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MSNBC story on pre-2010 Prius problems

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by cshbell, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. cshbell

    cshbell New Member

    Oct 12, 2006
    Grand Rapids, MI
    2006 Prius
  2. Paradox

    Paradox Prius Enthusiast / Moderator
    Staff Member

    Sep 22, 2005
    2014 Prius v wagon
    What's up with the caption for the photo on this page:

    JAPAN US AUTO RECALL COMPANY TOYOTA - Photos, Pictures, Images - msnbc.com

    Either Toyota is holding out and they have black painted plug in Prius over there in Japan, or the media is wrong in its photo captioning. Is that even possible, the media being wrong in what they publicize?

  3. apriusfan

    apriusfan New Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    S.F. Bay Area
    2007 Prius
    Well, Toyota has now announced a recall of the 2010 models. But the silence continues for the Gen II editions. As the article notes, there are issues surrounding braking system performance of the Gen II Prius. I wonder if the Gen II cars will now get attention or if they will just be poor stepchildren to the Gen III cars.
  4. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid

    I think that MSNBC article is so unfair. Unfortunately so much of the media has been so caustic that maybe I'm getting numb to it?

    I'm not a "Rah! Rah! Perfect Prius" supporter. I think there has been much that Toyota has failed to handle well from a PR and communication standpoint. I think updating and recalling the 2010 earnestly invites questions about the brakes in all Prius, Generation 2 included. I want answers on those fronts.

    But let's get to those questions and also those answers fairly.

    The MSNBC article? Probably in upcoming days won't be the worst and that's what is scary.

    First the Headline: Early Priuses may have braking issues (in Emergency Red Font)...alright, tough headline for Toyota to swallow, BUT I think a legitimate question and one many Generation 2 owners want answered. So I can live with the headline.

    Caption Under The Headline: Complaints about older version of Hybrid seen in Federal Database. ...Starting to go bad already...doesn't it sound "official"...Trumpet sounding...Complaints seen in Federal Database...

    But whoa, come on! You found complaints in a Federal Database designed to do what? Gather complaints! So you looked for "complaints" in a place designed to collect complaints and you found complaints? That's shocking and revealing journalism right there! Mr. Eisenstein, what's the code name for your contact on the inside? "Shallow Throat"?

    Then the article of course goes on. In a negative tone but more or less outlining fears and concerns.

    Then Eisenstein plugs his own website, then admits the shocker! His organization...The Detroit Bureau..(no prejudice there) studied the "extensive National Highway Safety Administration files and found hundreds of customer complaints". ....that sounds damning doesn't it?

    But whoa...first of all does Eisenstein realize that Toyota has sold a over a MILLION Prius? It might take a little investigation but he should be able to find that out. So with a Million Prius produced and sold, and huge number to The U.S.A. which has been a major market for The Prius. He found "hundreds" of Complaints? He then goes on to "semi-admit" that the complaints (the hundreds of them) aren't just about the brakes..but also other "scary sounding" issues...most of which have been resolved or determined to be nothing. But they still sound scary...and they are in the database..so Eisenstein is going to use them!

    HID issues! Powertrain shutdown, SHAZAM! Eisenstein uncovers that The Prius is "High Tech" piece of equipment that has appealed to High Tech consumers and the Enviromentally Minded! ....thanks for digging that tidbit up Eisenstein because I thought people that bought Prius just wanted a comfortable midsized Hatchback that got the best mileage of any vehicle on the road. But "Shallow Throat" trumps my knowledge again!

    More "Shallow Throat"! "Observers Suggest (hmm..mysterious unnamed observers) a consistency to the reported Prius issues in that most seem directly linked to the vehicles numerous electronic systems". ....that sounds scary....totally unsubstantiated, unfounded and Shallow...but scary...reading that sentence you'd almost think that The Prius was the automotive version of HAL in 2001. It's technology just waiting to kill you! Well at least according to Shallow Throat that's what some Observers Suggest....

    The article then goes on to cherry pick quotes from Wozniak, taken out of context and timeframe...and thrown into the Scarinator Machine Eisenstein obviously owns. I can't even really disect it, because it's so badly used. He only uses the most damning quotes from Wozniak, and conviently leaves out the "reality" of what Wozniak was complaining about and what Wozniak actually was trying to communicate. But can you blame him...he was probably tired at that point after reading all those hundreds of reports...

    Then the article gets specific. Two actual ancedotes from actual Prius owners! Except one doesn't sound that scary...just an owner saying he has felt the sensation...BUT the other allows Eisenstein to use the phrase "had an actual crash" in a full sentence. Victory for Shallow Throat! ....well except for the admission that the owner had a crash in Bumper to Bumper traffic...and the dealer could find nothing wrong...Hmm...a fender bender in Bumper to Bumper traffic...somebody hit the recall button! I happen to know accidents never happen in bumper to bumper traffic...

    Then Eisenstein brings in a few comments from a source so sterling in reputation that even Eisenstein refers to him as "a controversial figure in safety related litigation circles". Thanks for that admission Eisenstein...you could of just said "Outside Observers suggest- again...this at least gives the illusion that you actually talked to people.

    A flaw in a perfect fountain of truth? Towards the merciful end of a horrible article..Eisenstein says..." Though the new model is billed as the third-generation hybrid and has undergone some distinctive exterior and interior body updates, Toyota officials made a point of saying there were no significant changes to the vehicle’s distinctive Hybrid Synergy Drive system". Hmm...I followed the introduction of the 2010 Prius pretty closely, including the introductory speech given at the 2009 Detroit Auto Show and I could of sworn Toyota was pretty proud of a 90% redesigned Hybrid Synergy Drive, Drive Train...that was lighter and more efficient..but again, Eisenstein is the pro...so if he say's it's basicly the same...then it MUST be basicly the same.

    Always end on a weak note. The article closes with a non-linear finger painting of recent events coupled with unfounded opinion. Which is kind of how the article started. Kind of how the article continued and kind of what the article was...

    I honestly hate to sound so bitter but outside observers suggest I might be suffering from negative media burnout syndrome. Or NMBS from MSNBC.
  5. spwolf

    spwolf Senior Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    Eastern Europe
    the electric me - thats exactly what i was talking about before... But read WSJ to find nicely written article that explains about recall for instance.

    i think this media frenzy, at least for me, has served to understand what exactly are reputable news organizations and what are those that will invert any word to make it sound as scary and crazy as possible.

    G2 Prius is considered as one of the best and most reliable vehicles Toyota made, and by many surveys it has been rated the best by customers and industry experts.

    It does not mean that it does not have any issues in general, "just" that it has less issues than other cars on the road.
  6. malorn

    malorn Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2005
    "Somewhere in Flyover Country"
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Reputable news organizations? Isn't that an oxymoron. Real journalism has been dead for a generation at least. News is now mostly political spin and the regurgitation of what was reported on another station or newspaper. I read the WSJ and NYT daily and it always amazes me how differently the same story can be reported in the those two newspapers. I think the truth is usually somewhere in the middle. It all depends on one's point of view.