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2015 with only P0A03 ?

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by night, Sep 11, 2024 at 6:21 PM.

  1. night

    night New Member

    2015 Prius
    Hello, I am a former tech that is mostly on my own in the wild now. This is my wife's car and the Check Hybrid System popped on. It has only given that code and drives fine.
    I was able to go by my old shop and put the scanner on it for the code and some quick research, which on this thing.. quick isn't possible. The most notable things I saw on freeze frame are the temp says -40 (dead sensor) and there was RPM on the pump motor. I believe. I didn't grab a pic of the freeze frames :/.

    Beyond that nothing else is wrong or any side effects. So my question.. is this sensor obtainable on it's own? Has anyone dealt with this? There is very little in the forum search for this one.
  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    So then I would think next you would be looking at the schematic of this engine and testing some temp sensors to see if you actually have a temp sensor that's way out of whack I believe in the manual repair manual there are specs for all of these tests many of these tests can be lengthy and you'll need a pin and paper to mark stuff off Don't try to remember this nonsense you'll be on a chasing your tail game for days Make sure you check your water pump and whatnot these things have a plastic wrapped impeller they start to split the plastic rubs the inside of the bore that it's running in and starts to massively slow down or not turn at all and then you have overheat conditions so be very methodical in your checks this series of vehicle will leave you stranded and high and dry very quickly It does not care anything about you It's made this way.