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I just don't get it?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Weinerneck, Nov 12, 2005.

  1. Weinerneck

    Weinerneck New Member

    Aug 9, 2005
    Western New York
    First off let me say that I know everyone is different and has very different tastes.

    When I read some of the posts on this news group I wonder at times why some of us bought the Prius in the first place. I have heard complaints of it being “Gut Less, has no power†and I find this far from the truth, unless of course you are comparing it to a diesel electric locomotive.

    I’ve listened to people talk about the poor handling and what can be done about that, “chassis stiffening plate, upgrading the suspensionâ€, just to mention a couple. I have found no inadequacies in the handling characteristics of this type of car. Would I enter into a “Grand Prix†with the Prius…. No, but that’s not what I bought it for.

    Last but certainly not least are the tires. The way everyone (ok not everyone) talks about the OEM tires I’m surprised any of us got the car home from the dealer in one piece. Are there better tires out there…. I’m sure there is, but these seem to be a very adequate tire. As for using them in winter conditions, well one look at them will tell you they weren’t designed for the people who drive in the snow, they make “Snow Tires†for that season.

    Just the other day I was on I-90 south of Buffalo in a thunder storm with heavy rain, wind, lightning and also heavy traffic. It was raining so hard that there was an excess of standing water on the roadway and the Prius gave me no concern. Was I going 75 mph, No (what jerk in his right mind would do that), about 50 mph was tops and even that was probably to fast.

    We have found that we love the Prius; it has lived up to everything we thought it would. Is there things that could be different, sure there is, you can say that about any vehicle but all in all it’s a great car. :D

    End rant
    Just my 2 cents
    Feel free to hammer on me :(
  2. windstrings

    windstrings Certified Prius Breeder

    Sep 11, 2005
    Central Texas
    2010 Prius

    Hopefully no hammer.. B)
    I think people are really proud of thier cars.... others like myself also turn it into a hobby where its fun to tinker and improve and make it unique.
    Toyota has already done a pretty good job at the unique part, but many like to really personalize it!
  3. skijapan

    skijapan Junior Member

    Aug 25, 2005
    Hokkaido, Japan
    2005 Prius
    Me too! I love my car. Gutless- my arss! Why just today, I was trying to pull out onto the highway and I had a subtle opening, so I gunned it (contrary to my original ideas of slow and steady acceleration) and the tires spun on dry pavement! The "don't spin the tires" control kicked in (for my first time) soI feathered the gas a bit and peeled out onto the road and kicked the car behind me's arss. Good stuff!

    My blue baby; baby!
  4. Bill Lumbergh

    Bill Lumbergh USAF Aircraft Maintainer

    Jul 5, 2005
    2005 Prius
    Different strokes for different folks.

    I didn't actually hate the stereo when I bought mine, but I knew it could be improved, so I upgraded it.

    For those who bought it and find the power insufficient, what did you expect? If you need more power, consider an Accord hybrid.
  5. powphilprius

    powphilprius Elshawno~

    Sep 16, 2005
    2005 Prius
    Yes, agreed. My 05 will try to peel out and chirps the tires until the traction control kicks in and squelches it. I think my prius has great power!
  6. daronspicher

    daronspicher Active Member

    Sep 27, 2005
    You're right.. You just don't get it.


    Someone had to say that.. :eek:

    For the most part, I'm with you. I'll take my 06 in January Package 5, and drive it until it needs something. My 99 pickup has 102k miles now and I can't think of a modification I've made to it. Factory audio systems are plenty for my un-keen ears, and I wont' know if the tires are super or poor since I won't have much to compare them to. I know my pickup would spin out and slide when I cross a certain set of rail road tracks on my way to work, so when I cross them, I am off the accellerator, and I know I need to control the aggression of my turning.. I didn't go decide that the tires would hold on that surface if I were to spend $1000 and get something crazy wide or whatever. The suspension is going to be what it is when I get the car. I"m not sensitive enough to even realize a different set of shocks/struts will make a difference.. and why do I care anyhow because it drives just fine the way it is.

