2012 Prius c cv axle seated all the way ?

Discussion in 'Prius c Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by robinredd1, Jan 23, 2025.

  1. robinredd1

    robinredd1 Junior Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Salem illinois
    2012 Prius c
    The first picture is the passenger side cv axle.
    The following pictures that have the brown rust are from the drivers side cv axle.
    I had the control arm replaced on the driver side not from a shop and he told me it popped out and he popped it back. I got under the vehicle and took these pictures I noticed the passenger side looking like it not seated all the way to ? Please does anybody know if this looks normal? Thank you

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  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    I'll have to go out and look at my generation 3 Persona that's sitting right out in the driveway when the sun lights up I don't think that is correct I believe it should be like the side with the rusty vibration damper and the other picture see how the washer the metal is sitting close to the transmission kind of fits like a glove so if your guy pull this out because he wouldn't have had the nut undone maybe through the hub and had something else I've done any pulled on it and the axle came instead of the three bearings and what not trying to pull out of the cup the actual axle shaft started to pull out of the transmission and then when he noticed it he tried to jam it back in and it looks like the The ring that goes on the end of the shaft that goes in the transmission it's opening maybe clocked wrong and now it can insert into the transmission because it's hanging the wrong way You have to look online and find a video and it'll instruct you how to clock the ring on the end of the axle shaft so that it's happily going into its boar You want to have the opening facing down at 6:00 if I'm not mistaken I believe that's right and then the axle shaft will push in and bury itself If it's facing much out of that it doesn't make the proper circle and you're trying to squish the ring into the bore unevenly look on YouTube for some videos it's much easier to see it than it is to say it..
  3. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    you may want to report your post and ask a mod to move it to the c forum
  4. robinredd1

    robinredd1 Junior Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Salem illinois
    2012 Prius c
    I went out and took the tire off drivers side and unbolted the 2 bolts connecting the hub to the strut and pushed the strut over and grabbed the hub and pushed it in real hard and got under the car and took this picture where it appears to look seated .driver side only.I didn’t mess with the other side.
    And bolted everything back up and took another picture to check and it came back out and has the gap again.

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  5. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    If it's not making any noise and causing any other problems and you just don't want to mess with it then don't because it may be okay I can't tell from here I would have to pull the shaft that has the splines on it out of the transmission and check the end groove for the hog ring like ring at the end of the shaft and then turn it so it's clocked correctly and then push it back in its hole here and feel the click bolt up whatever so it doesn't move and then see what the gap is on that little dust seal after I do that If it comes back out and it shows that 1/8-inch or whatever that is there then I would assume it's built in. But at least I know that the hog ring looking ring is in fact seeded properly I guess if it's not it's not going to really make a huge heck of a lot of difference I can't really move when the hub and the ball joint and everything is tight and in place no place for it to go and if it wasn't seated reasonably well enough it would be sticking out furthermore than likely I don't have a c here but I will look on a generation 3 in about an hour and see if there's any difference in the spacing of that cover washer dust cover on either side of the three It may be just the way it sits simple enough
  6. robinredd1

    robinredd1 Junior Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Salem illinois
    2012 Prius c
    I know the control arm ball joint moves but does this angle look a little extreme? I’m sorry to a lot of people this my sound like a dumb question ? Is the ball joint rubber boot ok with it crushed like that?

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    #6 robinredd1, Jan 24, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2025
  7. robinredd1

    robinredd1 Junior Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Salem illinois
    2012 Prius c
    I can not find any pictures on the internet of a fully seated Prius c Axle.
  8. robinredd1

    robinredd1 Junior Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Salem illinois
    2012 Prius c
    Right after the control arm was replaced, I drove it 65 miles home and I noticed that the tires needed to be aligned so I did that .
    I drove to town 25 miles away and I noticed the tires had fell out of alignment again.
    When I got off the freeway not right away but a noise clicking intermittently ,not turning but going straight and wasn’t affected by going over bumps. This is what brought me under the car and seen the gap on the axle and was questioning if it was seated all they way?
    That’s when I noticed the passenger side axle had a gap too and nobody has messed with that side.
    Now I can not get the axle nut off jumping on it with all my weight the nut is not punched in to hold it in place .it’s frozen on .
    When I took that one picture it before I bolted it back up it shows , well looks flush? Would that be something normal for it to be able to push in further that it would actually rest at once everything is bolted up.? Why I’m questioning that is the way the passenger side looks.
    I’m going to go take some pictures of how the control arm got installed..
    I want to thank you for responding to my post . You just don’t know how much any input is helping me thank you. I posted the control arm pic in the message above this one in this thread
  9. vvillovv

