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Old style thread links

Discussion in 'PriusChat Website Questions' started by hobbit, Jan 24, 2008.

  1. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    Having been really busy over the past couple of weeks I might
    have missed some announcement, sorry ... but it looks like the
    old IPB style links are no longer valid. This was one of my
    major worries about the vBulletin switchover, but Danny et al
    seemed to have added extra code to make the old
    index.php?showtopic=NNNNN links redirect to the right threads
    under the new scheme.
    Now, the redirect appears to take me to some sort of archive
    page with hundreds of unrelated links. For example,
    http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=31545 was galaxee/DH's
    expose' of the tank bladder, and now that and numerous other
    links I have in my "linkfarm" as well as other postings are
    I'm willing to go fix all my web stuff to use the new format, but
    how do I find the old threads?? And how can guest users see
    the various pictures and such within, if you've now got that
    locked down against them?
    It feels like we're on the verge of losing a really valuable
    resource that anyone on the net can see. Please tell me it
    ain't so.
  2. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    I really wouldn't mind getting some feedback on this, either to
    tell me I'm doing something wrong, or an active interest in working
    to update all those external and cross-linked posts that, without
    the old thread numbers working, are ALL BROKEN. The current
    state of things is like starting all over to build a referenceable
    knowledge base, and that's far too much make-work for no
    good reason. Why were the thread numbers lost/changed?
  3. TheForce

    TheForce Stop War! Lets Rave! Make Love!

    May 30, 2005
    Wheelersburg, Ohio
    2006 Prius
    I don't think your doing anything wrong because the redirect links were working a while back. I don't know when they stopped working because this is the second time I tried one since the forum upgrade. I too need to go thorough my website updating links but I think mine will be easier because I think all of mine are my own topics plus I don't have as many.

    I don't think anything was said about the redirect not working but I haven't been watching the issues topic very much. If anyone knows whats going on could you inform us?
  4. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    Try this link, that I've had on my external "linkfarm" for a
    couple of years:
    _ http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=10705
    that should have gone directly to some of the original threads
    about the Pittsburgh MPG marathon. Instead, I get a page with
    200 nondescript "archive" links on it, which doesn't help in
    the slightest since they seem to point all over hell and gone.
    With a little digging I can find the old threads, but at this
    point the one I tried pointing to might be 9387, 10132, or 10274.
    So external links, of which there are many across multiple sites,
    are broken.
    What's more serious is the INTERNAL links that people post, pointing
    newbies to old threads -- all of *those* are broken too, so rather
    than good MPG hints or tire-buying advice they'll find some
    useless political screed instead. WHY is nobody taking any
    interest in this problem? We're having a serious knowledge-loss
    issue here, and Priuschat's credibility risks heading straight
    into the toilet unless this is FIXED. It's always been one of
    the best resources on the net because the knowledge here pretty
    much goes back to day one, but now it's entombed under tons of
    mismatched-links wreckage.
    How the hell did this happen, and what do we do to recover?
  5. hobbit

    hobbit Senior Member

    Mar 23, 2005
    2004 Prius
    Well, I've poked various mods a little harder, and nobody's sure
    what's up, and Danny appears to be AWOL. In the meantime I've
    managed to recover updated pointers to various threads I remember
    as being permanently worthwhile, and have started dropping them
    into my linkfarm.
    If you know the new thread number, you don't need to know which
    subforum it was in -- vBulletin can simply find them by their
    unique number and redirect to the official URL of whatever it is now.
    Thus, a thread can be retrieved as priuschat.com/forums/x/NNNNN-x.html
    where XXXXX is the new thread number. The "x" parts can be any
    string; vBulletin ignores those.
    So far I've dredged up these, for example:
    __ old _____ new _____ topic______________________
    _ 22210 ___ 21501 ___ ECU/fob reprogrammability from scratch
    _ 31545 ___ 30593 ___ gas tank bladder exposed
    _ 30906 ___ 29957 ___ engine reseal pix
    _ 29898 ___ 28970 ___ what services you really need
    all from Galaxee, that I had kept pointers to in my own records.
    But there are probably plenty of other "seminal" postings people
    have made over the years, and maybe this is our opportunity to
    really sit down and put together a "best of Priuschat" in
    conjunction with figuring out where said "best-of" has actually
    gone in the meantime. Contributions welcome, even if in the
    form of vague hints about ballpark timeframe, who might have
    posted it, topic, etc. That giant list of "archive" numbers you
    see when you just go to "priuschat.com" is a somewhat useful
    search tool, *IF* you know what you're looking for.
    Now, all we have to do is make it so not-logged-in outside folks
    can download the pictures.