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Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by malorn, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid

    How many more wake up calls do we need?

    If you appreciate your standard of living, want to have a comfortable retirement and want your children to live as well as you do, it is time to wake up as a country.

    Japan and China will take about $400,000,000,000 from us in balance of trade this year alone. It will leave us almost $3.5 TRILLION in the hole with Japan and China since 1985. :(
  2. viking31

    viking31 Member

    Oct 30, 2005
    West Central Florida
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Oct 18 2007, 07:19 AM) [snapback]527251[/snapback]</div>
    As with most everything, there are two sides to the issue. As a manufacturer, I revel every time I read the dollar falls further on the world market. A falling and weak dollar brings back jobs and manufacturing back to the US instead of to other foreign countries. With a weak dollar, US made products become more favorable (read, cheaper) to retailers.

    Of course, our government will still, as always, try to export jobs with higher taxes and higher minimum wage bases (which in turn affect nearly all wages, not just the minimum wage). Even my own state of Florida has passed constitutional provisions raising the minimum wage higher than the Federal minimum wage which only serves to discourage/hinder manufacturing and prevent relocations of large corporations to the state. Contrary to popular belief, corporations do not "absorb" the extra costs with higher wages. The costs are simply passed onto the consumer. AFAIK, corporations cannot print money. Only the government can do that!

    Yes, I understand, our standard of living will fall somewhat as the dollar falls. But we now have such a high standard of living because we have been living off the backs and sweat of the laborers of other countries for quite a spell. These laborers in other countries soon (and are) realize that we live the high life and wonder "Heh, wait a minute, why can't I have my own house, two cars, three kids, big TV's, a SUV, etc". So they in turn demand higher wages, form labor unions, topple repressive governments.

    Study your world history. Many nations (Spain, England, France, Germany...) which were once the "rulers" of the world are now just another country with little or no ability to affect the world either economically or militarily as the US presently can.

    Trying to change the worlds economy to suit your desires and wants is the same silly thought some believe that they can actually affect the temperature of the world by buying a Hybrid, screwing a few fluorescent bulbs in around the house, and awarding Al Gore a Nobel Peace prize. You will do much better by learning to adapt (of which humans and animals are quite capable of) to the issues at hand rather than wasting your time and efforts to attempt a quixotic fight of issues such as these.

    Will or when the US become a relative obscure nation? Who knows? I'll let you know as soon as you let me know when to buy and sell Google stock and become a zillionaire!

    #4 2006
  3. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    I assume Viking31 is on the minimum wage in Florida and feels he is paid too much.

    Last time I come to the zoo to feed the trolls.
  4. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    &quot;Somewhere in Flyover Country&quot;
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(viking31 @ Oct 18 2007, 08:44 AM) [snapback]527276[/snapback]</div>
    I agree with most of what you said, the part that bothers me is industries in the United States are systematically targeted by foreign governments and companies. Subsidies of all sorts and shapes along with a protected home market make it nearly impossible for US workers to compete. I for one don't want the future generations of my family to have to be subservient to anybody. The trade imbalance could be rectified in a few years if Washington had any will to do so.
  5. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Oct 18 2007, 06:19 AM) [snapback]527251[/snapback]</div>
    Seems I recall about a year ago you promised to enter politics to rescue us dumb Toyota owners from ourselves. How is that going for you?

    Or have you discovered that neither Democrats or Republicans really care about your "message" and that both parties are equally in bed with helping make the rich even richer while screwing us 'po workin folk?

    Same here in Canada: the Liberals, PC, and NDP are all cast from the same mold. Even the Bloc Quebecois. Anybody who believes the "promises" of a political party is a fool.

    I've learned to become competitive in a global economy, that means acquiring skills and education that few possess. So far it's working out very well, most of my clients are in the Far East. It's hard work though, I never had wealthy parents to bankroll everything, even had to join the Army to get Uncle Sam to pay for my college. How about you? Ever been in the Army or Guard?

    What I find ironic in your postings: the second and third generation of spoiled brats living off the business acumen of a shrewd grandpa/dad, who have never had to sweat and grow a job from nothing, are the ones who whine the loudest when their "lifestyle" is threatened.

    And to venture off topic for a moment: do the new Vortec truck motors still go “knock knock†and burn oil? Or was my 2000 GMC Sierra the only truck ever made that did that?
  6. viking31

    viking31 Member

    Oct 30, 2005
    West Central Florida
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(patsparks @ Oct 18 2007, 10:38 AM) [snapback]527292[/snapback]</div>
    BUSTED! Damn!

