what kind of mileage is gotten.

    I know for my wife and I we have huge differences in MPG. For instance, last week after two days of driving city streets I was at 64 mpg....after two days with my wife on her short 5-10 minute trips (and using the A/C) it was at 48 mpg. :(

    In addition to the longer drives, I am more able to multitask and try to anticipate coasting opportunities and timing the lights to get maximum FE/regen, with someone else in the car (she is getting better though---she just pays to much attention to her passengers! :D )
  20. Olathe Prius

    Olathe Prius New Member

    Jun 17, 2005
    I started using a tip I got from you guys (and gals) I started resetting the MFD mpg meter to compare and verify different mileages when I drive to different places. One of my usual trips that I make a couple of times a week is 13 miles in length. The first leg I got 42.2mpg (the car had been sitting a couple of hours, too) and the return leg was 45.2mpg. I made a conscious effort not to take drastic measures to enhance the mileage one way or the other. Thought it was pretty interesting results though and seemed to confirm what's been said here. I am anxious to see how "bad" my mileage is for my morning commute to work tomorrow.