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Mid-MI to NH and back

Discussion in 'Prius c Fuel Economy' started by citroenjohn, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. citroenjohn

    citroenjohn Active Member

    Mar 26, 2013
    2013 Prius c
    Just completed a trip from mid-Michigan to New Hampshire and back. Most of the trip was on multi-lane highways with an overall average speed of 55 miles per hour for the entire 1900 miles of driving according to the car's readout. I made no real attempt to drive like a Prius driver yet got 53.9 MPG for the trip. The car handles the higher speeds with out trouble (if the speed limit was 70 I went 70), climbs hills easily, was quiet, and comfortable. I passed a lot more cars than I had passing me. The C is a great car for trips as well as in the city. Not telling current C owners anything you don't know, but, decided to post this for those considering a C. By the way I'm 68, so this car is just not for young people. I drove out to NH in one day, but, took it easy coming back and drove it in two days.
    minkus likes this.
  2. Great. You did way better than the EPA estimate for fuel economy. Did you use AC?
    New England has so much hilly terrain that you could find yourself really hitting PWR on the highway just to maintain speed...and then no green arcs going down hill for like a mile, it's nothing like the basin. I bet your fuel economy would've been higher had you not driven among our awesome mountains. :cool:
  3. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    well done!(y)
  4. citroenjohn

    citroenjohn Active Member

    Mar 26, 2013
    2013 Prius c
    The mountains of NH are beautiful, hilly, and provided for entertaining driving. I used the AC quite a bit and found that putting it on climate control was best. I tend to put it on full blast so the climate control mode controlled the car's load.. I was in Power mode quite a bit especially on the 2 lane roads I had to travel in NH. Another interesting thing was several times my battery charged up to all of the bars even though I used the B mode on the shifter during long steep descents. This is the first time I'd seen my battery fully charged. I've had my C2 since March 2013 and find it to be all I need and I enjoy it more each day. I even had my bike in the back, but, it's a folding bike.
  5. I've gotten it up to 7 bars, mostly breaking downhill approaching traffic lights in Augusta. (Fun for me, sucks for "regular car" owners...) :D

    I also experimented with some ~45mph roads in west Maine into NH a while back, and nailed 60+ mpg each time. It was always more fun to coast downhill when no cars were behind me. Ahhh the feeling when it rides like an electric car....
    minkus and steveoknievo like this.