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8-wk wait for package 6

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by busterbrown, Dec 8, 2005.

  1. busterbrown

    busterbrown New Member

    Dec 2, 2005
    Yikes - I just received a call from the local dealer in Raleigh, North Carolina who informed me that the Toyota dealer for the SE states did not include packages 5 or 6 in the initial order. I was offered a 3-week delivery of a 2006 with package 4 or package 7 or ... wait eight weeks for the special order and delivery of a car with package 6.

    The dealer is willing to return my deposit if I opt to go elsewhere to get a 2006 with package 6 in early January. He says that dealers in Virginia and Tenessee do not purchase through a regional distributor - implying that I may be able to purchase the car I want from them in early January.

    1. Does this sound accurate?

    2. Thoughts about approaching a new dealer at this time for a delivery in 4 weeks?

    3. Is there really a ceiling on the number of 2006 that will be eligable for the tax credit? If I wait 8 weeks for my package 6 here, will the ceiling have been reached?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. sunnysandiegan

    sunnysandiegan New Member

    Dec 4, 2005
    I cannot answer the questions regarding dealers, as I am in a different part of the country and do not have enough experience in these matters yet.

    However, the way I understand the new tax credit, yes there is a ceiling of 60,000 hybrids per manufacturer. Once that number is reached, then the credit is phased out over a period of time. Even if Toyota sells all 60,000 in the first quarter (which is not as likely as them selling all 60,000 by the end of the second quarter), you'll still get the full credit for a full quarter AFTER they sell the 60,000th hybrid vehicle.

    What a bureaucratic nightmare!!!
  3. galaxee

    galaxee mostly benevolent

    Mar 14, 2005
    2005 Prius
    sounds typical of SET... they can definitely be a pain to deal with when it comes to ordering. my husband works for a dealer here in the triangle, we bought our prius there, we're familiar with that stuff.

    thing about the whole regional distributor thing is, they're in control of the ordering situation and all you can do is go to another region. fortunately virginia is part of a different distributorship, think they're called mid atlantic toyota. i'd call around to other dealers in the area here in the triangle and also up in virginia and see what different dealers are willing to do for you. maybe someone will do a car swap for you.

    as far as the ceiling on hybrid credits... pretty sure it's a full credit the quarter that 60k is reached and one quarter after that, and a percentage of the credit each quarter after that. so at the very worst you'd have till the end of second quarter to get your car.

    hope that helps, good luck :)
  4. busterbrown

    busterbrown New Member

    Dec 2, 2005
    Thanks for the clarification. I will confirm that I'll wait for the package I woriginally ordered and hope to receive the car in February.