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Canadian taxpayers to get Kyoto fleecing

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Robert Taylor, Apr 13, 2005.

  1. Robert Taylor

    Robert Taylor New Member

    Oct 13, 2004
    Rocket City

    ...Ottawa anticipates having to purchase so-called greenhouse-gas credits abroad ...

    Another words, Canadian workers will be taxed and the money shipped out of the country to some third world despot.

    Like all extortions, once the bully comes around for some of your lunch money, he will be back for more the next day, and then Canadian workers will pay, and pay and pay and pay.

    Its all about money, taking it from workers in a select few industrialized nations and sending it to the third world despots.
  2. finman

    finman Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2004
    Albany, OR
    2014 Nissan LEAF
    Here's my opinion, take it for what it's worth, and I'm definitely in the green group: I understand just a little about business/economy, etc....just a little...but I see the environment as a top priority. If we don't take care of it (our only home and place we draw life from), than what the $%^& does it matter what the economy is doing? Does it make sense to destroy the earth in order to make a living and survive? It's a catch 22. It seems to my simple, non-business orientated mind that once the planet becomes polluted/gutted and generally run over by several trucks, then what? Am I not seeing the "trees for the forest", to make a backwards-like statement? Isn't in EVERYONE'S interest to curb pollution/make the planet NOT die-off? Anyone else care to share/enlighten me...
  3. Robert Taylor

    Robert Taylor New Member

    Oct 13, 2004
    Rocket City
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(finman\";p=\"80810)</div>
    Well, the "business" of Kyoto is to send First World workers money to the Third World. The so called protocol has nothing to do with the environment globally and everything to do with money. The final proof? The protocol exempts majorleague thirdworld polluters! And the US congress has been right to protect the sweat of USA workers from being taxed to be sent to the third world. We already send vastly more than we should, with tragic consequences. Foreign aid buys resentment and funds despots, but that is another subject.

    A vastly better environmentally sound policy would be a domestic tax hike on fossil fuels, which would make alternatives economically viable. 200 dollars more in taxes on a ton of coal consumed, 50 cents more per gallon on a gallon of gasoline. That policy would work, scrap the C.A.F.E. stupidity and jack up the cost of fuels, and people would buy more fuel sipping vehicles.

    SUV sales rates are well down from a year ago and dealers canot keep the Prius in stock because of 2.23 per gallon gas.
  4. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius

    When you see an article like *that* in the Liberal Government Friendly Bell Canada Owned Globe and Mail, you know the s*** has hit the fan.

    Canadian taxpayers are boiling over as despite the fact there were many warnings about the *impossibility* of Canada meeting even a fraction of the KP requirements, it's now impossible for Canada to meet KP. It now appears, like every other Liberal Government boondoggle, a Ponzi Scheme that will cost Canadians dearly.

    Liberal Government boondoggles: the HRDC (Human Resource Development Canada, responsible for training workers displaced by cheap foreign production) $1 billion that is missing and nobody knows where the h*** it is; the National Gun Registry that is now approaching $2 billion in cost, despite the promise of it only costing $10 million, violent crime and gun crime is now soaring, and it sure as h*** didn't prevent the recent gun slaying of 4 RCMP officers in Alberta; and my favorite, the Sponsorship Scandal.

    I found it ironic that The Gomery Inquiry sealed the testimony of former AdScam workers, though Canadians could easily access the transcripts from an American blog. So they made the Gomery Inquiry public again and it appears a Non Confidence vote against PM Dithers - sorry PM Paul Martin - is in the offering. IOW the current Canadian government is set to collapse.

    On a per-capita basis, Canadians have the highest energy consumption in the world. Almost 40% higher than Americans. Twice as high as Europeans. One has to ask "why" before trying to find a magic "solution" like the KP that departing PM Chretien hustled into law as a smite to the United States.

    How the h*** does it "help" reduce emissions if Canada is forced to spend $$$ billions of taxpayer dollars to purchase emissions "credits" from some third world s*** hole??

    If Canada wanted to *really* reduce emissions they would have put extra taxes on gasolene, diesel, electricity and natural gas consumption. The recent rise in fuel price (Around $1 a litre in most places now) has created a backlog of SUV and pickup trucks on dealer lots, and small fuel efficient cars are flying off the dealer lots.

    I think the average Canadian is experiencing "scandal fatigue" where thanks to the crooked incompetent Liberal Government stooges, there have been so many scandals and multi-billion dollar boondoggles that we are getting shell-shocked.

    In the meantime, waiting lists are up for non-emergency health care, roads are falling apart, record number of personal bankruptcies, etc etc.

    Sorry about my sour mood. Just got done with my taxes and took a big hit.
  5. Tempus

    Tempus Senior Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    Washington DC
    2004 Prius
    Wonder whether they'll make Captain Ed an honorary Canuck, or try to indict him :)
  6. Devil's Advocate

    Mar 3, 2005
    Las Vegas, Nevada
    2005 Prius
    Wow Jayman,
    Are you telling me that Canada is not the Utopian heaven that the Libs in the U.S. paint it as? I've got no knocks against Canada, just that I don't want to live there, but I wouldn't want to live in most of the U.S., either to cold or to boring.

