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It's Monday.....do you know where your pass rush is?

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by tag, Feb 3, 2004.

  1. tag

    tag Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Did they find it yet?

    Also, Foster got to rush a whole three times? What's with that?
  2. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
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    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
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    I'll echo what every other Carolinian is saying today..."Hey, it was better than we expected."

    Besides, the Falcons are my actual team, but it was fun to have a great game to watch this year - hopefully next year it'll just be the Falcons in it :)

    Vinaterri could retire today and he would be voted into the Hall of Fame in his first year eligible. That man's leg is unbelievable in clutch situations.
  3. tag

    tag Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Oh ye of little faith (is there a plural form of "ye", like yees, perhaps?). After watching all their post-season games, I really suspected the game was going to be close; those Cats just won't go away. If they could have put some pressure on Brady, I think it might have gone the other way (that, and maybe given the ball to Foster a few more times).

    Re the Falcons, like my ill-fated dudes, da Bearz, that's one loooong road back. OTOH, if they do well in the draft.............

    Re Vinatieri, YEP! Unbelievable all the way through the season but particularly in the playoffs (5 FG against Indy, geez!).

    Re the half time show for next year, I think they should start shopping early. :lol:
  4. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
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    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    While this is being discussed everywhere in the world this week, I thought I would throw in my 2 red pennies....

    This had to be somewhat planned by Janet/Justin/MTV. And if you say that MTV knew about it, then their parent company, CBS, more than likely knew, and their parent company, Viacom, more than likely knew as well. The thing about MTV is that they're not going to lose viewers by pulling a stunt like this - instead, their viewership can only go up. The 30 year-olds + that are calling this act deplorable, etc etc, aren't the ones that MTV is trying to get to watch their channel. They are going for the 13-25 age group that is sitting back, watching all of this, and just chuckling. The fact of the matter is that if they were trying to get MTV/CBS's name to the forefront, they did their job.

    It personally didn't bother me about what happened. I'm single without any children, as was everyone else I watched the Super Bowl with. We saw the "slip", looked at each other, and laughed our asses off. I personally am more of an R-rated person - I hate it when I'm watching things on TV and it just doesn't seem real because someone saying Bullcrap isn't really what they would say in ____ situation. I'm a huge fan of HBO original series because they film their shows how life really is (well, for the most part).

    Yes, my feelings might change once I have children. Back to my point, though.... this stunt didn't have a place in the Super Bowl because it was a family activity and it was part of the planned celebration, the half-time show. Now the guy who flashed the camera with his goods right before the 3rd quarter or the person giving the camera the bird with both hands isn't something CBS can be held accountable for and that's just part of having a live show. It's kinda like how when they have the field boom mics on you can hear the athletes and coaches using profane language. Part of the experience :)

    I personally feel that the FCC has it's head up it's own nice person on a lot of things - you can say damn but not shit, you can show every female Friends character's nipples through their shirt each week, but 1.5 seconds of Janet Jackson's bare nipple is going to bring about government hearings, investigations, and a big bill in the end for the taxpayer to cough up.
  5. tag

    tag Senior Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    I can't even begin to set forth a cogent counter argument here. Actually, I'm in agreement pretty much with the lot.

    My only point was that a half time show probably shouldn't be designed to upstage the game. After all, from the perspective of the NFL (and the vast majority of viewers), it's about the game. It's gotta be because they're not going to get billions and billions (in Carl Sagan speak) of folks to tune in exclusively for half time. I know my daughter, who's almost 15 and an avid MTV fan, didn't watch even one second of the broadcast.