If it's a private message, or start a conversation, which is what it sounds like, then others will not see it to interact. Which is why maybe it should be posted in the open forum?
welcome! click on the 'forums' button in the upper left corner. scroll down to the forum of your choice, (gen 2 for your 2005 for instance) select the appropriate sub forum, and click the 'create a new thread' button at the top right. all the best!
After 1 hour of looking everywhere on tne site with a so.ute,y -0- success, am now Websearching “how to post in PriusChat forum.” Does anyone know? I’ve never encountered this much hidden information and I don’t understand what the point is of making it SO DIFFICULT to simply learn how to create a post. Nkthing on tne ‘help” section. No “new post” button that i can find in the forum itself. Thank you.
welcome! go to the main forum page, scroll down to the forum you want to post in, click, then click the blue button near the top right of the threads, 'post new thread'.
Nope. I'm going to have to go on record and agree with him. As a newb, I'm looking everywhere and there is no button, tab, link, or otherwise written text that states "create new thread." Is this one of those "hey you have to make a certain number of posts before we'll take your training wheels off?" Because it seems like a lot of trouble just to make this magic button appear. Why am I reminded of a spouse? Anyway, I figure it's a temp restriction? Same thing with uploading?
At the top of any forum main page, where all the threads are listed, look in the upper right corner: pretty close to the corner you should see a horizontal, blue, rectangular button, about 1" by 3/8".
Yes , I see that you and ed only have one post. That’s probably the issue, to prevent bots. Search for related threads and post reply’s 5 or 6 times, then try starting a new thread. Ed never came back, I hope you make out better
Well would you look at that! As of now I see a shiny #6 next to my name! I hope that means I can post a new thread in the gen 3 forum! Here's to the first of many! Thank you gents!
I have to agree, I have been on this forum before and I can’t find the new thread button that you all speak of.