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Is Bush as bad as Bin Laden?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by jared2, Mar 21, 2006.

  1. jared2

    jared2 New Member

    Aug 19, 2005
    "Bush and bin Laden are really on the same side: the side of faith and violence against the side of reason and discussion. Both have implacable faith that they are right and the other is evil. Each believes that when he dies he is going to heaven. Each believes that if he could kill the other, his path to paradise in the next world would be even swifter. The delusional "next world" is welcome to both of them. This world would be a much better place without either of them." (Richard Dawkins)
  2. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Bush doesn't pro-actively kill civillians...

  3. dbermanmd

    dbermanmd New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
    2006 Prius
    If I had not lost friends and neighbors in the WTC attack I probably would still be sickened by this post. If you equate the two of them as same you have a problem. If you think they are the same why don't you move to a place where you can experience a trial of living under the rule of a Islamofascist dictatorship. Try some free speech, or trial by jury, or free press, or educating your daughter there - maybe a little freedom of religion? how about freedom to protest? Same side??? Who attacked whom? Lets see - he attacked in 1993 in WTC 1 and only killed 6 Americans and sent 1,000+ to the hospital - and we tried doing nothing but talking and understanding....and..... then they bombed the embassy's killing hundreds and we continued to talk and understand......and ..... then they attacked the USS Cole killing 17 and wounding 36 and we did nothing but listen and talk.....and ..... then they killed 3,000 + of your fellow Americans. You still want to sit and talk? How many times will you allow someone to punch you on you nose before you defend yourself - try it sometime.

    I am sorry I answered this post - you have the right to your thoughts and the freedom to post them no matter how off you are. I wonder if those in countries that are ruled by OBL types have the same freedom - according to you - they must.

    It is a shame the sacrifices of so many noble Americans is wasted on psychobabble like this. So be it - that is what makes this the greatest country in Man's history. I wonder if you would defend her if she were threatened?
  4. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    [Broken External Image]:http://www.freetheflash.com/images_files/owned/cat.JPG
  5. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    "greatest country in Man's history" you speak like the history of mankind has ended. Swiss may dispute this so do the Aussies and Kiwis and even Poms. Many other countries may dispute your alleged paradigm. HTF do you define ultimate greatness? :blink:

    I'm tired of this BS jingoistic propaganda. Even if your assumption might be true, modesty would not allow me to brag about it. It reminds me of all the guys who claim that they have 12 inchers and getting laid every day with a different chick. :lol:
  6. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    If they did, there wouldn't be any liberals left!

    :blink: , wait, that's a good thing!

  7. finman

    finman Senior Member

    Apr 9, 2004
    Albany, OR
    2014 Nissan LEAF
    Yes, he and all his cronies...I mean administration.
  8. dbermanmd

    dbermanmd New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
    2006 Prius
    Still steaming...

    Further ideas since you think our President and an sworn homicidal terrorist are identical...

    Try volunteering in a VA center tending to the wounds and the rehabilitation of American war veterans wounded in Iraq/Afghan - talk to them, see what they think after suffering wounds defending your freedom of speech. It is a way that you can serve your country who has provided you with so much without risking your life, your ethics, and your morals. It is ok for pacifists to aid others, isn't it?

    Try moving to a country who can stand to improve the way it treats its common citizen. My thoughts involve North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Syria for starters. When you get their standards of governance up close to ours feel free to come back and find fault here. I think it would be a shame for us to evolve so far leaving others behind... Oh, maybe that is what President Bush is trying to do in Afghanistan and Iraq??

    OBL thinks we are evil because we have all the freedoms we have, each of which has been defended by millions of Americans before us who have served this country in times of war and have given life and limb in that struggle. They have done so willingly, without coersion, with pride and with honor. They have and will continue to do so to protect our way of life for the next generation. Do you think that their service was in an attempt to cow a population or force it into submission. Each and every war we fought we have left those we have defeated better off than when they were under the yokes of oppression. Ask the Japanese or the Germans, or the Poles -- we have never stayed and occupied - that is if you consider democracy an imposition upon people - do you? OBL want to establish Sharia - would you want to live under Sharia law? Is that how you equate our President and OBL as being the same?

    Who elected OBL. You have defamed the entire population of this great country by making this "comparison". Whether or not you voted for President Bush, you participated in a free and fair process. Who voted for OBL - although YOU have willingly done so by you posit - you have given equality to a "dictator" taking power by force to our election process. Do you think that is reality??

