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First Breakdown

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by bradnunn, Nov 5, 2004.

  1. bradnunn

    bradnunn Junior Member

    May 20, 2004
    With nearly 20,000 miles on the odometer, I experienced my first
    problem with my 04 Prius. I stopped to fill up with gas. Drove
    about a mile after the fill up and noticed nothing wrong. Parked the
    car for about an hour. When I came back it did not seem to power up
    as usual. A red triangle and exclamation point appeared and the check engine light came on. I tried re-booting but had the same result. I drove
    about a mile and noticed that the engine never started up. Power
    began to wane and a check of the battery display indicted it was down
    to the last bar and pink. Pulled off the road and called a nearby
    dealer about a tow. Sitting on the side of the road I rebooted a few
    more times and eventually heard the engine fire up. (triangle and exclamation point still lighted). I drove directly to the dealer and left it there. Had to take a rental home.

    After leaving it at the dealer, they reported that the big red triangle was gone when they started it up and that it ran normally. The computer did register a code that they said they had not seen before. The code was TMC231 which reportedly is somehow related to the PARK function. I don't know if it is in any way related but I do not generally use the PARK button.
    I generally just power down and let park auto engage. The technician
    also mentioned a U0293 code. I don't know what that is about. After
    speaking with Toyota in Calif. the technician called me back to ask
    if I had been parked on an incline just before the trouble occurred.
    I had not. After further test drives and calls to Toyota, they called
    to tell me it was functioning normally and that I could pick it up.
    I drove it home (55 miles)without incident. The service manager said
    that the folks at Toyota had no explanation and that a case had been
    opened and that it would not be closed until there is resolution. I
    asked him to contact me once a solution is found. In the meantime I
    hope the problem does not recur. Anyone with a similar experience?
  2. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    just a thought if it does it again, put it in park then power down and re-boot. That might just get you going normally.
  3. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    You might or might not have experienced similar issues that I experienced and documented here:

    It sounds different, but the warning I received from the MFD related to the brake even though I was parked in a relatively flat parking lot.

    It seems tpical that when something like this happens, there are certain steps to follow:
    1) Fight back that "Oh crap" feeling.
    2) Breathe deeply.
    3) Remember that the Prius is basically a computer on wheels with the amazing ability to fix itself.
    4) Reboot the car in intervals of about a few minutes.
    5) After the third boot, if the system no longer detects a system error, you can drive away.
    6) You might want to reboot a fourth time just to check.

    Since my episode, I have experienced no problems. I predict that you will probably not see this happen again.
  4. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Wow, great timing on this post! I've had my 2004 for about a month now. Yesterday I was driving in traffic, on the same road as usual, at around the 60 km/h posted speed limit. The MFD indicated the battery was green and one bar away from the top, which I usually have in Winnipeg city traffic. The car gave a sudden lurch and started slowing down: the ICE had stopped and the electric motor/generator was the only source of power. The dash had the Master Warning red triangle, the Check Engine, and the Hybrid warning icons; in addition, the MFD had the warning triangle and "PROBLEM." I pulled off safely on battery alone and tried the Power Off / Power On sequence several times, and the ICE refused to restart. Ironically, I pulled into a parking lot off the highway that had a truckstop AND a major towing company, which Toyota Roadside Assistance found hard to believe. Instead of calling the towing company directly, they had to go through a central dispatch, so I had a coffee in the truck stop and waited. I then waited at the towing company, chatting with the tow driver, while they waited for the "official" Toyota call. A big truck had blocked access to the Prius and the tow driver wanted to know if it was possible to push the car. Out of habit, I put my foot on the brake and poked the Power button, to shift into N: The ICE started but the Check Engine remained on. I drove to the wrecker and called Toyota again to see if I should just try to drive it anyway, and they said under NO circumstances to try to keep driving. The Service Manager was VERY surprised to see me again, as that morning on the way to work I had set up an appointment to install winter tires. They set me up with a rental (Ford Focus, yuk) and the tech gave a call before closing. They have never SEEN the combination of codes they had pulled and needed to do more intensive diagnostics starting next week, including discussion with engineers. I'll keep everybody updated on what they uncover, but so far I'm very disappointed and very worried that Toyota's usual excellent reliability is lacking in my Prius. First and foremost, I need a car I can rely on, and if this car proves to be unreliable, I'm getting rid of it.
  5. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Based on the advice of Toyota Canada, the technician erased and reprogrammed the PCM/ECU to Calibration #34705100. I picked it up this morning and - so far - so good. They want me to stop in next Tuesday to verify no new codes. I must admit, the tech seems honestly concerned about this and really went out of his way to try to resolve the problem. Here is a strange side effect of the new Calibration: the Homelink has stopped working, and Toyota is baffled by it. The programmed remotes are now erased and the Homelink refuses to allow programming. I just wanted my car back, so I'll let the tech dig into this deeper and hopefully he'll have the answer by next week.
  6. laserbill

