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August trip to Richmond, VA

Discussion in 'Local Clubs, Events, and Road Trips' started by JimN, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    I'll be at the Richmond Convention Center August 12-15 and am looking for hotel recommendations and commuting advice. The main criteria are free parking & sub $100/night cost. I might need one convenient to the airport. Is there public transit from the airport to the convention center? I will be free Sunday evening if anyone is hosting a Prius meet.


  2. JimboK

    JimboK One owner, low mileage

    May 1, 2006
    Chesterfield, VA
    2005 Prius
    First, I'll say that I'd love to meet up with you, though I'm not sure I can swing it. I'll be coming back that day from a 10-day vacation, only to leave on Tuesday 8/17 for a 4-day business trip. I won't have much time in between.

    The $100/night and free parking criteria should be rather easily met in the area of the airport. That's not a pricey area, lodging-wise. I'd probably stay away from the discount motels in that area. Probably in part because of the low-ball prices, they seem occasionally to attract a somewhat seedy element. I just did a quick Orbitz search for your date range and found several decent choices in the area for <$100.

    The local transit company has an airport route but it appears to run only on weekdays. You might call them to confirm. Here is the route map and schedule for the one I found.

    Alternatively you can get a downtown hotel but then you'll presumably pay more. However, Richmond as a whole is not an expensive travel destination, so you still might find something in your price range (I haven't checked Orbitz). But then you might have to pay to park. I don't know whether the downtown hotels offer guests discounted or free parking.

    Assuming you're flying in you could take the bus from the airport area on weekdays and rent a car for the weekend. Daytime parking downtown should be considerably less expensive than 24-hour parking.
  3. NASCAR Mike

    NASCAR Mike Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2009
    Richmond VA
    2010 Prius
    I concur with Jim about the low cost motels near the airport. If druggies and hookers are your thing, then that is the right place. If you stay at a hotel that is more than $80 per night, you will avoid the low lifes.

    Just a warning to you. Don't expect the italian or chinese food to be as good as the stuff you get in NJ. When I moved here from Queens NY I was disappointed what they call italian and chinese down here.

    Near the airport are the typical chain restaurants. I have eaten at most of them and was pleased with the price and overall quality of the food. Longhorn Steakhouse and Red Lobster in the White Oak Shopping Center on S. Laburnum Ave are very nice. There are two breakfast places near the airport on Rte 60. I think one is waffle house and the other is a Ma & Pa's.

    Free parking near the convention center is nearly non-existent. I worked at the Federal Building one block away from the Convention Center for 4 years and in all my time, I never saw free parking. The Mariott Hotel in downtown Richmond may have free or discounted parking but expect to pay more than $100 for the room.

    There are open lot parking areas a few block away from the Convention Cenyter that charge reasonable rates. Much lower than what you would pay for in NYC anyway!

    Good luck with your trip to VA.
  4. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    I appreciate the advice. Right now I'm expecting to be part of a 4 man team with two in a cargo van, 1 (the boss) flying in, and me driving down & providing the commuter service. I really don't expect free parking downtown or at the convention center but I want it at the hotel as the van will stay parked for 3 days. Public transit (or hotel shuttle service) from the airport would be needed Wednesday as I can return him Sunday.

    I'll post our itinerary as it firms up. It's always great to meet the people behind the avatars.