    There are tens of million of people today who are free because of President Bush including 25 million Afghans - how many millions has OBL freed? I would love to hear your response to this. Do you consider establishing a Taliban like rule a "freeing" of people? Are pacifists actually supporting that type of governance. Would you have defended the Taliban against US forces trying to free those unders its rule?

    Tell me, if you had to make a right vs. wrong call here - who would you say is right and who is wrong -- President Bush or OBL? They both can't be right.

    Delusional world? Yes it exists, and it seems as though you are part of it. Worse, your thoughts help its continued existance. Even worse, you may be aiding and abetting an enemy of this country who has killed thousands of your fellow citizens. Unfortunately, you are either with us or you are not -- whether or not I am a Democrat or a Republican I support our troops and their mission. God Bless them and their families and our President who has to live with their sacrifices.
  9. dbermanmd

    dbermanmd New Member

    Sep 7, 2005
    2006 Prius
    BS? Swiss - they loved those Nazi's didn't they?? Aussies - I would agree they have a great system there - so much so I guess that is why they are one of our greatest allies ever ... we share so much in common with them :p Poms/Kiwis - no disrespect but what have they done for millions of oppressed people and what did they teach mankind about civil governance?

    I am modest by nature - that is until someone spits on my country or its leaders like this. you refer to 12 inchers -- appropriately so because the biggest one here is the person who posited this to begin with. I thank God for the US - without this country my family members would have been thrown in ovens by the cultured europeans last century. There is nothing I would not do to protect it for the next generation.
  10. kingofgix

    kingofgix New Member

    Jun 30, 2004
    Littleton, CO
    Bin Laden attacked us first. Bush attacked him back in Afghanistan. OK, so far we agree.

    But you don't get it. Here's what you don't understand...

    ...then Bush attacked Iraq. No connection. (or at best, a very flimsy and meaningless connection to any attacks on the US). This is what "liberals" are so mad about. Liberals are not mad about the war in Afghanistan. You don't hear people complaining about the war in Afghanistan. People are mad at Bush because:

    -He used the attack on the WTC as an excuse to start an unrelated war in Iraq.
    -He has spent hundreds of billions of our childrens money on this unnecessary war with no end in sight
    -His war does not hinder the operatoins of al Qaeda or Bin Laden
    -His war makes the US an even bigger target, hated more vehemently and by many more Muslims the world over
    -His war makes it easier for those who attacked us to recruit more people to their cause
    -His war makes it more difficult for us to financially, militarily, and politically pursue the people that actually attacked us

    If Bush had "kept his eye on the ball", and instead spent a fraction of the money and capability he has squandered on Iraq pursuing the people that attacked us instead, there wouldn't be a problem. But there is a HUGE problem. Namely, the misguided foreign policy of George W. Bush.

    If you get punched repeated in the face, you should punch back. But you need to make sure you punch the person that punched you.
  11. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    ...and here's what the "liberals" cover their ears to:

    - Saddam not only once possessed WMD's, he pro-actively used them more than once, thereby setting him apart from any other potential threat
    - no proof of WMD's does NOT mean they simply do not exist, or were destroyed just prior to the invasion, or even smuggled out of the country, or still hidden somewhere. The libs just ASSUME NO PROOF=NO THREAT, cover their ears, and start screaming to anything to the contrary.
    - Given those and many other factors, Iraq was deemed to be the next most likely nexus of terrorism, a-la Afghanistan style.

    I could go on, but I've found over the years you either believe it, or you don't, neither "side" will be convinced of the other...
  12. ghostofjk

    ghostofjk New Member

    Mar 8, 2006
    World-renowned Brit evolutionary biologist Dawkins simply used the device of allegory to point out the obvious irony that the two men both inhabit "the dark side".

    I agree, and would only add that I wish George III had bin Laden's brains and ability to inspire devotion among those who voluntarily---without the benefit of a "nation" and all the apparatus that entails---choose to follow him.

    bin Laden has made a fool of Bush. Bush has given bin Laden, on a platter, far more than the Saudi could ever have dreamed of accomplishing with the WTC attack.

    Apparently Bush can't find a bin Laden who is probably somewhere in an area smaller than Rhode Island---or possibly, by now, wants to give him a grudging free pass because he knows that if bin Laden were out of the picture tomorrow, nothing in the so-called War on Terrorism would change on a day-to-day basis. Then he would no more be able to proclaim that "the world is a safer place without him" than he was able to with respect to Hussein.

    Bush has painted us into a far darker corner than existed in 2002. He (Bush) can only hope that bin Laden is unable to pull off another attack here, as it would culminate in almost immediate impeachment in the wake of the outrage among those who have believed him when he trumpets that "we have them on the run".

