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Noob question about efficiency

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by GabriolaGuy, May 29, 2016.

  1. GabriolaGuy

    GabriolaGuy Junior Member

    Apr 29, 2016
    Gabriola, BC, Canada
    2016 Prius c
    I'm a new 2916 Prius C owner and have a question about a screen I've come across that show what I think is a reference to my driving efficiency.
    It is a scale bottom left to top right and a yellow line appears and changes as I drive. Below the graphic is a rating out of 100.
    I assume 100 is what I'm striving for but what is a realistic number to aim for ?
    I've only had the car for a month and it is reading 80/100 today.
    Second of many questions so far.

    OK, saw a similar post and it appears this is a "score" few understand so I'll go on to other more satisfying challenges :)
  2. Ashlem

    Ashlem Senior Member

    Sep 16, 2013
    2017 Chevy Volt
    Wow, you bought a Toyota 900 years in the future?

    Sorry, just wanted to point out your typo :D

    I used to have a 2012 Prius c, and the chart you're referring to is to help you drive the c more efficiently. I was able to get the low to mid 90's pretty consistently, and I think one time I somehow managed to get all 100's. But that was one time if I recall, and I forgot how I managed it lol.

    Some tips:

    For "Start"

    Try to keep the meter in the second upper green bar, just to the right of "eco". 1/4 to 3/4 of the bar is the best. If you end up going in the red, which may be necessary at times, such as if you're the lead car at a stoplight, you'll get a low score no matter what.

    For "Cruise"

    Same thing with the start, try to keep the green bar about the 1/4 to 3/4 in the second green bar. Once you get comfortable doing "pulse & glide", then you can crank the score up even more.

    For "Stop"

    Try to avoid hard braking, aka braking at the last possible moments before reaching a stop sign or a red light. Learn to look ahead and anticipate stop signs, and if a traffic light is going to turn red before you get to it. Then try to coast to the light. If you're lucky, sometimes the light will turn green before you even reach it, allowing you to maintain your momentum. The longer you can keep the blue bar up, without having it max out, the better.

    In case you're wondering what "Pulse & Glide" means:

    Basically, accelerate to a certain speed, then let off on the gas pedal, but step on it again slightly to prevent any braking from occurring. What you're trying to do is let the prius coast as long as possible without using gas or slowing it down via the regen braking. Once you're down to a certain speed, then speed up again until you hit your set limit, and coast again.

    You use way less gas overall on this than if you simply cruised a set speed, at least on level ground.

    Keep in mind that since the c is lighter than the Prius liftback, it can't coast nearly as long, so you may find yourself having to speed up frequently. But it still can work.
  3. GabriolaGuy

    GabriolaGuy Junior Member

    Apr 29, 2016
    Gabriola, BC, Canada
    2016 Prius c
    Driving the new Prius is bringing back lots of old driving memories for me. Back when I bought my first car in the late 50's I was part of a group who challenged each other to get better mileage and we used to try things like seeing how far we could go through the city without touching the brakes and coasting to conserve gas. And that was when it was 3 gallons for $1 !
    I still look ahead to watch for brake lights in my lane and to try driving as conservatively as possible without making it real difficult for others although there is nothing much I could do for some other drivers.
    I must have gotten away form a lot of those practices over the years and now the new Prius will get me back in the "saving gas" mode, I hope.
    Thanks for the explanation. There is just so much to monitor and to find out how to do so I am stopping by the side of the road a lot more than I used to in order to just figure out what it is I want to do at this point in the journey.I am learning though and just this afternoon I figured out how to enter a location and rename it something familiar and to save it so I can find it again.
    Still working on the first tank so eed to get out and drive more.
    Thanks again.
    bisco likes this.
  4. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    been doing the same for 12 years, all the best!(y)
    GabriolaGuy likes this.