    laserbill New Member

    Oct 28, 2004
    Denver, Colorado
    Is the same Jayman on the Cruiser Boards?
  7. enerjazz

    enerjazz Energy+Jazz=EnerJazz

    Feb 18, 2004
    Fairview, TX
    2007 Prius
    Had my first problem today on the way home:
    Prius Problem 11/8/2004
    Mileage: 4150
    Temp: 75
    At around 5pm I was attempting to accelerate onto a highway access road. When I stepped on the accelerator the car began moving, then hesitated strong enough to push me forward. It made a "clunk" noise, then picked back up. It drove normally after that.

    About 15 minutes later I was attempting to enter a highway onramp. As I began to accelerate the master warning light (red triangle) came on and the car beeped. The check engine light and the red brake system warning light also came on. The hybrid system warning light was also on the display.

    I switched to the energy monitor screen and noticed that the engine was not running. The battery level was slowly dropping so I pulled off into a parking lot. I shut the car down, then restarted it. The brake light cleared, but the other lights were still on. The engine did run and began charging the battery. I called the roadside assistance line and she asked if the car was driveable. I took a short trip around the parking lot and the engine was running and the battery appeared to be charging again. She recommended that I drive it to the dealer if possible. I drove the remaining 5 miles home without incident. The lights are still on. I plan to bring it to the dealer first thing in the morning, 11/9/04.

    I'll post the diagnosis.
  8. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    ?? Cruiser Boards?? Uh, no. :roll:
  9. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    My local Toyota tech called early evening to see if everything was ok with the car. There is a TSB for a similar problem: After stopping at a red light and the ICE shuts down, when the light turns green and you accelerate, the ICE will NOT restart but the electric motor / generator will continue to provide power until the HV battery is exhausted. However, mine gave out almost a block from the light AFTER the ICE had restarted. When the ICE quit, it was a sudden lurch, like slamming the brakes. The "fix" is to flash the computer to the new Calibration number, and the tech is also supposed to put a sticker under the hood next to the Federal Emissions label. I checked and my local tech did put this sticker next to the Federal label. I'll keep everybody informed how well this "fix" has cured the problem, keeping in mind it took a month and 3,000km before this problem became apparent. Still no luck with the Homelink though, it refuses to allow programming.
  10. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    As for the homelink, sounds like it may have gone into an unknown state possibly due to 12V power fluctuations (dead/disconnected battery).

    Someone had a problem where it wouldn't accept programming after taking delivery. The problem was solved by going through the proceedure to erase the homelink. It would then accept programming.
  11. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I conveniently ran across the post Dan referenced. Here are the instructions to clear the Homelink:
  12. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Thanks Danman! I checked with the tech and he DID have the 12V battery disconnected due to shop manual / safety requirements. That may explain why I lost my radio presets too. However, when I held the two outer Homelink buttons for 20 seconds, they didn't flush/reset. It took over two minutes before the solid red LED started blinking. I was then able to reprogram the Homelink, so at least that works.