    I'm thinking that this also illustrates a difference between a more socialist government and a more capitalistic government. While not saying that any government is without scandal, here in the U.S. it seems that the big money scandals are run by our corporations and from Jayman's post Canada's big money scandals are from lack of governmental oversight or accountability due to the populaces dependance upon it. This is why governments that due little or nothing are more easily held accountable for wrongdoings. If your government runs a program and then screws it up and costs you a ton of cash you have to live with it because you have NO alternatives.

    must go back to work now.
  7. Robert Taylor

    Robert Taylor New Member

    Oct 13, 2004
    Rocket City
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Tempus\";p=\"80852)</div>
    I think the Canadian government is going after a Canadian blog that merely linked to Captain's Quarters.

    The Canadian press is trying Captain Ed through the press, about trampling on their soverienty, rights of the accused, blah blah blah.

    Upstart Yanks out to stay out of the business of corrupted Canadian Liberals!
  8. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Devil's Advocate\";p=\"80892)</div>
    I like a person with a sense of humor!

    Seriously, some nice scenery here, mostly nice people, but government can suck. A lot of the Constitutional rights and protection that Americans take for granted do not exist here.

    As an example: the SEC in the United States. True, the SEC over the past 10 years has become so ineffectual that it is almost neutered. There is no such agency here in Canada.

    Many recent Canadian Liberal Government approved financial scams, such as Bell Canada International and Nortel stock shams, have been prosecuted in U.S. courts as shareholders in Canada have no rights at all.

    This has recently been raised to public attention with the I Channel and their show "I on Money:"


    And this issue has been covered in ongoing coverage at The Underground Royal Commission:


    A non-confidence vote is brewing up here, with many expecting an Election Call by June. There is some fear the Liberal gov will collapse altogether and *really* cause a nasty situation.

    Those of us who live in the West have long felt that Ottawa could give one rat's a** about us. As long as Toronto and Montreal get all the benefit, to h*** with the rest of the country.

    Still in a sour mood over my income taxes. Sorry bout that.
  9. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Robert Taylor\";p=\"80896)</div>

    Not anymore, at least if today's Winnipeg Free Press is any indication. A lot of folks are happy about that blog raising awareness of the issue, which even resulted in the Gomery Inquiry being made public again.

    A lot of folks also think this has hastened the Non Confidence voting process, with a possible June date for an Election Call. Suits me fine.

  10. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    look who's going to try and get the non con. the Bloc. they are deathly afraid of the outcome of the Gomery inquiry. It's going to paint them into a corner with the fed libs and if that happens the conservatives will sweep and Quebec will have to suck the hind t** for at least 4 years and they don't want any of that. The whole bunch of them are just like little kids and need a good spanking. They don't have any plan in place for Kyoto. Non that dud of Minister of the Enviroment Stepen Dion was on TV and you could see the deer in the headlights when he was asked questions. Not one answer, not one. If this government sends one tax dollar out of this country to buy credits, they should be lined up against a cement wall and if anyone still owns a gun please shoot the bastards. You fix the emission problems here with our tax dollars and not ship on cent out of the country. I can't as a tax payer imagine anyone signing this protocol. Plant more trees, retrofit stack scrubbers, what ever is needed here, and not one cent to some foreign country. non not one cent. Anything else is treason agains your citizens
  11. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon\";p=\"81110)</div>

    Yeah, they're really upset aren't they? All those taxpayer-funded pork projects and scandals have caught up. I don't see anything wrong with them getting the hind t** for at least 4 years.

    Us in the West have been forced to the hind t** for at least what, 35 years? Ever since Trudeau.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon\";p=\"81110)</div>
    Oh, you watched that one too? I was ROFL, it was hilarious. Even though I'm p***** off, I could see the humor in the situation as one more Liberal doofus crashed and burned. Remember those "classic" Looney Tunes? I envision him walking up to Ralphy Baby (Ralph Goodale, Minister Of Finance) and saying:

    "Duhhhh wadda I do Ralph?"

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon\";p=\"81110)</div>
    I sure wasn't dumb enough to even try to take my Glock from Utah to Canada. So sorry to report that since I don't even have a FAC (Firearms Acquisition Certificate) I can't even legally buy a box of ammo. Unless you're willing to co-sign a FAC as a "reputable witness" that I'm a "person of good character" and "mentally stable?"


    Though the Saturday Night Specials are still very easy to acquire. You just have to swallow your pride and deal with some ugly stinky guy riding a Harley Davidson. Pass.

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Frank Hudon\";p=\"81110)</div>
    As my Dad would say, "no s***." But you're not dealing with rational intelligent critters here Frank. Just have to accept that.

    I think I may have to take up Yoga or something else to calm down before that throbbing vein in my forehead bursts like an overripe tomato.
