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Go Back to Where You Came From - Must see [Australian] TV

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Braddles.au, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Braddles.au

    Braddles.au DEFAnitely using an EBH

    Jan 25, 2012
    Canberra, Australia
    2010 Prius
    [The videos in the links on the SBS website may not work outside Australia. Apologies in advance.]
    Go Back to Where You Came From | SBS
    Go Back To Where You Came From - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Special Broadcasting Service - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    You may be aware that Australia is currently having a debate about asylum seekers arriving by boat. The "debate" is sometimes classified as "border protection" or a threat to Australia, when it is nothing of the sort. Can we change the way the argument is framed?

    In 2011 SBS broadcast its first series of "Go Back to Where You Came from", taking 6 "ordinary" Australians from Australia to the sources of refugees throughout the world. No passports, no money, no identity. Five of the six started the journey with, shall we say, a strong feeling that people should line up for refugee status in an orderly manner and not "jump the queue". Or not bother joining any queue because you are not welcome. Then they were taken from Australia the "wrong way" up the path that millions are taking. Safe to say that when they saw what constitutes the queue and the people in it, their thoughts changed somewhat.

    The second series starting 28 August includes the man who might be considered the architect (is that too strong a term?) of much of the current hatred and misinformation against "illegal immigrants" Peter Reith, who declared that the asylum seekers had thrown their children overboard to force the Australian Navy to rescue them; a claim denied by the Navy. Their are also 2 more outspoken critics of boat people and three who could be described as representing an alternative view.

    The first series showed that you don't need manipulation or the sad music to tell you when to cry or what to think... brutal reality and genuine feelings can do just fine.
    hkmb likes this.
  2. GrumpyCabbie

    GrumpyCabbie Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    North Yorkshire, UK
    2010 Prius
    Do modern immigration controls keep out the actual people that make a country great?

    100 years ago places like Australia, America and Canada pretty much allowed most people in and those people worked hard to give themselves and their children a better future. But now the only people who are allowed in are the highly educated or those with certain rare skills. Sure, those people are needed but are they the fighters? The ones prepared to take risks? The ones who have nothing to lose and thus will fight harder? The ones with fire in their belly rather than a doctorate in computer studies. Sadly I personally I doubt it.

    Immigration appears all the wrong way round now. How many of the people who made the above 3 countries great 100 years ago would actually be allowed to emigrate there now? Very few I reckon.

    You need the dreamers, the do-ers, the fighters, the risk takers. Not the doctors, nurses, teachers and public workers. Sure you 'need' those skills, but are they the skills that made your countries great? No, not now and not 100 years ago.
    hkmb likes this.
  3. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    i think we allow a pretty good cross section in. and the others find a way in anyway.:cool:
  4. Braddles.au

    Braddles.au DEFAnitely using an EBH

    Jan 25, 2012
    Canberra, Australia
    2010 Prius
    Grumpy, there's another SBS documentary "Immigration Nation" that tracks the somewhat tumultuous history of Australian immigration. The Immigration Restriction Act 1901 was one of the first Acts after Federation and it applied a dictation test in any European language of the immigration officer's choosing to restrict entry. The case of Egon Kisch is particularly horrible example. The Act really annoyed the Japanese, who despite the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902 with Britain were generally denied entry into one of Britain's former colonies. The White Australia Policy was completely dismantled only in 1973, though it was taken apart in bits from about 1949.

    Curiously, long-term surveys of migrants to Australia don't show lots of people desperate to come here for a better life. Instead, many migrants say that they came to Australia to offer us something. Is it arrogance or the talk of a fighter and risk taker? There are many examples of great Australians that came from somewhere else. A surprising number of them were refugees: Sir Gustav Nossal springs to mind.

    What is lost in the current debate [cough!] is that the numbers arriving by boat are tiny. Italy gets more in 2 weeks than Australia gets in 6 months.

    My wife migrated to Australia and I admire the guts it took to move to a country with completely different language, culture, cuisine and fashion sense. And then stay with me for the past 13 years, which shows that she's a fighter and a risk taker.
  5. hkmb

    hkmb Senior Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    Sydney, Australia
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I didn't see season 1, but if that link works domestically, I'll watch it on my computer. I heard great things about it. And if Peter Reith is on season 2 (and Angry Bloody Anderson), it should be interesting.

    I didn't live here when the Tampa incident happened, but I watched it from a distance on The Australia Network, and I was appalled. What amazes me is that this weekend Tony Abbott invoked Tampa again, and repeated the lie. Really, if you tell stupid people the same lie often enough (and our tabloid news programmes at 6:30 every evening do that), they'll believe whatever lie you tell them - that immigrants throw their children overboard, that we're being swamped by immigrants, that they're all terrorists, that they arrive here and are given tons of money and a lovely house, or whatever.

    The only problem with programmes like Go Back To Where You Came From is that the people who watch Today Tonight (Grumpy Cabbie - imagine if Look North or Calendar were made by the people who write the Daily Mail and you're getting close) are not the ones who watch SBS (Grumpy Cabbie - imagine a more worthy Channel 4 or BBC4). So it doesn't have a chance to change the minds of the people whose minds need changing.
  6. hkmb

    hkmb Senior Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    Sydney, Australia
    Other Non-Hybrid
    You're quite right. And the same goes for Britain. You only need to look at our language to understand the value of immigration to our society.
  7. hkmb

    hkmb Senior Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    Sydney, Australia
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I'm a Pom, and moved here from China because my wife is Australian and wanted to come home. I've been here three years, and I have to say I had it easy on the immigration front because I'm white. It's quite noticeable in Sydney and Perth that it's an awful lot easier for white South Africans and Zimbabweans to claim political persecution and/or skills to get a visa than it is for a Sri Lankan or an Afghan.

    But with what you say about great Australians, I think it's worth noting the quite good Australians too. The last big wave of refugees that "swamped" us was Vietnamese, and the generation of Vietnamese people who came here as kids or who were born soon after their parents arrived are ... well .... the same as everyone else: they've maintained their original culture, and integrated brilliantly. It's pretty clear that Australia benefited from Vietnamese immigration, and I'm sure we can benefit from this latest round of people who are resourceful, inventive and determined enough to get here.
  8. Braddles.au

    Braddles.au DEFAnitely using an EBH

    Jan 25, 2012
    Canberra, Australia
    2010 Prius
    Yes, we can't let the great be the enemy of the quite good. And where would we get our weightlifters and boxers from otherwise?
    I promise you that I don't work for SBS but... for one perspective of part of the Vietnamese community, watch Once Upon a Time in Cabramatta on SBS online. Not so happy times.
    hkmb likes this.
  9. hkmb

    hkmb Senior Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    Sydney, Australia
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I did see that, and I enjoyed it. And I think it's something we can learn from: Vietnamese immigrants faced challenges and ran into problems when they first arrived - as some immigrant groups do now - but were very well assimilated in well under a generation.