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Ipa help!

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by Blind Guy, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. Blind Guy

    Blind Guy New Member

    May 17, 2009
    Springfield Missouri
    2010 Prius
    Well, once again I could use clarification on the IPA system.

    Under Parralell Parking, there are a) and b) instructions. The a) instructions are for the Pre-Support Function, and the b) is for the Non-Pre-Support Function. At first I couldn't distinguish any differnce between the two, but after reading it a couple of times a vague understanding began to emerge.
    In the a) instructions, it says (in effect):
    Slowly pull along side the first (rear) car of the parking space, Push the Pre-Support button, slowly pull past the empty parking space, pull along side the front car of the parking space, stop when 2 chimes sound, shift to "R", align the green frame with the parking space and touch "OK".rest your hands on the steering wheel, slowly back up, once mostly in the parking space Voice Guidance will give a message and the Paralell Parking Assistance will finish!
    * Is that pretty close?

    The instructions for b) Parralell Parking Mode are similar (stating in effect):
    Slowly pull along side the Front vehicle of the parking space until you can see its leading edge, then put your car in "R", align the green frame with the parking space and touch "OK",, rest your hands on the steering wheel, back up slowly, once mostly in the parking space Voice Guidance will give a message and the Paralell Parking Assistance will finish!
    ( How'd I do on this one?

    My observation/question is, am I correct in assuming the main difference between pressing the Pre-support and not selecting it is:
    1. In USING the Pre-Support, you must press that button once your along side the first (rear) vehicle of the parking space.
    2. When you pull along side the second (leading) vehicle to the proper point near its front end, you will stop when your vehicle chime's twice.
    * It looks like the a) Pre-Support's function is to give ample assistance and requires several steps to complete.
    * On the other hand, it appears that the b) Non-Pre-Support function is an Advanced version of the Pre-Support Function {a)} in not seeming to require you to follow so many steps. It seems to rely more heavily on the driver's own ability and knowledge of how to paralell park (at least how to get in to position to do so).
    1. Pull along side the front vehicle of the parking space.
    * It eliminates the need to press the Pre-Support button while pulling along side the first (rear) vehicle.
    2. Stop when your along side the front vehicle when you can see its leading edge.
    * this skips the step of stopping at the front vehicle when 2 chimes are heard.
    * It looks like using the Non-Pre-Support Function requires you to only, pull along side the front vehicle of the parking space, put the car in "R" and let the IPA do the rest!
    I'm assuming the Radar system is operating virtually full time, since in the Non-Pre-Support Function there's no mention of any operation needing to be performed once you begin to back up, other than putting the car in "R" (which I assume tells the IPA to begin operating, also assuming it's gotten its signals from the Radar from the bumper when pulling along side the front vehicle) whereas in the Pre-Support Function you had to press the Pre-Support button and later listen for the 2 chimes.

    PLEASE let me know if I'm reasonably accurate here, or if I've REALLY missed the mark!!!.

    THANKS Everyone (at least those who can make any sense out of all this)!

    David (aka Blind Guy)
  2. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Actually, it's the other way around. The Pre-Support function is the advanced version (advanced in computer programming that is). It is designed to help you better allign the the car so that the computer has the best chance of getting the parking spot correctly the first time.

    The non-pre-support method requires you to know where to stop and then shift to reverse.
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  3. IraS

    IraS Member

    May 15, 2009
    Austin, TX
    2010 Prius
    You can look at parking as a two step process:

    1. Identify a parking space and drive your car next to the car in front of the space, stopping your car at the appropriate position to start step 2.
    2. Put the car into reverse and back into the space.

    The Pre-Support function assists you with step 1. You activate the Pre-Support system, drive the car past the space, and wait for the system to signal you to stop the car and initiate step 2.

    The rest of the IPA system assists you with step 2. Once you are in the correct position, you shift into reverse, fine tune where you want to park (by adjusting the green frame on the screen, then slowly back into the space, allowing the IPA to steer the car.

    You may choose to bypass the Pre-Support function and perform step 1 by yourself. Step 2 is identical no matter which method you use.

    Note that the Pre-Support function only works if there are cars parked both in front of and behind the sparking space. If there is only a single car parked, and you want to park behind it, you cannot use the Pre-Support function - you must position the car properly then activate the IPA function.

    These same two steps, and the use of the Pre-Support function, are also used for the perpendicular parking mode. In this case, the Pre-Support function identifies the parking space and tells you when to turn the car so you can stop the car at the proper angle to allow backing into the space. Again, the IPA function is identical whether you use the Pre-Support function to position your car or if you do it manually.
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  4. 32kcolors

    32kcolors Senior Member

    Jul 14, 2009
    Redondo Beach, CA
    2010 Prius
    You're both wrong. Parallel parking on your own is the most advanced version as it requires the most use of the human brain :mod: