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iOS 5 discussion thread

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by cwerdna, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    Discuss experiences, cool features, quirks, steps backward, etc. w/iOS 5 on your favorite iDevice here. :)

    I noticed that the Music (formerly iPod) app on iPad 2 has taken a step back. It feels unfinished and poorly done. Bring me back the old UI!

    I dislike how they removed the 30 second jump back and 1/2x, 1x, 2x speed button for podcasts. I used to sometimes listen to podcasts via the iPad's speaker and use those controls on both my iPhone 4 and iPad 2. For some reason, they removed them on the iPad 2 version w/the redo.

    I also dislike how you can no longer customize the selections at the bottom of the screen (on iPad only). I want the podcasts button visible and can do w/o 1 or 2 of the choices at the bottom.

    There are numerous complaints about the iPad's Music app UI at places like iOS 5 features: Changes in Music app for iPad | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog and How Apple screwed up the iPad music app with iOS 5 | Apple - CNET News. I can't comment on those since I hardly used my iPad 2 to listen to music in the former iPod app.

    I do worry about Apple now and agree w/some of the comments at TUAW like these:
    My upgrade from iOS 4.3.5 on my iPad 2 went w/o a hitch but I had a scare w/my iPhone 4. It got stuck when in one of the restoring stages. iTunes was still responsive but stuck and my phone had the Apple logo up w/a stuck progress bar. After >1 hour of being stuck, I had no choice but to pull the plug. I rebooted my PC for good measure and luckily was able to continue. It then was ok after that.

    The notification customization is pretty cool and I like how Apple has finally caught up w/Android here, and possibly surpassed it. I am get a little worried that w/all these additions along w/iCloud that Apple's starting to add a fair amount of complexity to iOS. Some iDevice users are so clueless (I know some of them), they don't understand updating their firmware nor anything about iOS versions.
  2. eagle33199

    eagle33199 Platinum Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    2015 Prius v wagon
    Amazing that people are blaming their problems on the fact that Jobs isn't there any more... iOS5 has been in development for a very long time, and it's even been in Beta testing since June, long before Jobs died. The whole "definitely not tested with real users" comment is complete BS - that's exactly what beta testing is! In the case of Apple, you get 3rd party developers (who are most likely to be your power users who use every aspect of the device) to download and use it for months, and those individuals have a vested interest in letting Apple know what the problems are with it.

    I only have an iPhone 4 at this point (although I'm thinking of standing in line next year when they come out with the iPad 3), so I haven't really been exposed to the problems you've had... for me everything seems to have worked flawlessly. My only complaint is the damned NewsStand app... I want to be able to toss it, as I'm not using it and have no intention to use it.
  3. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    I've enjoyed iOS5 on my iPhone 3Gs. The phone seems to operate faster than previously (albeit iOS4.33 was jailbroken). The added functionality is nice--camera accessable from the lock screen, ability to look at texts and calendar items and such from lock screen--features previously you could only get on jailbreak. The camera seems to work better and the added ability to take pictures with the volume up button is nice.

    iCloud is awesome and much needed.
    Wireless syncing is great.
    The ability to text other iDevices is really great too, I can now text my kids on their iPod touches (as soon as I figure out how to make it work).

    I didn't really notice any major changes in the music/ipod app that you complained about above--seems pretty much the same to me. I did have a problem with the music player freezing up. Ultimately I found, online, some other people who'd had teh same problem who found that by 1)doing a tethered sync, 2)deselecting music in the music tab and resyncing, then 3)reselecting music and doing a 3rd sync/music reinstall that that fixed their problem. It seems to have fixed it for me as well.

    The deeper embedding of Twitter will be a bit useful for me, but I suspect very useful for serious tweeters.

    I will, probably, re-jailbreak once a reliable untethered jailbreak becomes available. I travel enough that having the ability to unlock is nice. Being able to hide wifi/3G tethering from AT&T is nice as well. Plus there are just so many nice add-ons available through Cydia that make the iPhone experience nice that I will find it hard to resist. that said, iOS5 addresses many of the issues that I'd previously found compelling for jailbreaking, so I feel a bit less inclined to do so, esp. with the added speed I'm seeing.
  4. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Odd! They are still present on the iPod Touch. (Mine is 3rd gen if it matters.) I wonder if that was an oversight or error on the iPad version. Maybe they'll fix it in a patch. I never use the 1/2 or double speed, but I frequently use the 30-second jump-back. It's good if I miss something, and I always use it when I stop in the middle of a podcast, to give myself some context when I come back to it.

    I only upgraded to iOS5 in the hopes that it would fix the problem that my iTouch will not connect reliably with my car stereo. It did not. In the end I bought an iPod Nano, which now will live in the car full time.
  5. cwerdna

    cwerdna Senior Member

    Sep 4, 2005
    SF Bay Area, CA
    2006 Prius
    They're also still present on my iPhone 4 when upgraded to iOS 5. Also, the iPhone 4 version (and likely iPod Touch) version of the Music app still lets you customize the icons at the bottom, so I can have a podcast button in the bottom row.

    They only screwed the iPad folks w/this divergent version of Music.