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Hey Prius Clubs...Make your cars Carbon Neutral!

Discussion in 'Environmental Discussion' started by Suburban600, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. Suburban600

    Suburban600 New Member

    Jul 14, 2006
    Here's an idea for Prius Clubs...
    Leverage your combined buying power and purchase plots of land that will offset the carbon pollution of your Prii.

    How many tons of CO2 do Prii produce (on average) in a year?

    Well, here is the result from Terrapass.com. ( http://www.terrapass.com/road/carboncalc.php )

    Vehicle:2007 Toyota Prius automatic transmission
    Mileage:60 mpg (city), 51 mpg (highway)
    Distance:12,000 miles per year
    Fuel use:216 gallons per year
    Emissions:4,226 lbs CO2 per year

    (fyi: calculate your total household carbon production at http://www.carbonfootprint.com/USA/calculator.html )

    How much forested/grassland etc land does one need to purchase to offset a single Prii's CO2 production?

    Well this depends. It depends on the natural growing capability of the site. In my case I estimate that my thickly forested land absorbs about 2 metric tons of carbon per year. So, I currently drive 36,000 miles per year therefore a minimum of three of my forested acres is necessary to offset the carbon pollution of my Prius.

    Go to: http://www.epa.gov/sequestration/forestry.html for more info.

    So, in an area of high rainfall which produces high volumes of plant material approximately 1 forested acre will offset the carbon pollution of one Prius.

    What are other benefits of purchasing a piece of land and protecting it from development or "undeveloping a parcel".

    Here is a short incomplete list: slow/reverse urban sprawl, preserve wildlife habitat, preserve wildlife corridors, have a place to go to have Prii rally and camp, a place to plant trees, a place to build a small eco friendly clubhouse (solar, composting toilet, garden...all the things you might not be able to do in the city), a community park/garden

    Where do I buy this property?
    Like most things dealing with investment...even an environmental investment, buy what you know. How about that old industrial site near where you live, the old abandoned farm, abandoned lots in a city, an island, a swamp, a mountain etc. If you are looking to maximize impact afforestation (planting trees on bare land) has the largest impact.

    What about legal concerns? Become familiar with the law and liability of property owners. Consult with a lawyer.

    Finally, one doesn't have to plant trees in the Amazon region or Africa to make a difference...yes the impact may be greater however, one can still make an impact here in North America. The nice thing about adopting a "yes, in my backyard" position with regard to private land preservation is that you or your club can manage the land, visit the land (without a huge carbon footprint) and demonstrate to the local community how they can also improve the environment.

    I hope you found this concept worth further evaluation. If so, good luck with your efforts to improve our environment and to set an example for our future generations.