    When it's time for new tires on the Prius, I'll keep my ear to the ground and see what the kids all think are the good ones because I won't know and the tire shop won't give me a straight answer. Then, I"ll price things out because you're not saving much on gas if you're paying $400 per tire.
  7. paprius4030

    paprius4030 My first Prius

    Aug 12, 2004
    2012 Prius
    My Prius is everything I hoped for too. It's just about the best car I ever owned. It's probably (except for sentimental reasons) better than my first new car, a bight orange Road Runner. If only I could put the beep-beep horn on my Prius LOL
  8. chrisek

    chrisek geek

    Oct 24, 2005
    Carson City, NV
    2005 Prius
    My wife and I are enjoying our Prius immensely (when I get to drive it <_< ), as was mentioned above some people just like to tweak their vehicles for themselves. We didn't purchase a Viper, nor do we intend to turn it into one. Adapting the car to the way we drive will add to our enjoyment. If the car was perfect for you out of the box, I'm jealous.

    My wife read the statements on this thread about the stereo being not so hot (we got and '05 with #6) and now is on me to change out the speakers!

    I will end up changing the wheels so I can put on some high-end tires (Bridgestone Pole Position SO-3), but that's just my preference. Yeah, when I change the wheels I will get very light ones that my wife approves the looks of (it is her car after all).

    We will also be bracing up the chassis as parts become available. You would be amazed at how much quieter a 200,000 mile car is that is braced vs not.

    That's it, nothing crazy. No naaaawwws. Actually, no power requests have been handed out by either one of us. Others feel differently (that is why companies like Blitz! exist . . ..) Glad you are enjoying yours, we are too.
  9. Weinerneck

    Weinerneck New Member

    Aug 9, 2005
    Western New York
    chrisek....... good point on the chassis bracing. I will have to give that some thought because we will be keeping this a long time and my wife piles on the miles.

    To the others that replied...... thanks for leaving the hammer in the drawer. This group is a great place to learn and I have gained a great deal of knowledge from reading here. :)

    At this point in my life (46) I guess I'm just looking to get my skinny a** from point A to point B. I'm sure people would think I'm nuts if they knew how much I had wrapped up in my recumbent bicycles. Some day I would like to have another (had one in high school) 1970 GTO, and then I will be looking for all the neat accessories to spend my money on. I think talking about a GTO on this news group might bring out the hammer. :eek:
  10. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    chrisek, get Bob's Chassis Stiffening Plate and swap the stock plate out.
  11. Graz

    Graz Member

    Feb 22, 2005
    San Diego, CA
    2005 Prius
    Hello Everyone!

    I too love my Prius. I find that it has plenty of power whenever I need it. I am 47 and have a history of lead footed speeding tickets. I am never left without enough power. I have found that my attitude has changed with this car. I now approach every tank as a new opportunity to achieve even better mileage. Much to the boredom of my passengers.

    I have no truck with the tires, and I keep them hard. 45/45 psi. I have noticed a lean in corners that makes me back off on the gas. Though, that is an opportunity to get better mileages, I think that the chassis could be stiffer. The replacement stiffener plate could be a good choice, I donno.

    I think I'll just drive slower.

    As for audio... I believe that the 9 speaker system is better than many stock audio systems. I like to be able to make cd's and keep them in rotation. Everyone in my four person family gets one cd for the changer, they get to pick. I I get to load the changer with what I want. I like the random play function. I doubt I will get an iPod because I already have all this music in MP3 format, and I can do anything I want to with it. the 6 cd changer opens a lot of options. May be even more than a dvd audio system. Does the 06 Prius have a changer for dvd audio?

