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How do you like your car ... When are you going to sell it?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by bruceha_2000, Jul 9, 2004.

  1. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I just gotta dig you all here given that people see your new '04 and want to know about it, want one, etc :)
    In the past 3 weeks 2 people have asked about my '95 Odyssey. One was in a McD's lot in N.H.. The other was a neighbor who stopped by while I was working in the garden. He wanted to know how I liked the car. Told him the truth of course! Which usually ends with something like "if I could get a Toyota Hybrid Synergy system in a brand new (ie built for 2005) '95 Odyssey, I'd be SOOOO happy! He wanted to know when I was going to sell it! They aren't hurting for money so I did mention that he might be able to get a newer one (made through '98 ), or an Izusu Oasis (same thing made through 99 ). Turns out he wants something to drive to Mexico and leave there for vacation use so an older one was actually more to his liking as it would be cheaper. Plus, he isn't in any hurry! So if I decide to order an '05 Prius when they are announced, I might have the perfect buyer for my old car!! We already agree that something between retail and trade-in is a reasonable price :) I imagine he won't be interested in the mounted snow tires though ;-)
  2. Smooth Operator

    Jan 15, 2004
    Cowichan Bay, BC Canada
    Here's a couple of observations for your neighbour. First, he may discover that he would be further ahead with a Nissan, GM, Ford, Chrysler, or VW product. Hondas are not assembled in Mexico while vehicles made by the companies listed above do have manufacturing in Mexico. It may be much more difficult, and more expensive, to get parts for a Honda Odessey in Mexico that to get parts for vehicles that are assembled in Mexico.

    A friend of mine recently sold his Toyota Sienna that he greatly enjoyed and bought a Ford minivan to take to Mexico because of the parts and servicing issues. (Toyota does not have assembly plants in Mexico either.)

    If he does take the Odessey to Mexico, it may not be a bad idea to take the snows. I have my 1989 Ranger in Mexico. I took my M&S rated tires with me. They come in handy during the rainy season when dirt roads can become very slippery. The extra traction helps.
  3. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    That worried me too. I asked him about the availability of repair for Hondas in Mexico as soon as he told me he wanted to leave a car there. He seemed to think it would be fine and sounded like he had checked it out.
    I'll keep that mud thing in mind, it would be nice to sell the whole package. Of course none of this is a done deal :)