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My Five Minute Prius Demo

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by priusham, Oct 11, 2004.

  1. priusham

    priusham New Member

    Jul 6, 2004
    Michigan - land of everlasting snowflake icon!
    Here is the five-minute Prius demo I generally give. (you think I need to add anything else?)


    The car is locked but I have the driver's window down to start the demo.

    1. Stand back from the locked Pri and have them try to open the driver's side door.

    2. They can't of course, hand them the key and tell them to put it in their pocket. This is tough as almost everyone just wants to hold it. Now have them open the door and sit down. The SKS impresses most people right away.

    3. Close the driver's door and speak through the open window. "Now we are going to start the car..." they usually reach for the key fob in their pocket, "NOOOoooo leave the key in your pocket." They look puzzled.

    4. "Put your foot on the brake..."

    5. "Push the start button..." show them the button, car powers up, 'READY' lights up, smile and say, "it's running!!!"

    6. Say, "Yes. It is quiet, isn't it." because almost everyone says, "It is???"

    7. I talk about the SKS and the quiet electric motor and after about 15 seconds I say, "Now the gasoline engine will come on..." smile as the engine fires up, and explain that the car is testing the systems, making sure the catalytic converter is warm, etc. After about 20 seconds I say, "now the engine will shut off.."

    8. ICE shuts off, back in full electric mode. The visitor's mouth hangs open.

    9. Now I let them pull it forward/reverse and demo the joystick, talk about the CVT, show the INFO screens.

    10. Now I demo a couple of the voice commands on the DVD NAV. Most people are impressed with the "I'm hungry" command :p

    11. Finally, I have them exit the car but leave the FOB on the front seat. I have them try to lock the car with the black button on the door handle.
    BEEEEeeeeeeep goes the warning that the keys are inside. I say, "It won't let you lock the car because it knows the key is still inside, BUT ..." I reach in the open window for the fob, stick it in my pocket and press the external door knob button. The car locks as I say, "How do it know?"

  2. jimofdg

    jimofdg New Member

    Jul 10, 2004
    DG, IL, US
    I like it!

    This part is hard to add because you have to get the other person to leave the Prius. I have done this in a large empty parking lot, preferably at night.

    Ask the person to stand outside the driver's window while you talk to them. Just to be sure, ask them to step back a few feet and explain you are going to make a circle around them. They will notice you are speaking to them over the non-noise of the car.

    Accelerate briskly and go halfway around a circle about 30 feet in diameter. This will show them the car can take off.

    Pause there while the ICE shuts off. Then complete the circle back to them in utter silence. They certainly won't be saying anything.

    Later you can explain how the turning radius can actually be much smaller.