    My attitude has adapted to my current choice of vehicles. If I could choose a bumper sticker to personalize my ride, it would be "Save a soldier - drive a hybrid." I wish I had thought if that - Kudos to the one that did!
  12. Bill Merchant

    Bill Merchant absit invidia

    May 3, 2005
    USA | Oregon | Portland area | 97004 |
    2007 Prius
    "Bob's"? Are you talking about the <a href=\'http://www.priuschat.com/shop/product_info.php/cPath/6/products_id/21\' target=\'_blank\'>"BT Tech Chassis Stiffening Plate available here!"?</a>
  13. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    Maybe the OP was referring to my post at http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=1...533;entry152946 and my follow up... but if you think the Prius has "great power", I've got a bridge to sell you... It's perfectly adequate for <40 mph around town IMHO from my test drive, but it's rather lacking in my book at highway speeds just like most current econoboxes w/base engines and some larger cars w/weak engines.

    If there were a drag strip nearby and we were closer to each other, I'd be happy to challenge your Prius in a drag race vs. my Nissan 350Z. :D
  14. priusenvy

    priusenvy Senior Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Silicon Valley, CA
    2005 Prius
    I accept the Prius for what it is: an econobox with a very expensive and very high tech drivetrain, and some nice electronic gadgets. That's why I haven't and probably will never make any performance modifications to the car.

    On the other hand, there's no excuse for the crappy OEM stereo. I couldn't tolerate it so I did spend some money there to improve things.
  15. jamarimutt

    jamarimutt New Member

    May 4, 2004
    I could not agree more with the original post. The performance, handling, tires, stereo, etc. are just fine. I like you just the way you are...
  16. Schmika

    Schmika New Member

    May 27, 2005
    Xenia, OH
    That is part of the point. Why do you need a dragstrip? Everyone knows there are plenty of cars that can "outdrag" the Prius. Who needs that? I need enough power to get out into traffic, and the Prius has never let me down. That is part of what is keep MPG down on cars, particularly in the US. When a more efficient engine is found, every maker wants more HP, not more economy. HP (horsepower) is advertised. (inset redneck w/ accent here) "I don't know what a horse's power is, but I know I want a lot of 'em" (redneck off)

    A lot of people out there are more like that than they want to think.
  17. DanP

    DanP Member

    Jan 1, 2005
    Come to Southern California! Every time we get a little rain it's like bumper cars on the freeways. By the way, it's when jerks are _in_ their right minds that you have to worry about them most.

    As for the rest of your post, I'm with you 100%. I don't drive the car hard, but I do drive it on the same roads I've heard others here complain about (the I-15 through San Diego, in particular), and I've noticed no handling problems with the Prius. Of course, that doesn't mean others have not had handling problems, but my little bit of experience causes me to suspect that any problems others have experienced are limited to certain individual cars and that it's not a design issue.
  18. maggieddd

    maggieddd Senior Member

    Jul 8, 2005
    so, you think Prius is inadequate for highways? Did it cross your mind that perhaps your Nissan 350Z is inadequte for the highways instead? After all a highway is NOT a dragstrip so why would you even want to have a car that can win a drag race? Why would you make a comparison like that at all?????????
    My reasoning is as stupid as yours, and you can argue it either way, but I think mine is more realistic, because truly how many Prius owners or any econo box drivers take their cars to drag races?
    Should we all drive cars with more horse power, since most econo boxes are too weak??
    Perhaps we should all drive econo boxes and we would all be "even"???
  19. LaughingMan

    LaughingMan Active Member

    May 20, 2005
    Marlborough, MA

    That's not the point. I think this type of chest-beating about horsepower is really the wrong way to look at things, and is part of the reason why most of the cars out there are such gas guzzlers.

    The Prius isn't the fastest, most quick to accelerate car out there... but that's by design.

    I mean c'mon. The thing has a 76 HP engine. The fact that it can even do 0 to 60 in 10 seconds is a testament to the virtues of the hybrid synergy drive.

    The Prius is designed for efficiency, not performance, and that's refreshing in my book.

    Talking about the Prius in the same context as a sports car is really silly.

    The Prius is a lot of things, and is an engineering triumph, but it is not a speed demon. It doesn't pretend to be in any way, and it aims to meet and exceed the average power needed, instead of the PEAK.

    That being said, drag racing your Prius makes no sense... go on an 1000 mile endurance marathon run instead. See how your 350Z does in terms of fuel compared to the Prius.
  20. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Yup, none other! :)