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Fuel Consumption Application for iPhone

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by User37, May 15, 2010.

  1. User37

    User37 Can spell PRIUS

    Sep 13, 2009
    2010 Prius
    I post this here under Fred's House of Pancakes even so it is about Fuel Consumption and has Prius written over it. Dear moderators, please move if necessary.

    I have taken over the development of an iPhone application that in simple words is a fuel consumption calculator combined with a database that will let you memorize your fuel refills. It can show you the consumption graphically and supports Miles, Kilometer, Gallons, Liters.

    Fuel Log 3 is available free from the App Store and a slightly more detailed description with pictures is here.

    Fuel Log 3 is not a new application but a few things behind the scenes have changed. Some of you might know the original Fuel Log. Fuel Log 3 is still having the same functionality but it is now free Open Source and the name has changed from “Fuel Log†to “Fuel Log 3â€.

    To keep your data save or to transfer it to a different computer you can export to Google Docs. If you have been using the previous Fuel Log you can export from Fuel Log and import into Fuel Log 3.

    Any form of feedback is appreciated. If you like it, please tell your friends, If you don’t like something in Fuel Log or Fuel Log 3 then please tell me. I am reading here, you can contact me via my blog and from time to time I tweet.

    Fuel Log 3 will continue to stay free. As the next step forward work has started on the user interface. The plan is to make it look more like the iPhone System Preference and the Address Book app. Translating it to other languages is planned, too.

    This step forward will not happen over night. Think more like “during the next monthsâ€. After all I am doing this in my spare time. :)

    Fuel Log 3 is now Open Source and a community development. Right now the community is only Olaf (me) so you are encouraged to join the development. Even if you are not a developer: If you would like to contribute for example translations, icons or other things you will be welcome.

    Most important to me is your feedback as a user.

    - Olaf
    1 person likes this.
  2. User37

    User37 Can spell PRIUS

    Sep 13, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Great, so how did I manage to do this? :embarassed:
    Sorry mods, this should really have gone into the House of Pancakes section. Could you please move it for me? Thanks!