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Extra Brake Pedal Travel

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by berryfactoid, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. berryfactoid

    berryfactoid New Member

    Apr 13, 2015
    DC, Alabama
    2007 Prius
    I haven't seen my issue out there, so I guess I'll document it. I'm also pretty confused by it.

    I have a gen II Prius 2007 with 115,000 miles on it

    When I use my brakes at low speeds under 15 mph, there is a bit of extra brake travel before they engage properly.

    So, lets say I'm going 30 mph and I press the break a bit. So, when I put my foot down, it goes though the normal pedal travel and then begins to smoothly brake. At about 1" in, it will slow down about 15 mph, but the car doesn't continue to decelerate unless I apply the petal further. I have to get about another inch more before additional breaks engage. And then I usually come to a rather jerky stop, even if I apply the pedal quite smoothly.

    Any ideas? I'm planning to take it to a dealership for brake service later this week or maybe next week. What should they be looking for or what should I ask for?
  2. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    How much rust is on your front brake discs and in the rear brake drums?

    Somewhere in there is the transition from regenerative braking to friction braking. The transition should be complete by the time you drop to 7 mph. The transition isn't always seamless, especially if the road is smooth, and the brake pads and shoes are worn and the discs and drums are rusty. Rust can be worn off by some repeated sharp braking, hard enough to bypass regen and go straight to friction. Worn pads and shoes may need replacement, but you will still need to get accustomed to some occasional feel of mismatch on the transition. A small mismatch is a user experience issue, not a safety or performance issue in itself.