    Wait, got to go, the stupid a%^**&* manager is yelling at me again; the fries are burning in the fryer and the drive thru is backing up!

    #4 2006
  7. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    &quot;Somewhere in Flyover Country&quot;
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Oct 18 2007, 09:54 AM) [snapback]527300[/snapback]</div>
    Jayman, you don't know me very well. Yes I am third generation but I work my nice person off everyday(60-80 hours/week). Since I have taken the helm we have almost doubled in size and that takes some doing without Toyota or Lexus in the lineup. I understand you're chip, there are many 2nd and 3rd generation dealership families that can barely tell you the address of the dealerships. That is not me.

    As for the political plans, I am going to run in '08 or '10 for congress, a small committee has been formed. As far as political leanings, I agree with you. Both parties seem to be splintering to me.The Democrats seem only to be concerned with the unemployable(min wage, health care etc) or are republocrats(in the pocket of big business and foreign companies, countries), and the Republicans seem to be either neocons or republocrats too. Honestly, I will probably have to run as a very moderate republican to win. I would love to run as a libertarian or republican for the environment(TR like) but at this point in time it would be political suicide.

    As for military service it is one of my regrets. I has 90% of the paperwork done to go to West Point to play football, but at the last minute decided to accept a scholarship to another school.

    Speaking of politics, you seem like an intelligent guy with a passion for doing the right thing. Why don't you come back to the states and enter politics. We could team up on Capitol hill. ;)
  8. viking31

    viking31 Member

    Oct 30, 2005
    West Central Florida
    2006 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Oct 18 2007, 10:54 AM) [snapback]527300[/snapback]</div>
    So right although I don't think poor folks are necessarily getting screwed or specifically targeted. In any society there will always be a relative poor class and they of course will feel they are always getting screwed. I do find it amusing that young people frequently feverently align themselves with one political party or another. "Yes, MY party will solve all our problems and the world's problems too".

    But as you get older in life you soon realize politicians solve their own problems first and and make a faux effort to solve their constituents problems. It's only natural human instinct. Relying on politicians or a political party to solve your problems is fruitless. They may be able to make small course changes but natural world events have a much larger impact.

    Ooops, got to go. Now the burgers are burning... Damn, I hate this job!!!! Only get four smoke breaks a day! You just watch, It has only been 6 years but I'll quit as soon as I get my credit cards and truck paid off and show them...

    #4 2006
  9. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Oct 18 2007, 10:04 AM) [snapback]527306[/snapback]</div>
    Good for you. I certainly hope the doubling in size wasn't due to overleveraging. My work motto is "vacation? What's that??"

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Oct 18 2007, 10:04 AM) [snapback]527306[/snapback]</div>
    In politics, there is something known as the "party whip." The function of this person is to ensure that all members toe the party line. For example, if you were to run and win a seat - I certainly hope it works out for you - you would have no choice but to follow whatever the mysterious party doctrine is at the moment.

    If you were to start off very outspoken on issues such as your trade thing, the Toyota thing, etc, the Party Whip would quickly tell you to shut the F up. If you didn't, out you go.

    I'm sure it has happened in American politcs, it has absolutely happened in Canadian politics. MP's on all sides who were outspoken against their party direction were quickly shown the hatch. There are actually groups here in Canada who quite openly discuss this, especially The Underground Royal Commission:


    I particularly recommend the URC's eye opener "Secrets in High Places." It was so shockingly candid that many who watched the special refused to believe it.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Oct 18 2007, 10:04 AM) [snapback]527306[/snapback]</div>
    No such luck for me, I guess I wasn't pretty enough or athletic enough. I was a grunt with a rifle, later on a technically skilled grunt with a rifle. It all worked out, as I didn't have family wealth to put me into an Ivy League.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(malorn @ Oct 18 2007, 10:04 AM) [snapback]527306[/snapback]</div>
    Thank you for the kind words.

