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Here we go again. They just don't get it.

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by Rybold, Jun 18, 2008.

  1. Rybold

    Rybold globally warmed member

    May 14, 2008
    Southern California
    Other Non-Hybrid
    "The market for hybrid full-size sport utility vehicles may be small, but Chrysler LLC is determined to get a piece of it, saying Tuesday that its new hybrids will be nearly $8,000 less than competitors from General Motors Corp.

    The Durango and Aspen are Chrysler's first entries into the hybrid market and will go on sale in August. Chrysler said the hybrid SUVs get up to 20 miles per gallon and improve fuel economy by 40 percent in city driving and up to 25 percent overall.

    Sales of full-size vehicles have tumbled this year, the victim of high gas prices and growing consumer preference for smaller cars. But it's unclear if hybrid SUVs will lure some buyers back to the segment."
    Chrysler takes aim at GM with hybrid SUV prices: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance

    ----- Do Chrysler and GM think we are stupid or something? I think most people that have the money to buy a $50K car are going to be able to figure out that it's still going to cost them $90 to fill up their gas tanks!
  2. chogan2

    chogan2 Senior Member

    Feb 12, 2008
    2021 Prius Prime
    I think they were behind the curve, and the rapid shift in gas prices just made them further behind the curve. I'm guessing the decision to do this was made two or three years ago. With the thinking being that, within a stable and profitable market segment (gas guzzlers), a relatively more efficient gas guzzler would be a seller. Then the price of gas went up, and in retrospect, they've just make a major investment in a rapidly declining market segment. But their decisionmaking is too cumbersome to allow for rapid change and/or they've already sunk the costs in developing it, so ... they are about to make a major new move in gas guzzlers. I think it's not precisely as stupid as it looks, it's more like the cumulative result of a lot of little stupidities, a long corporate lead time to do anything, and the unexpectedly rapid change in gas prices and buyer preferences. In effect they've just launched a product that might possibly have made sense three years ago. (Not to me, I mean -- guzzler-lite is still guzzler, but in the sense of a product that a fair number of people might want to buy.)
  3. bac

    bac Active Member

    Apr 6, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I believe the short answer to be .... yes. :eek:

    ... Brad
  4. TonyPSchaefer

    TonyPSchaefer Your Friendly Moderator
    Staff Member

    May 11, 2004
    Far-North Chicagoland
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    GM's Lutz pitched this position a couple years ago. I have some math in the "Ford Focus commercial targets the Prius" thread, but the crux is that you reduce gasoline consumption far greater and at less expense if you improve the mileage of a guzzler - even a little - compared to improving an already high-mileage vehicle.

    I have no doubt that if/when they implement this technology they will start bragging about the total amount of fuel saved and the percent improvement (10 -> 12 = 20%!) without even hinting on the actual mileage numbers.
  5. freshmtt

    freshmtt Dachshund Addict

    Apr 23, 2008
    Chicago Suburbs
    2008 Prius
    Yes, I honestly do believe that they think we are stupid,, I can't get over the auto ads lately in the paper, they are advertising as much as 10 grand off MSRP for the big gas guzzlers, Tahoe, Hummer, Expedition etc.. It just makes me laugh, and in the same ad, advertising high MPG for these cars :eek:. So when they start advertising for a hybrid Tahoe and the like, I bet people will be stupid enough to go out and buy one,,
  6. MaxLegroom

    MaxLegroom Junior Member

    Jul 12, 2007
    Newport News, VA
    2005 Prius
    Actually, I don't think they are that stupid, here's why. Some people in this country simply feel they need a larger vehicle to carry their family in. My brother, for example, is one of these, and uses a Dodge conversion van to haul his family, which includes five dependents (not all children, alas). I suggested a top line minivan to him, but he didn't see the small increase in fuel economy to be worth it. Any mercy on these people in the way of fuel consumption is greatly appreciated, I figure. You see, there are some of us, who for whatever reason, refuse flatly to move to something like a Prius. I know why he did this. When my parents used to take us to his parent's home, up in Rhode Island, it was always in the back of Dad's VW Bug. By the time I was 12, whenever I came home from the car show, or the local Chevrolet dealer, I'd invariably drop the passenger van brochure in his lap, as I was quite tired of traveling in the back of that car. We got our van, a '75 Dodge, when I was a high school freshman, and it was so much better to travel in. So if he refuses to put his family in anything that even faintly smells of that experience, I can't blame him.