    Do YOU feel safer now in the knowledge the Michael Chertoff has your back?
  13. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    Bin Laden is also ONE person. What's more important? Him or his terror network?

    Bush isn't the one living in a cave in fear of his life every second of every day. Bin Laden, no longer has Afghanistan, Saddam no longer has Iraq. Libya decided to "play nice" again shortly thereafter.

    I say, who made a fool of who? ;)
  14. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Please quote the "other factors" oh wait: we knew we would whup them good. So we whuped them good and .... now what?
  15. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    "BS? Swiss - they loved those Nazi's didn't they??" so did our government support the Nazi's until it was to late, there goes you high moral ground BS! :p

    " I would agree they have a great system there - so much so I guess that is why they are one of our greatest allies ever ... we share so much in common with them :p Poms/Kiwis - no disrespect but what have they done for millions of oppressed people and what did they teach mankind about civil governance?"

    You seem to blatantly dismissing Aussies and Kiwis and their international engagement, they have taken considerable stance during WWII accordingly to their capabilities. They were strongly against Sukharto and what have we done about East Timor? Nothing, we have been selling weapons without hesitation. Oops greatest nation on the planet supporting another ****head dictator, great legacy, at-least Kiwis and Aussies are more transparent.

    "biggest one here is the person who posited this to begin with"
    So you are steaming? Where were you in the other treads when arguments presented didn't fit your judgment, you clearly disappeared. jared2 has some valid points in his observation, you instead declaring Dubya as the greatest statesman ever lived. It's rather pathetic that you're sinking to this pseudo-babble of unquestionable POSITIVISM about our country, HEAVEN ON EARTH. No room for improvement, just shut the **** up and ENJOY IT.
  16. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    What else can one expect from #1 ATTENTION WHORE on PC?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    come up with some valid arguments, don't runaway like chickenshit when confronted...
  17. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    :lol: Could you have a BIGGER chip on your shoulders? I notice you keep bringing this up, it's a recurring theme you seem to dwell upon... For chrissakes, just because I got a car given to me when I was 16, and didn't have work through college I'm "spoiled"? Rich? :lol: Sorry, but I think my bank account doesn't see it the way you do, and admittedly, I WISH it did :lol: ... Last I knew, I was driving a PRIUS, NOT a Ferrari... :lol:

    You know, I went to school with some guys like you, they were the farmer's kids who were bitter at anyone else who didn't have to go home and either plow, bail hay, feed, or whatever else. Actually, I shouldn't say that, the ones that were bitter at everyone else either had a shitty childhood (the kind where if they were found slacking off on the farm, they'd get belted by their dads), or were just flat out jealous at the kids who could go home and play video games all night.

    People like you are just flat out jealous, bitter, and have about as much humanity in them as a good simulated robot program. Not my fault your parents rode your nice person hard. But hey, whatever man, good for YOU! You walked 10 miles in the snowstorm to get to kindergarten, you're a BETTER man for it! ;)

    Oh yeah, and I didn't have to take the bus to school either!!! :lol: Limo picked me up every morning and afternoon!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Mystery Squid

    Mystery Squid Junior Member

    May 18, 2005
    This ALWAYS cracks me up, the most "liberal", "tolerant", and "rational", people are THE FIRST to get mad and start hurling insults! :lol:
  19. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Guess what? One of our "preferred" vendors had a great sales/engineering rep who was on one of the planes that smacked WT2. Whenever he was in Winnipeg we used to always go bar hopping and generally get silly together. He was a decent guy who left behind a wife and a few larvae.

    I tend to blame the COMPLETE INCOMPETENCE of the various government agencies who are supposed to defend us from this sort of thing. Or didn't you notice that all those whistle-blowers who came forward have LOST THEIR JOBS for exposing the INCOMPETENCE of various intelligence agencies.

    Even better, the guy hired to keep an eye on DHS/TSA was also let go after he exposed the INCREDIBLE INCOMPETENCE of the TSA in protecting - or should I say "protecting" - us from that sort of attack.

    There is just one thing I'm a bit puzzled about though: reinforced concrete center-tube with truss floor systems is the most common high rise building method. Has been for a long time, very durable.

    Kind of odd how other high rises that have burned out to a shell never came close to collapse. Or in the case of extreme impact or extreme torsional loading, they just neatly flop over.

    Kind of odd how WT1, WT2, and WT7 imploded like that? Must have been some sort of hidden defect in the key support columns and truss tie-in.
  20. dsunman

    dsunman New Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    not an insult but a great compliment and recognition of your achivement :lol: :lol: :lol: