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mpg results of 1 tank with block heater.

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Frank Hudon, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    This last tank I used the block heater at night with a 2 1/2 hour on time via a timer and the tank before I didn't use it. The outdoor temps have been running about the same in the mid to low 30'sF over night and into the low 40's daytime. The car is used in a commute to work over the same route 4 days a week and see's little to no use on the weekends. I tried to keep the mile to fill about the same. Some of this data will be metric and some not. Hopefully this gives some insite to the amount of money that can be saved. My electricity costs me 6.19 cents a kilowatt. The block heater is a Toyota 400 watt model dealer installed when I got the car. This data is also for a 2k3 Prius which doesn't have a coolant thermos. The normal temp when I start it up is approx. 40C Times on were checked to see what gives the highest ICE temp with the least amout of on time.
    Last tank I went 604Km's, about 400 miles on 37.19 Liters of gas for an average of 6.15 liters per hundres Kms. 45.93 miles per imperial gallon, 38.24 US gallon.
    this tank I went 612Km's about 400 miles on 34.68 Liters of gas for an average of 5.65 Liters per hundred Kms. 49.99 miles per imperial gallon, 41.63 US gallon.
    Savings amout to 4.06 miles to the imperial gallon and 3.39 miles to the US gallon.
    That's almost a 10% increase for the use of a few cent's worth of electricity a day. You'll have to do the math for your electric utility rate but for now I drive a "plugged in hybrid"
  2. saechaka

    saechaka Member

    Dec 1, 2004
    Re: mpg results of 0ne tank with block heater.

    anyone know where i can one of these installed in seattle, wa?
  3. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    Re: mpg results of 0ne tank with block heater.

    Wow as we live in the same rather "mild" climate that is a real improvement. I would love to see data from some one in a colder climate. I heard a car talk story on someone who put a electric blanket on their car hood at night. How much would that help?
  4. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    wow 3½ mpg that is impressive especially since your weather is just about the same as ours.

    actually i think i can validate your findings in a way. the winter formula gas is something that cant be recovered but i did 4 50+ mile one way trips last week and my tank average went from 45.3 to 49.2 mpg. so it looks like after the car is properly warmed up, the economy is about 49.5 more or less and that is at night, lights on, defrost and heat set to 68º F, fan low, temps mid to low 40's both days.

    the first 220 miles on the tank was mostly short trips, max trip is the one way trip to work of 8.8 miles plus one trip to the mall of about 10 miles.
  5. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    winter gas, short trips, cold temps, lots of heater use, all send the mileage down. But I was surprise just the same. Looks like the block heater will get used till the end of Feb at the earliest. I'd really like to see some one do the same sort of test with a 2k4-5 with the thermos and see what gains are possible with it.