    So far so good, but time will tell. This is the first new car I have ever owned that actually died on me, and it has shaken my confidence. At least if a doorknob falls off, the car is still driveable!
  13. enerjazz

    enerjazz Energy+Jazz=EnerJazz

    Feb 18, 2004
    Fairview, TX
    2007 Prius
    Update on my problem. The car drove fine for the 15 mile trip to the dealer. They reprogrammed the ECU (EG4017) per a TSB and I'm running normally. A friend of mine who bought a few months ahead of me had the same thing happen this past week.
  14. bradnunn

    bradnunn Junior Member

    May 20, 2004
    This is a follow up to my original first breakdown post. On 11/9/04, I got into my Prius after work pressed the power button and it seemed to come to life as usual. No warning lights were visible. I put it into reverse without a problem. However, as I backed out of my parking space, I noticed that it did not seem to respond normally to my pressing the accelerator. I was on level ground and it did back up at a slow steady pace. Pressing the accelerator seemed to have no effect. When I attempted to shift to drive, it would only go to neutral. The ICE never came on. I pushed the power button several time but it would not power down. I pressed the park button and was then able to power down. When I pressed power again, it came on normally and I drove away without further incident. No warning lights ever came on. Now I am a bit spooked. I have not returned to the dealer. Any suggestions?
  15. removeum

    removeum Member

    Jul 6, 2004
    El Paso, TX
    2007 Prius
    8) It sounds like you found the solution to your problem. Push park button first than power down.

  16. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I stand behind my original posting:
    The sad part is that you might never figure out what happened as I never did. The good part is that you might never encounter this problem again.
  17. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    I had a call from Toyota Canada profusely apologizing for my breakdown. We had a pleasant chat and it appears my problem was software in nature, as they've already analyzed the program dump the tech downloaded from my car. So I also gather from the posts that this problem isn't a hardware problem (Bad relay, shorted/open wiring, bad sensor, etc), but rather a software problem? Most embedded systems (RTOS such as Wind River VXWorks, Sun Chorus, QNX Neutrino, etc) allow you to perform extensive iteration testing while prototyping a new system. I offered to reverse-engineer the Prius to "assist" Toyota Canada, that made them nervous. Wonder why? :p
  18. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    "nervous" HA HA HA man just about fell of my chair!
  19. finman

    finman Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2004
    Albany, OR
    2014 Nissan LEAF
    I, too have had my very 1st 'red triangle' of doom.

    Was sitting at a light, when traffic moved again and I got thru the light, the red triangle, check engine, and VSC lights came on. I pulled into the nearest parking lot, noticing the gas engine was off and I was running on battery alone. Turned car off, went into a the store, thinking I'd wait to restart. Came back to restart and all but the red triangle and check engine light went out. Engine came on within ten seconds, charging the battery.

    I drove home (about 5 miles) and car ran fine. Idiot/warning lights still on. Got home, powered down, then back on, still have the red triangle light and check engine light.

    Thought I may have messed something up with my amp and subwoofers project, so I disconnected the 12 V battery, waited for 10 min., then reconnected and powered back on. No warning lights, car runs fine. Have driven 30 miles since and no issues.

    I did read something in the manual that said "to re-enable VSC after 12 V battery has been disconnected, power on normally (foot on brake), shift into N, then press park, before driving vehicle". I didn't do that when I originally installed the amp.

    I'll try to find that page again and post it. Not sure if this is my problem as I have had the amp installed for 3 days. Crazy computer car!
  20. dennisd

    dennisd New Member

    Aug 29, 2004
    Temecula, CA
    Last night my '04 #9 broke down! My pain and anguish is great right now. It seemed like all the warning lights came on at once and the car literally came to a stop on my street. I sat in the car for a few minutes and then tried to start it up. It did start (with all of the warning lights going), and I was able to drive it to my house. I have 5300 miles on it and took it in for service (5k) 5 days ago. Any connection? I called the number on the window for service and they sent out a tow-truck to take it to the dealership. It was a flatbed truck. Before I called them I tried starting a number of times. The normal green leaf battery icon was red. While I really love this car, I am bummed by the hassle of this break down. I am still waiting to hear from Toyota about what went wrong. I will say they did get a tow truck to my house very quickly. I then had to call the dealership to let them know my car is coming in for service. I think my initial call to roadside service should have called the dealership about my sick Prius. I know some owners have had this problem. Has anyone had the issue fixed and then sees it happen again? I will keep everyone posted on the progress. Right now, though, I am down in the dumps with my baby at the dealership.