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Clean Air Council Holds Pruis Event

Discussion in 'Local Prius Club Main Forum' started by Bill Hassall, Oct 12, 2007.

  1. Bill Hassall

    Bill Hassall New Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    The Clean Air Council is holding a press event next Thursday to put pressure on Toyota. As you know, Toyota advertises itself as a green car company, but has sided itself on the wrong side of an environmental battle. At the press event we will be holding up a giant copy of the letter below with signatures of Prius owners. We are also looking for Prius owners to show up at the press event in their Prius. The event details are:

    Thursday, October 18th @ 8AM
    Trolley Car Diner in Chestnut Hill (7611 Germantown Ave.)

    It should only take a half hour of your time and there will be donuts and coffee served. Let me know if you can attend.

    Letter to Toyota’s President:

    Dear Mr. Hayakawa,
    I am very disappointed to learn about Toyota's opposition to a sensible increase in fuel economy standards to 35 miles per gallon by 2020. If your company is serious about fighting America's addiction to oil, it's time for your lobbying to match your advertising rhetoric.
    Toyota's advertisements paint the company as the greenest, most fuel-efficient car company on the market. If that's the case, why is Toyota an active member of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, a Washington lobbying group that claims that a sensible 35 mile per gallon standard is "unattainable"?
    Americans who love the Prius thought that Toyota was a leader in the field. But, based on your lobbying activities, you're no different from all of the other auto companies.
    As a consumer, I urge you to call for a 35 mile per gallon standard by 2020 that allows for continuous improvement after 2020. I further urge you to withdraw Toyota from any lobbying association that opposes a 35 mpg standard.

    A Concerned Customer

    I hope to see you all there.