    vvillovv Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    east way to tell if the CV shaft is seated is that it doesn't slip right out again.
    If the inside spline slips out, even a little, the car is not going to move. And that's the hard way to know if the inside gap (we're looking at) is normal or excessive.
    Have you checked the fluid level?
  10. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    You've got some very good eyes if you can look at the front of your car and tell you need an alignment That's pretty damn good stuff I've been looking at front ends and cars for many years I can't even do that and I can see more than most people want to see I don't tell I need an alignment by looking at the front tires while they're mounted to the car and standing away from the car and looking I can tell by looking at the flat or the contact patch that hits the road somewhat and I can look at the thread counts on my tie rods and know a little bit about it that way too and then of course how the car drives. So you're way ahead of the game if you can tell you need an alignment just by getting out of the car and standing back and looking unless camber is way off or toe is way off even then most regular people they don't even know what they're looking at. For the boot on the ball joint if you have little hands like many women do with the car just like you took the picture take your fingers your index and your thumb apply them to the boot and then twist the boot righty tighty lefty loosey you're just trying to move the boot on what it's attached to The top where it's skinnier twists real easy on the tapered conical shaft . You should be able to untwist the boot a little and make it look straight although none of this is going to hurt anything eventually the boot will probably shift on its own just from turning the steering wheel and driving the car but if it really bothers you you can try and do it with your fingers there's no need to undo anything or any of that That's totally pointless
  11. robinredd1

    robinredd1 Junior Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Salem illinois
    2012 Prius c
    Hi I’m not sure what happened I? I must have worded it the wrong way about the alignment? I drove it home from getting the control arm changed while I was on the freeway the car was pulling to the side , so I knew the tires needed to be aligned.
    When got home I aligned only the tow in tow out with a string I know it’s not right on the money perfect but it works for me , it will cost pretty straight not having to get a workout to stay in the lane . That and basic stuff I try you tube has helped me a lot ,
    I’m stumped on this because I’m having a hard time finding pictures or videos on the Prius c.
    Back to I got home and got them aligned and took off car was driving straight not wanting to pull left or right. I thought everything was good till I started driving around town I noticed the car was wanting to pull to the side the same as when your tires need to be aligned. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to imply I could just look at tires and know if tires are in and out of alignment. I agree that would take more than a good eye ‍
    Today I noticed when jacked up by the frame I put a crowbar under the tire and pulled up and outward motion and pushing with my hand at the same time the top of the tire and theirs a little movement , holding 9:00 and 3:00 on tire their no movement. ??
  12. vvillovv

    vvillovv Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    I"ll assume you are describing one of the front tires, yes/no?
    Typically on the front wheels, that would be a worn ball joint. It could also be a a wheel bearing.
    And is pretty normal for a car of it's age. As long as it's not really loose.
    Which side was it - driver or passenger?
    And what about the other side? The same movement, or different ?
  13. robinredd1

    robinredd1 Junior Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Salem illinois
    2012 Prius c
    Yes the front drivers side that had just got a new control arm put in.
    The other side passenger side does not.
  14. robinredd1

    robinredd1 Junior Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Salem illinois
    2012 Prius c
    I’m out here looking at it and the drivers side 12 and 6 clunk movement on the tire , you mention the bearing or a ball joint while I was down there checking it out I noticed this I’m not sure exactly what it’s called but the groves are supposed to be inserted into the hub, correct? I think. I deserve a wisecrack for that statement.. I took some pictures, the driver side pictures of first the problem side.. and the last one will be of the passenger side. let me know I think I found something I hope? Thank you

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  15. vvillovv

    vvillovv Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    I see what you mean. It sure looks to me like the drivers side CV shaft is not seated correctly in the hub when comparing the pictures of the drivers side to the passenger side picture.

    Wisecracks aside, now I understand, but I'm not sure why the outer CV to wheel hub connection would slip out of it's fully seated position after you had it seated correctly.

