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Leaning more and more...

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by SassySRT, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. SassySRT

    SassySRT New Member

    Apr 27, 2007
    Leaning more and more towards getting a Prius, I would save about 300 a year on insurance and roughly (conservatively) 120 a month in gas. Just having a bit of a hard time being 100% that a prius is what I want, espcially when I have a perfectly good premium fuel guzzling car that I so wanted badly! :D

    When you all bought your Prius was is an easy decision to make?
  2. priussoris

    priussoris New Member

    Apr 5, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SassySRT @ Apr 29 2007, 06:56 PM) [snapback]432252[/snapback]</div>
    Of course not it is a big investment and in our case it raised our monthly car note by 275.00 so we figured and figured some more talked what we do with our current vehicle versus the prius what we can do with the prius and so forth. we bought the 07 prius and now wished we had bought sooner we actually save $225 monthly on fuel alone and 96 more savings on car insurance per yr. cut down on emissions for the planet and future young people in general. This car will get you where you need to go and do it for a lot less than the average non-hybrid vehicle.
    It has a look that grows on ya too. The Barcelona Red Metalic is a very cool color also
    smart key system is great no more fumbling with car keys to unlock doors turn ignition sw. etc..

    take a long test drive and get the feel of it take on highway and side roads then go to a park and try to get it to go in all electric and see how quiet it is.
  3. SassySRT

    SassySRT New Member

    Apr 27, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priussoris @ Apr 29 2007, 08:27 PM) [snapback]432272[/snapback]</div>
    I plan on taking my boyfriends Prius tomorrow to work. He's always been very into tuner cars and the first night he got home admitted to loving the Prius! We went through various terrians this weekend and the Prius handled fine... well from the passenger seat anyways. I've searched and searched and search and dang if I can't find any negatives on this car! ;)
  4. johnny51981

    johnny51981 New Member

    Apr 29, 2007
    Kent, WA
    2007 Prius
    It was an easy decision, yet a difficult decision for me at the same time.

    It was easy because it was what I wanted, and I got mine fully loaded, so that won me over.

    It was difficult because I am VERY frugal when it comes to spending money and I hadn't had a car payment in almost 3 years. But when I weighed the fact that gas was going to get more and more expensive as well as not being as harsh on the environment as my previous vehicle (I'm a little greener these days), I would have eventually traded in anyway.

    I should have done it sooner because of the lower interest rates, but I wasn't ready yet.
  5. wendlyn

    wendlyn Junior Member

    Apr 5, 2007
    Very hard decision for me indeed! I also had a premium gas guzzling vehicle.

    I knew I wanted a Prius, but it took several test drives and a dealer even let me have the car for 3 days to help me make up my mind.

    The hang up for me, was the feel of the drivers seat and the way the steering wheel is positioned. After a while, it all worked out.

    I am so glad that I went with the Prius! The car is very comfortable, just was different than what I was driving. It was a month from the first test drive, to purchase date. Take your time. You will be glad you did.
  6. Stev0

    Stev0 Honorary Hong Kong Cavalier

    Sep 23, 2006
    Northampton, MA
    2022 Prius Prime
    Plug-in Base
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SassySRT @ Apr 29 2007, 07:56 PM) [snapback]432252[/snapback]</div>
    Not at all. Actually, my first choice was a Honda Insight, but they don't make them any more. I have two friends who own Prii, and both are type-A people who research EVERYTHING before making any decision, and always plan heavily to get the best. I drove one of the Prii a bit and loved everything about it. I read all the rave reviews from the car review folks. I even knew right away what package I wanted (everything but leather). I ordered it in classic silver, but a magnetic grey came on the lot first with the package I ordered; the dealer called, I saw it and liked it even better than the silver - plus it came with a cargo net and amazingly overpriced first-aid kit the dealer threw in for free. That was over six months ago and I've had no regrets since.
  7. TNPapa

    TNPapa Junior Member

    Apr 15, 2007
    2014 Prius v wagon
    Been wanting a Prius ever since they had the "Eat my voltage" decal. Got rid of a saturn suv and loving the mileage.
  8. bradysplace

    bradysplace Junior Member

    Aug 31, 2006
    front range
    2011 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wendlyn @ Apr 29 2007, 09:25 PM) [snapback]432305[/snapback]</div>
    Hi Wendlyn I noticed your comment about the drivers seat. I am on my second prius (had a 06 and now a 07). I to found the front seats very uncomfortable in the lower back area. I also wish they allowed us more flexibility with the steering wheel. looking at 4 dollar a gallon gas coming soon, I knew I was going to keep this 07 touring model. I found a place in houston that will disassemble your seats, recontour as you like, install seat and back heaters and recover with your material or anyother material you wish. In my case they recovered the doors, center armrest, front and rear seats with a premium leather, recontoured and added heaters for 1300 dollars - total. Its truly changed the comfort level of the car. If I can help give me a buzzzzzz [email protected] Greg
  9. wendlyn

    wendlyn Junior Member

    Apr 5, 2007
    Thanks for the info. As of yet, I am okay with the seats...but who knows, only time will tell. I am still a newbie. Going on one full month of ownership. Made the first payment last week. Anyway...I just had to get used to not being able to adjust seat height and I was used to the lumbar support from my previous car. The feel between the cars was totally different, but not bad. Just different. I am pretty well used to it all now.
  10. SassySRT

