I was in an accident this morning where another car ran into me on the passenger side and T-boned my poor Rubicon I wanted to post a couple of pictures here and see if yall think the insurance companies will call it "totaled" or not. I think I'm fine, though I have lots and lots of bruises and hospital said no broken bones, the prius has a wonderful seatbelt that held me in place, got the bruises to prove it. The steering wheel air bag did deploy and the car was still on after I got hit, but i turned the car off and the horn was still blowing but went off after I jiggled the steering wheel. I doubt it is driveable, the passenger front wheel was pushed back into the wheel well. I didnt really stick around too long after the paramedics came (but i did get four pictures of the scene), I let the ambulence take me to the hospital to check me out. Anyways, just wondering if any of yall thought that this amount of damage if it would be considered totaled or not. I appreciate any answers you can give me. I really loved this car and i'm heart broken.
Oh no, she's bleeding. So sad. I'm glad that you are okay. I'll leave it up to the experts to officially answer your question about totalled. So what happened?
Im so sorry Tlaine. At times like this I would love to shoot someone. But I dont. more's the pity I guess. I hope both parties are ok? The pics dont tell what happened. His fault I assume? drat that stinks.
My guess is on totaled. Having had a 2007 Jetta get smushed to pieces in an accident, I was surprised to see that the damage I thought was minimal actually turned out to be totaled. Boy was I glad, now I have a Prius! Sorry for your loss, hopefully you won't have a problem getting another one. It does look it's bleeding, so sad! Hope you are not at fault, or if you are that you get a fair settlement.
Yes, it was his fault. I was driving down the road on the inside lane (it's a two lane road each direction with a median. I was going about 40. I saw him pulling out from the side coming out of a parking lot or a side road right in front of me to cross over the road and go the other direction, I was reaching my hand up to lay on the horn and hit the brakes and I'm not really sure after that, then he hit me. The air bag deployed but I dont think it hit my face but I do remember something being infront of me blocking half my vision, I also remember being up against the window a bit, I think I knocked my head a little against the driver side window, there is a very little spot on the side of my head that's tender but dosent hurt except when I touch it I didnt discover that spot till hours later (I'm very hard headed *L*). I was really shaken, I couldnt feel my shoulder for a while and was afraid I had broken it, but I didnt, just really bruised. Then I think I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened my door a little. I think I pushed the air bag out of my way so I could turn the car off, the horn had been sounding continuously since he hit me and I was trying to turn it off. I turned to sit sideways in the seat, just trying to think and make sure I was ok. Horn was still sounding and I wiggled the steering wheel which made it stop. I kept thinking I needed to call my mom. Someone came up and asked me if I was ok and I said I that I thought I was, but wasnt sure. My left shoulder and right knee were hurting. I told the guy I needed to call my mom and my purse was in the backseat but he just stood there so, I got out of the car and got my cell phone out of my purse in the back seat and sat back down sideways in the car and called my mom, then after I got off the phone with her I got out of the car and got a few pictures and gave a police man my license and insurance and he asked me what lane and direction i was driving. He really didnt ask me much nor asked for any really detailed happening. I was still shaking. After that the parametics came and asked me if I was ok and if I wanted to go get checked out at the hospital and I told them I thought I was ok, but my shoulder was hurting and my knee so they loaded me up and took me. It happend so fast. I just cant believe he didn't stop and that he hit me. I dont even know who it was that hit me (i have his name and info now, but at the time after the accident I didnt have it) I dont think he ever came over to ask if I was ok so I never saw his face. I asked the police officer who came to the emergency room to give me my insurance card and license back if the other guy was hurt and he said no. The other driver was driving a four door Blazer SUV. The policeman did tell us that it was the other guy's fault. I already knew that, but at least I know it will be on the police report as that as well. That's pretty much it, sorry for extra ramblings or grammar errors but that's pretty much the whole thing.
I forgot to add that the front wheel that is shown in the photos has been pushed back into the back side of the wheel well where it is touching the metal. I didnt upload a photo to show this.
oh that is so sad......people just dont pay attention to what they are doing....i am glad that you had your seat belt on and you are ok.....i would say thats a total....as has everyone that looked at the picture. as an addendum..........if it isnt totaled, i wouldnt drive it when it got fixed if you know what i mean........:hurt:
After that, you have our collective permission to ramble all you need to. Again, I'm glad to hear that you are basically ok.
Wow! I'm glad you weren't seriously injured, but your injuries might be much more severe than you realize. I've known a number of people that have been through this and they're always called within a few days by the "other guys insurance" and offered a medical settlement if they agree to sign away their right to future litigation. When this happens, only agree to the $5K or so they offer you for medical if you're absolutely sure that you weren't seriously injured. And yes, sorry to say, but your Prius is completely totaled. It could have been a lot less severe and would have still been totaled by insurance. Make sure that you insist on getting market value which is currently *well* above MSRP on a brand new one.
It doesn't take much to total a Prius. I think its totaled. I swear the Grey metallic is very hard to see. Especially at dusk. Dangerous color. Blends in to the tarmac too well. Get a brighter color next. Good that your OK. But wait till the bruises come on. Your going to be sore for about a month.
Remember to let us know hun how it goes and the settlement offers on the car. If you need we can help find you another car. Just remember to demand to "be made whole" and that you want market price for the car. If they balk and low ball you stop talking to them and call a lawyer.
I hate to tell you but I agree that they will total it. Get yourself on a waiting list now. I hope you are feeling better by the time you read this. You will probably be even more sore tomorrow. Lots and lots of ibuprofen.
I agree, get on the waiting list ASAP and play the pity card if you need to. OOPs, silly me. I forgot to say, I am so glad you are basically all right. What a scary experience! That is the main thing. Do make sure you don't sign anything to give up liability until you are fully checked out. The fact that you hurt your head and shoulder is worrisome.
the hospital xrayed my chest shoulder and arm and knee that i banged bad. they are really bruised but not broken. I had a minor abbrasion on my left hand, but that wrist and arm are hurting when I try to use it much, I hope it's just sprained. They also did a CRT scan on my head and eyes to make sure there wasnt anything wrong since I did see some flashing lights, everything checked out ok except 1 cm of fluid behind my right eye. but yeah, I'm aware that something can crop up later and I wont sign off on anything. Thank you all for your support =)
Ouch! Might be worth another trip to a different MD for a 2nd checkup, just to make sure nothing got missed. I had a bad bicycle fall a few years ago and the initial diagnosis was that I'd suffered merely a shoulder sprain. After a month with no improvement in pain or freedom of movement I knew the 1st diagnosis had been garbage & went to another MD. X-Rays showed I'd not just dislocated the shoulder but had crushed the top of the ball against the tip of the socket rim. It took a cadaver graft to make whole (I was very lucky that course of surgery was possible). I hope you're truly OK, and I hope you can get back into an equivalent or better Prius without excessive legal travail! Mark
Good afternoon everyone. 1st post here. Sorry to hear about the crash. At least there was no series injuries. I think the prius is totaled. It doesn't take alot of front end damage to total one.
My fear with the popularity of the Prius is just like your case. If mine gets totaled, how long will it really take to get back into one Please let us know how it goes. Glad your OK. It was a front end crash in my last car 2 years ago (Pontiac Bonneville) that freed me up to get a Prius and couldn't be happier.