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2025 scenarios

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by PoulStaugaard, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. PoulStaugaard

    PoulStaugaard Now a PriusOwner

    Oct 23, 2007
    Copenhagen, Denmark
    2008 Prius
    No one knows what the future will look like, but we can all guess. To make it easy, I've described four possible scenarios for year 2025. Have your pick or describe yours.

    Scenario 1
    Oil prices remain at the mid-2008 level due to large new discoveries in the Arctic. Sale of gas-powered SUVs still exceeds the sale of electric and hybrid vehicles in the US. The Chevrolet Volt was a commercial failure and was discontinued after 2 years. Chrysler has been taken over again, this time by Hyundai. GM has been forced to outsource nearly all remaining manufacturing to China and India. Tesla Motors went bankrupt in 2010 due to the number of warrenty replacements of batteries. Biofuels has been abandoned.

    Scenario 2
    Oil prices have gone up by 50% relative to 2008. The market share of gas-powered SUVs is just 25% percent of 2008 levels, while electric and hybrids account for 50% of auto sales. Chrysler went bankrupt in 2010, all assets were sold to Chinese companies. The Chevrolet Volt was a moderate success, but GM was forced to merge with Hyundai. Toyota is the largest manufacturer of cars in the US, mostly of the Prius brand, which is now a wide range of PHEV's. Battery capacity and durability remains a problem, but progress continues. Biofuels still has a small market share.

    Scenario 3
    Oil prices have gone up 100% relative to 2008. No gas-powered SUVs are sold anymore. Old-fashioned ICE-powered cars account for only 20% of sales (exclusively performance cars, mostly bio-fueled), hybrids are 20%, PHEV's 40%, EV's 20%. Battery capacity and durability is no longer a problem, EV market share is rapidly rising. Of cars sold in 2008, 5% of SUV's remain in service, 25% of Prii remain in service. Tesla Motors is the leading US manufacturer of EV's. The Chevrolet Volt saved GM, but none of the other GM brands (except Opel) survives.

    Scenario 4
    Oil prices have gone up 200% relative to 2008. All cars sold are either PHEV's (40%) or EV's (60%). Chrysler is gone, GM's essentially gone, all brands were sold off to Chinese companies. Ford has merged with BMW and Peugeot. Of cars sold in the US in 2008, the only ones effectively still in service are Prii. Tesla Motors is the only independent US auto manufacturer. The battry problem of EV 's is fully solved, but range is still typically 200 miles, because fast recharging is available at all service stations. Biofuels has been abandoned, except in Brazil.
  2. spitinuri

    spitinuri Member

    May 23, 2008
    2004 Prius
    Scenario 1
    Cities that were in decline due to the loss of industry and the desire of people to move to suburbia during the latter half of the 20th century have enjoyed a new rebirth. The inner cities of our country are thriving with new construction and more importantly jobs. What has led to this rebirth? Rising fuel cost, the reemergence of the rail industry, and the electric vehicle to name a few.

    Scenario 2
    While the US, England and their European allies were able to quickly mobilize their countries to move to alternative fuel sources (coal, nuclear, solar) the rest of the world was not so lucky. China, India, and Japan's gamble that fuel prices would decrease as consumption decreased was obviously flawed. Consumption increased and so have prices. Now China has mobilized for war. Their goal is the rich oil fields of the mid-east and Iran. Suprisingly little opposition has been voiced outside of the US. A unamed UN diplomat commented, "The world has been held hostage by these people for the last 30 years it's about time they got theirs." There is strong debate within the halls of congress whether or not the US will defend this action. Isreal has noted that it will not oppose the action. Where do we go from here.

    Scenario 3
    The latest generation of Toyota's Prius boast a 5 hp fuel efficient diesel engine thats sole purpose is to recharge the battery pack when solar or plug-in capabilities are not present. A five gallon tank provides all of the fuel needed for a cross country trip. " "My parents used to comment about 19 cent per gallon gasoline. Now gas is 23 dollars per gallon. Of course their cars only got about 14 miles per gallon then. Can you imagine that. Today my car goes 1300 miles on a gallon of gas. I only fill up 3 times a year."

    Scenario 4
    Former president John McCain died today after a fall in his home. Recently he was asked what he thought was his legacy would be. "I honestly believe that we as a nation could be energy independant. I asked for energy independance by 2020. We are on our way. Because of tax incentives and investment by industry a home buyer can put solar power in his home pay utilities for 10 years then no more. Excess energy goes freely back to the utility company to sell to other customers. Today we import about 10% of our energy needs from abroad. That's not good enough, but it's a start." Like John F. Kennedy before him, John McCain challenged a nation to achieve the impossible.
  3. Sheepdog

    Sheepdog C'Mere Sheepie!

    Mar 12, 2008
    Sanford FLorida
    2008 Prius

    The decline of American dominance in military and economic affairs has led the EU to regain a new resurgence of power completing mainly with China for world dominance. The problem of a constitution being ratified in the EU never was solved as at least one country objects to anything that is brought forth. The clause saying the constitution has to be unanimous is a fatal flaw it seems.

    The super rich middle east block competes for not admission to the EU but control of it. A power manager of biblical proportions comes on the scene and is seen as the Maadi of the Muslim world. He can smooth talk anyone into anything and have them thank him for it. He says he can solve the world energy problems, food problems, and economic woes.

    This new Maadi does just that. or seems to. He manages to smooth talk China into submission and submission without firing a shot. The EU falls into line as they cannot seem to agree on anything anymore amongst themselves. The American Democratic party wants to change the Constitution to make this Foreigner President of the US so He can rise to President of the world. " After all, wouldn't it be worth it to trade freedom and independence for safety and security?"

    Japan solves the battery issues with the middle easts billions in aid. Prius is a world wide salvation for transportation as vans and even trucks come out using little or no gasoline at all with 1000 mile ranges on battery.

    but it gets worse.......
  4. sorka

    sorka Active Member

    May 9, 2008
    Merced, CA
    2019 Prius
    This scenario is impossible as eletric vehicle performance potential is far greater than ICE potential. Eletric motors on a per weight basis produce 10 times as much horsepower and torque as ICEs. Once battery technology has matured to ultracaps and carbon nano fiber lithium both of which have a 10x storage capability over standard lithium ion batteries, there won't be a need for ICE's any more period.
  5. 4G63

    4G63 I quit boosting

    Feb 4, 2008
    Aurora, IL
    2008 Prius
    oil price will never be at todays level because of inflation so scenario 1 is unlikely... but the bottom line...
    chrysler will be gone for sure, prius will be long lived! :D