    At this point in my life, I'm fairly happy with my career and the decision to be around the Canadian side of my family. Once you do enough travelling, you learn that most of us are pretty close together in terms of wants, needs, desires, hopes, etc. For example, most Chinese families want the same things we do: chance to live a "good" life, raise a family, be treated with respect, etc

    I have had friends who entered local politics, and their horror stories have forever sworn me away from any involvement. They very quickly realized just how shady, dishonest, even outright *criminal* most political arenas are. If you truly are a person of integrity, you have two choices: quit, or resign yourself to being one more pawn on the board.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(viking31 @ Oct 18 2007, 10:17 AM) [snapback]527316[/snapback]</div>
    I realized this less than 4 months into my Army stint. After a few years, I realized politicians were all money grubbing bastards who look after themselves. Right you are, expecting a party to "solve" problems is like farting against a hurricane. Pointless
  10. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    &quot;Somewhere in Flyover Country&quot;
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman @ Oct 18 2007, 10:29 AM) [snapback]527320[/snapback]</div>
    It is sad isn't it. The number of true buffoons I have met so far in politics is astounding. Unfortunately it usually takes some sort of crisis to produce meaningful change, I think we are entering one of those periods as we chat. :(
  11. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF

    i see that your omnipresent view of your portion of life is still has vision that would not allow any craft of any size to fly.

    its too bad that we do have that huge deficit to china and japan. because if we didnt, you would have been out on your kister wondering how things had gotten so bad.
  12. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    &quot;Somewhere in Flyover Country&quot;
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Oct 18 2007, 11:04 AM) [snapback]527345[/snapback]</div>
    What exactly do you mean? Do you mean the US should be selling its soul for short-term consumer gain for long-term economic disaster? Is that your idea of sound economic policy?
  13. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    sound economic policy??? bush takes care of that and we all know how value added his projects are

    since when did that enter into the equation? what would goods and services cost if the cost to manufacture them were increased 5 fold?? how much of those pretty things you and your family now enjoy would you have if it werent for them??

    how many cars would you be sellling if the average family had to devote 2-300% more of their money towards meeting their basic needs.

    man you are B L I N D !!
  14. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    &quot;Somewhere in Flyover Country&quot;
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Oct 18 2007, 12:58 PM) [snapback]527376[/snapback]</div>
    We would all be better off in the long run. Maybe some of the junk at wal-mart would not be so cheap but (real-wages)what a dollar would buy would actually be higher. Tell me what do you think happens to your real wages every time 100,000 manufacturing jobs are sent overseas?

    Do you think the 1.5 Trillion dollar trade deficit with Japan over the last 20 years happened because they made things cheaper? If you believe that I would like to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.
  15. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    nope trade deficit is because they make it BETTER!!

    r we so stupid that is all we care about is a dollar (americans in general, not u.)?

    the better the product, the better our lives. we would not be the best place to live if it werent for their sweat. get over your flag waving crap.

    we are the world and we must learn that we need to take advantage of what the world has to offer no matter where it comes from
  16. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    &quot;Somewhere in Flyover Country&quot;
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Oct 18 2007, 01:42 PM) [snapback]527398[/snapback]</div>
    The Japanese have systematically targeted industries over the years. Now the Chinese have adopted the Japanese model, copy a design, undercut the price until the competition is gone and the industry is yours.

    What do you mean "America would not be the best place to live if it was not for their sweat?" If the US had not been a manufacturing center for so many decades we would have not have any money nor any credit to buy anything anyway.

    Is that how you live your personal life? Just keep filling up the credit cards? What happens when Citibank(China) wants all of their money and they are the only bank in town?
  17. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    ummm. wouldnt know. all my credit cards give me 1-3% cash back on purchases and i have not paid a penny in interest in DECADES
  18. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    &quot;Somewhere in Flyover Country&quot;
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Oct 18 2007, 02:32 PM) [snapback]527422[/snapback]</div>
    Very smart. Why would you think the US should carry out its economic policy any differently?
  19. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    i guess it boils down to how much you believe the "us verses them" ideology still applies.

    sure its a wonderful thing but other than to build a false sense of pride to fight an idiotic war, i dont believe it applies at all.

    do you really think the government couldnt stem the tide of illegals if they truly wanted to?

    well then can stop illegals and the wont because they benefit us just like the trade with china and japan does
  20. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    &quot;Somewhere in Flyover Country&quot;
    Other Non-Hybrid
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Oct 18 2007, 03:10 PM) [snapback]527443[/snapback]</div>
    The "illegals" are adding to the gnp in many ways, a big difference. The trade with Japan and china subracts from the gnp. I don't think it really as us vs them. I just always think we have to look after our best interest because I know "they" to use your term will look after "their" best interest. Do you think Japan and now China have expanded imports into the US to "help" us or to "help" themselves?