    SassySRT New Member

    Apr 27, 2007
    Made up my mind today to sell my 05 cobalt which is what I had been using to semi retire my SRT, so thats one step closer. I'll be driving Dan's prius tomorrow and I think that will either seal the deal or it wont, we shall see.

    once again thank you for the input!
  11. Bill Lumbergh

    Bill Lumbergh USAF Aircraft Maintainer

    Jul 5, 2005
    2005 Prius
    Buying a Prius was actually one of the easiest car buynig decisions I've ever made. It's truly a car I am comfortable keeping for the next ten years.

    I bought my second Porsche back in October and put it up for sale today. Gas prices kill me.
  12. brick

    brick Active Member

    Dec 10, 2006
    Upstate NY
    Other Non-Hybrid
    The decision to buy a Prius took a little time for me. I, too, had a perfectly good car already and a relatively efficient one at that (34mpg average). The **only** thing wrong with my 2002 Accord was that I had stupidly purchased the 2-door version because I hated the looks of that generation's 4-door and figured "ehh, I'll manage." And I did, but not without feeiling stupid every time I had to remove something from its box just to fit it in my car to get it home from the store. If I hadn't bought that one used for a decent price I would still be feeling stupid today while I live vicariously through other Prius owners. ;)

    After looking at my options, the Prius was clearly the best. The first thing I did at the dealer was fold down the back seats and grin at all that space for big objects. The next thing I did was take it for a test drive to make sure it could get out of its own way, which it definitely did! I also got a real kick out of gliding down the road with the engine off . Fuel efficiency was (and remains) a huge priority to me.

    Having decided that I really wanted the car, I had to run the numbers. What I found out was surprising: over 5 years at an average of 17,000mi/yr with realistic gas prices ($2.85) and resale values, I'll almost break even vs. keeping the Accord. If I keep the Prius for longer than that (the goal is 8-10 years) I'm golden.

    So that's how it went for me. A few imperfections have surfaced but nothing horrible or ground breaking. My Wheelskins should arrive today, which will beef-up the steering wheel a little bit. I'm also in the market for something to provide a little more thigh support for my long-ish legs. That's basically it I guess. Otherwise I love it.
  13. SassySRT

    SassySRT New Member

    Apr 27, 2007
    Well I drove the Prius to work this morning, its a 45 mile drive one way. And so far I'm averaging 60.3mpg! I would have been pleased to have seen 50.
  14. priussoris

    priussoris New Member

    Apr 5, 2007
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(SassySRT @ Apr 30 2007, 09:48 AM) [snapback]432544[/snapback]</div>
    Well Sassy, I guess it's ok to say " Enjoy your NEW PRIUS " when you go pick it out :)
  15. Charles Suitt

    Charles Suitt Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2004
    Dallas TX
    2012 Prius
    :) My original decision (October 2004) was very easy. I was absolutely fascinated by the technology, and combining that with the fuel economy and "greenness" of the Prius, my mind was made up long before I found the one I bought. Trading it for my 2007 was simply verifying my first decision.

    After 2½ years and two Prius I'm convinced the decisions were right.
  16. SassySRT

    SassySRT New Member

    Apr 27, 2007
    Doing a lil calculations on my current car and a prius.

    With my current car (car payment and gas) it will cost me 795 (roughly) a month.
    With a prius it will cost me roughly 615 a month.

    The saving are big as day, I'm just not sure why I'm having such a hard time... I guess I get too attached to my cars. :mellow:
  17. Joe Bernard

    Joe Bernard New Member

    Nov 27, 2006
    I had a Porsche Boxster S. Crazy fast, handled great. Lousy mpg, expensive repair and maintenance.

    Then I got an 06 Honda Civic Coupe. Kinda fast, decent mileage.

    Now I have an 07 Prius and it's the best car I've ever owned. Love the technology, love the mpg, my bike fits in the back, and it handles pretty good.

    You know how much fun it is to pass people on a twisty road in your SRT? Guess how much more fun it is in a car that isn't "supposed" to be able to do it! I've seen both sides of the coin, and I think being fast in a slower car is more satisfying. And cops? Forget about it. They look right through Prii ;) .