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Fuel Addetive Question

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Fuel Economy' started by kdmorse, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. kdmorse

    kdmorse Member

    Oct 15, 2005
    Germantown, MD
    2006 Prius
    With all the current talk of MTBE vs E10 across the country, it leaves me wondering how to tell what's going in my tank. Does my current fuel contain MTBE? Or did it, and it's now E10? Or is it just straight gasoline? How does one know?

    And along similar lines, is it documented somewhere which areas switch formulations for summer/winter, and when? One document I read said all US sources switch for 'winter', and another said only cities in high elevations, or those prone to pollution use a different blend during 'winter'. And of course, none of them define 'winter'.

    One of the reasons I ask, is because my MPG has been at the low end of what other have been reporting, and if there are fuel formulation reasons, I'd like to know. Now, this is mostly Short Trips, in 30 degree winter weather, but even so, 35 seems low. Long trips (same weather) averaged only 40.

    Now - I have no complaints, none at all. I just seek understanding of what's flowing through my car's veins, and how much that's effecting my results. I'd love to see if there's a significantly change caused by the current warm weather (70s - 80s), on possibly summer gas (here yet?), without MTBE (gone yet, was it ever there?), and know if I'm taking a small E10 hit.

    I'd try it myself, but my poor Prius has been in the body shop for 3 weeks, so I'm missing out on driving in warm weather, so all I can do is talk about it. And right before the accident, I filled it up and topped it off with (presumably) winter gas. So even when I get it back, it'll be a month before I could even try 'summer gas', if they switch in this area.

    The area is German town MD, and I have no idea if these things vary state by state, city by city, county by county, etc....

    As someone else said here - I want my Prius back, and I want it NOW! Letting me have one for two months, then taking it away are replacing it with a below average rental is about the cruelest thing the universe could do to me.

  2. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    1)Yes, you've been using gas with MTBE
    2)MTBE will be removed and Ethanol will be substituted
    3)The ethanol content will not be as high as E10...probably E3 or so....I've yet to see specific data on this. There is not, currently, enough Ethanol available to supply E10 to the entire country.
    4)Winter formulations are different in different areas. 3-7% in the South, 5-10% in the North.
    5)I suspect we'll see a little bit less of a summer 'bump' in FE due to the new formulations, but probably not a lot.
  3. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    Got my first fill up with gasoline with ethanol. And my mileage dropped about 4 mpg.
    We got a bit colder at the same time, so not sure how much of this is the ethanol.
    Snows off too but that should have helped if anything.