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OK OK... I know this is sick... but I had to say something about it...

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by amm0bob, Sep 25, 2009.

  1. amm0bob

    amm0bob Permanently Junior...

    May 29, 2008
    The last place on earth to get cable, Sacramento
    2008 Prius
    Introducing the New Jersey business opportunity of a lifetime...

    Yes folks YOU could be one of the many business partners that help the Garden State keep it real in the fields.

    Yes Folks, that's right, I'm talking about "COW LICKERS"

    You've heard of HOOTER's right, who hasn't in this day and age...

    The new business (in cooooo-operation with local authorities and the judiciary) is going to be called...



    UDDER'S is the place to go and get your salty nads licked completely bovine clean (including that fresh cut grass smell) by contented cows.


    Folks, don't miss out on this golden opportunity to enrich your wallet, and help out the local economy... REGISTER YOUR COWS WITH THE TOURIST BUREAU TODAY... That's right friends and fellow farmers... you could help out the State of New Jersey with your kind animals helping to keep our neighbors salty sacs from the south and west to want to come back for more... maybe even bringing a friend... and we all know what that leads too, don't we...

    Contented customers... and repeat business...


    Charges Dropped Against Cop Caught Having Sex With Cows - KTLA

    I'm just trying to add some levity to a problem that New Jersey is having with certain LEO liberties and farm animals...