    I had to re read your earlier posts to put it all together as I had only skimmed through the top posts looking for the bits I've had experience with myself.

    Now the picture in your post #6 above
    2012 Prius c cv axle seated all the way ? | PriusChat
    shows much more clearly how far off the alignment is when the outer CV slips out of the hub, like you explained earlier.

    I've been thinking of tackling the hub bearing in my Prius and if I do I'll probably spring for another 2 day subscription to the repair manual before I start. Even with the repair manual and help for others in this forum it's still not hard to miss an essential step or something while doing the work.

    Sometimes it just takes disassembly and reassembling while matching up each part it the diagrams in the manual as it's being put back together. Don't ask me how I know :barefoot:
    Toyota Service Information and Where To Find It | PriusChat
  16. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Does the other side look just like this side and the hub looks different on this Prius C that I don't own I don't have one of these It looks like there's actually a cutout so that a person mechanic or anybody can look while the car is on the rack and see that the tone ring is there on the axle properly and then you could actually see the squares of the tone ring by rotating the wheel if any are broken you would see that on my hub assembly I have to take the sensor out of the hub take a flashlight wheel off the car and then use a pry bar to rotate the hub around so that I can see my tone ring squares or cuts here it looks like a mechanic can do that without taking the wheel off or anything if that's the position where these ride on this car so to find out if this is correct all you'd want to do now is take the wheel sensor out of the hub look with a flashlight and make sure the sensor is sitting right over the tone ring when the sensors installed and it's hole so this could be the correct position I can't see down the sensor hole from here to make sure the sensor tip is actually going by the slits or squares in the tone ring Just saying this is incorrect I couldn't do that without seeing the other side It may be that you can just see the tone ring because of the way the cutout is on the hub maybe this is for inspection purposes or so if any crap gets up around the tone ring it can fall off as it spins around and gets to this open area where wind and stuff could be moving around that would clean it off I do not own a Prius C but they are very similar to a generation too but I can tell you that the hubs run the cut out there is a little different than my two
  17. robinredd1

    robinredd1 Junior Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Salem illinois
    2012 Prius c
    I think I have found something else ? I was looking online at Oem cv axle , and the oem and aftermarket’s for the 2012 prius c don’t Evan look the same as the axle on mine?
    Prime example never buy a salvage title vehicle ..unless you know and work on cars to know what’s going on when developments arise? In my case a couple years later, maybe some would say that’s good or ?
    I went on and undid the axle from the hub it appears to be fully clicked on the transmission side I pulled on the cup and it has resistance . The greased joint slides smoothly in and out , I didn’t fully extend it out and grabbed the bar and try to move it up and down there was no play.
    Now on the hub side looking at the inside of the hub I can see the abs sensor is clipped in resting on back side wall closest to the lug nut side of the hub, not even close to the abs ring.
    This is what got me looking online oem cv axles.
    The style of axle I’m guessing could be wrong but from a Prius? Not Prius c? Here is a couple screenshots from the internet of oem and aftermarket.
    What do you think? Hummm

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  18. robinredd1

    robinredd1 Junior Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Salem illinois
    2012 Prius c
    I posted a messing right before this in this thread about the rags ring and sensor .
    I wanted to respond to your message ,
    The sensor doesn’t Evan line up with the ring I found out , and the new control arm somehow had clunking in the ball joint.it .
    The axle this is an assumption is not the correct axle? Please see my response right before this with pictures thank you.
    And I’m so thankful that’ people are answering and helping . I’m in a real remote area and I don’t know the people around here to ask , due to a resent move.
    Today I ordered a new cv axle and new control arm .and from the work that I was referring to in the message right before your message in the thread, I now know how to tackle changing the control arm and axle myself. I’m happy about that part of the situation , I just hope that all this will fix it?
  19. robinredd1

    robinredd1 Junior Member

    Jun 11, 2020
    Salem illinois
    2012 Prius c

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  20. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Yes I would think this is an axle shaft problem only looks like your lower control arms and your hubs and all that businesses pretty much stock so once you get the drive axle sorted You should be okay I haven't had any trouble with the TRQ parts from Amazon their drive axle for a Prius C should be a drive axle for a Prius C and the correct year model most everything I've ordered from them in one shot has been correct for any of my Prius or ones I've been working on so there's always that