    Just because I fail to see a SUV as a aspirational vehicle, doesn't mean that there aren't still a lot of people who do. If this helps them along, I'm all for it.
  7. richard schumacher

    richard schumacher shortbus driver

    Mar 27, 2004
    United States
    2004 Prius
  8. morpheusx

    morpheusx Professor Chaos

    Mar 6, 2007
    Akron, OH
    2011 Prius
    the worst part is they could get to the 20 MPG improvement by making a few inexpensive changes. A few examples
    Lighter sheet metals or some added fiberglass panels,
    better wheels and tires,
    Improve aerodynamic design of heavy vehicles,
    a better gear ratio for cruising without a load,
    better mechanical parts of the engine such as improved intake and exhaust manifolds,
    iridium spark plugs, nice thick ignition wires and better coils,
    improved cooling system so that you can use more alluminum inside the engine without the risk of melting to lessen weight
    Use Smaller engines with some turbo charging

    A good example was I immediately improved on my previous car's gas mileage simply by going from the stock OEM plugs to Platinum plugs by 2 MPG went from 31 MPG to 33 MPG instantly for the life of the car.
  9. jackal454

    jackal454 New Member

    Jun 9, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I am sorry that you are so mistaken regarding what makes a car get better fuel mileage. The only difference between inexpensive spark plugs and platnium/irridium plugs (besides the price) is that the more expensive ones last longer. They are generally good for 100k miles, the difference you noted on your car was mostly due to having new spark plugs which were gapped correctly. Cooling systems, plug wires, and coils have literally no noticeable effect on mileage.

    I know firsthand that the tahoe does use lightened panels among other things to improve fuel economy, including the hood, tailgate, and more.

    Do you really think that the intake/fi systems arent pretty much maximized?If they could make a smalll alteration to these items to save fuel, dont you think they would? mpg sells cars as does power, etc.

    I own a prius now for reasons that fit MY life, I also own a Hemi powered Durango because i need one, I hate filling the thing up, but I cant pull a boat and load 7 people comfortably into a minivan.

    I find the arrogance of some hybrid/prius owners to be the worst thing about owning one of these cars. People assume we all feel that the rest of the world should fit into our neat little idea of how things should be. Fact is that different people have very different needs when it comes to purchacing a car, not everyone can fit their needs into a compact car.

    Be glad that you are saving some money and if you are worried about global warming, then be glad about your lack of contribution to that also.

    Regarding the hybrid suv's, I think they are a great idea. These will make it better for those who need/want a big vehicle. I hope they continue finding ways to improve fuel economy for all vehicles not just ones that are already efficient....without sacrificing performance so they all run like its 1981 again(if you were there you know what I mean)
  10. Rakimb17

    Rakimb17 Junior Member

    Jan 23, 2008
    Palmdale CA
    2008 Prius
    The only good thing I can find about these new hybrid SUVs is the design. It looks like they using a standard chevy truck transmission as the main component of their hybris system. That means that it can probably be retrofitted into other older suvs fairly easily.
    But, They did not put a lot of effort into the total design. The main problem is the fact that they are using huge displacement engines. They could easily get the same or more power out of a turbo 4.0 liter engine.
  11. hep

    hep New Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Maple Grove, Minnesota
    Ah, but many of us seem to be. :rolleyes:
  12. miscrms

    miscrms Plug Envious Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2005 Prius
    I love this sentiment.

    Prius owners are arrogant because they don't appreciate that:

    - I may be driving up fuel costs by consuming 3-4 times more gas, but I need to pull my boat.

    - Working class folks may not be able to afford to fill up their cars and drive to work, but I need to pull my boat.

    - Rising fuel costs may be driving up staple food prices to the point where some people may not be able to eat, but I need to pull my boat.

    - I may be polluting the air we all breath with 10X higher emissions, causing health problems and increased health care costs, but I need to pull my boat.

    - American soldiers may be dying by the thousands to secure our access to oil, but I need to pull my boat.

    - I may be sending 3-4 times more money to Al Qaeda sympathizers helping fund their global terror campaign, but I need to pull my boat.

    - I may be adding 3-4 times more CO2 into the atmosphere, which may help cause the biggest humanitarian disaster ever, triggering a worldwide economic collapse and the end of civilization as we know it, but I need to pull my boat.

    Seems to me there is more than enough arrogance to go around in this situation.

    As far as I can tell the only purpose of a Hybrid Durango, or a Hybrid Tahoe, is to try and improve a wasteful product just enough that people will go right on wasting. If you want to keep an old truck around to pull your boat once and a while, I can fully understand that. Boats are lots of fun, and the incremental damage from keeping a truck for that purpose is pretty small. Buying a brand new $50k slightly less wasteful vehicle that you will then need to drive all the time despite only "needing" it occasionally makes a lot less sense to me.

