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Global warming and American firms.

Discussion in 'Environmental Discussion' started by prius04, Jan 2, 2005.

  1. prius04

    prius04 New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
    NorthEast USA
    This was a commentary in my Sunday paper. It apparently first ran in the Boston Globe.

    I thought it would be appreciated here due to it's aside at the end about how some international companies are taking the global warming threat seriously while several, but not all, American Companies are pretending that it does not exist. The company they mentioned was Toyota. I hoped that the Prius would get a mention but alas, the article was not about cars per se.


    Here is a final quote from the article:
    "Is the United States going to lead the technological innovation and resulting job growth as it did with the Internet? Or is it going to lag behind as Toyota and other foreign competitors develop and dominate clean technology markets? The efforts of a small number of companies suggest the enormous potential available. The challenge is now before CEOs to lead their companies in realizing the opportunities posed by a carbon-constrained global economy."

    (And to those who might respond to this post by suggesting that the evidence on mankinds affect on global warming is still out, I would point out that only in the USA is the evidence still out, and that has to do with who owns our big media. In the "reality based" rest of the world, mankind-accelerated-global-warming is pretty much universally accepted as fact.)
  2. skruse

    skruse Senior Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Coloma CA - Sierra Nevada
    2007 Prius
    Double Your Efficiency

    The Rocky Mountain Institute's www.rmi.org approach is the soft path: Double your efficiency and you double your profit. It does not matter about belief systems regarding fossil fuels.

    Amory Lovin's book Factor Four details the soft path such as doubling efficiency. This is easily applied throughout your life. Our monthly electric-natural gas bill is less than 10% of most homes (@ US$0.13 kWh for electricity). Stop believing the marketing hyperbole.