    Here's a link to an analysis I did in another thread, showing that if you are towing or hauling more than 4-5 people less than 50% of the time you are considerably better off with a Prius and an older truck than you are with one of these new full sized hybrids. Granted their are people out there who actually need to do these things more than 50% of the time, but they are in the vast minority. The fraction of those people who can afford a $40-$52k vehicle that still costs >$100 to fill up is probably even smaller still.

    And before anyone has a chance to play the "but they're safer for my family" card here's the study one more time showing you are 2-3 times safer in a minivan.


  13. GatorJZ

    GatorJZ Member

    May 25, 2008
    Other Hybrid
    What do you have against boats?
  14. miscrms

    miscrms Plug Envious Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2005 Prius

  15. skruse

    skruse Senior Member

    Apr 6, 2004
    Coloma CA - Sierra Nevada
    2007 Prius
    Detroit seems to be intentionally ignoring the Rocky Mountain Institute's Hypercar. Using carbon fiber body parts (fewer parts, lighter, no welds) the car is stronger and cheaper to produce. It takes less energy to move the vehicle, even though the vehicle is larger both exterior and interior. The body is resistant to impact and scratches (including sledge hammers). It takes less energy to move the whole vehicle than the energy it takes to run the air conditioner in a current ICE vehicle.

    I look forward to some sort of hybrid pickup. I have a need for a work vehicle that can be used for 4WD in snow, will pull a modest trailer, and meets our needs to "haul stuff." The current Detroit efforts are putting lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig.
  16. morpheusx

    morpheusx Professor Chaos

    Mar 6, 2007
    Akron, OH
    2011 Prius
    First off you don't know what you are talking about. The thinner metal on the Tahoe has nothing to do with fuel economy it has everything to do with cheaper thinner metal to give you a poor quality truck, otherwise it would be aluminum or fiberglass panels. As far as the intake and exhaust manifolds I would be willing to bet that they were designed for Peak Horse Power with little to no mind of fuel efficiency. The bottom line here is that Chrysler has nothing in the works for fuel efficiency. Lets slap a HYBRID emblem on them and they will fall for it, better yet they wont and the North American public will think all Hybrids are all hype.
  17. KandyRedCoi

    KandyRedCoi S is for Super!

    Mar 28, 2008
    2008 Prius
    another PC member mentioned it before but a hybrid SUV is a definite oxymoron with the emphasis on moron

    20mpg is nothing to be proud of...my old 2002 suburban got 18mpg on 87 octane LOL

    my fast sports car gets 30mpg LOL

    20mpg hybrid suv = epic fail
  18. CarGuy60

    CarGuy60 New Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Morning All, Could not agree with MaxLegroom more. I have a Prius on order with a south of Boston dealer and am #12 as of a week or so ago. Prius is certainly not for everyone. It to me is a commuter car, not a family car. There is no way i could have coached a Little League team, carry kids and equipment to the games, could never take Cub Scouts to events or subject other couples to sitting in my back seat. Relief from the Middle East bandits comes in all flavors, small cars, small hybrids,suv hybrids. Every little bit helps. For me and my wife the Prius seems adequate. Just a comment, this is without a doubt the most pretentious, smug, board i have ever read and or joined. The attitude of many on this board must certainly turn off many possible Prius customers. As you flame me, re read some of the comments on this forum. Many posts range from nasty to pompous.These comments regarding smug and pompous are not intended for everyone on the forum, and to many people i say thank you for the information and thoughts posted here.
  19. hep

    hep New Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Maple Grove, Minnesota
    I'm thinking that miscrms can make a new graph with a nasty/pompous scale and plot us all in our respective points. I'll meet you in the upper right corner.
  20. hill

    hill High Fiber Member

    Jun 23, 2005
    Montana & Nashville, TN
    2018 Chevy Volt
    Problem is GM finally gave up on making Hummers. It'll be hard for them to implement their "paragon of ignorance" logic ... where they brag on 20% better mileage of land barges, if they keep pulling the plug on their land barges. Hummer: What an irony. The car they began ramping up, even as they began conspiring to take back & crush, their EV1's. GM could have been continuing to improve on its range, size, power, etc ... but not w/ Lutz & Wagoner at the helm. Now, they'e both busy bragging about how "... the 'Volt' is no longer a concept" ... simply because they finally got one set of batteries to run a Malibu, for 40 miles. Er ... didn't the EV1 have a range almost THREE times that far? (shaking head).