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One party controls it all - Never good for our country.

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Ken Cooper, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. Ken Cooper

    Ken Cooper New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
    Here's a recent letter to the editor that I submitted:

    Currently, one party has control of the presidency and both houses of congress, in other words, total control. When either the conservatives or the liberals have that power, our country inevitably sets off in an extreme direction resulting in both government and people becoming polarized. As we’ve seen in the past, when democratic party liberals control it all, the result is indeed tax-and-spend with social programs ruling the roost.

    Right now though, republican right wing conservatives are driving their monopolistic advantage to the hilt. Here’s some of what’s happening as a result:

     Big business is gaining free reign. Controls that protect national resources and limit precautionary corporate restrictions are being lifted. As a result, the environment, our health, our freedoms, and our pocketbooks are all being compromised.

     Conglomerates such as Halliburton are being provided with enormous government contracts while not even having to bid on them. Anyone who thinks the resultant waste and corruption is not going to touch the pocketbooks of all of us is sadly naive.

     Special perks are being provided for the wealthy. For instance, President Bush’s recent tax cut, assuming the current administration stays in power and all phases are implemented, allows the great majority of the benefit to go to those making more than $100,000 per year. Less than 7.5% of the total tax cut benefit has been set aside for those making less than $17.30 per hour ($36,000 per year). Also consider the fact that half a trillion dollars of this came from the social security trust fund with another half trillion borrowed from foreign sources. We’re talking about real national debt here, money that must be paid back by our children and grandchildren.

     The separating line between church and state is being compromised. The Faith Based Initiative has good features, but it is government financed. We give to our churches when the plate passes, we should not be forced to give further through our tax dollars. Another example centers around loss of government support for stem cell research; it’s been diminished because it violates certain religious values. Stem cell research and application of its findings will revolutionize medicine, and somebody, somewhere will ultimately do the research and control the patents. Wouldn’t it be best for the U.S. economy if those patents originate here?

    Under the current administration, we have richer rich, poorer poor, and a dissolving middle class. Big business has too much power; environmental controls are dissolving away; and the line between church and state is being blurred. Nope! This time I’ll vote for the Democrat, first time since Eisenhower was president. Just imagine what four more years of this would look like.

    References for tax cut figures:



    Also, to change the subject a little, take a look at this article concerning President Bush's blog:

  2. LeVautRien

    LeVautRien Member

    Jul 23, 2004
    New Orleans
    2004 Prius
    On the most simple level, restoring checks and balances was the reason I told people I was voting for Kerry. Of course now I've decided I'd rather make my vote in good faith, not in guilt, so I'm voting for Badnarik, but still...at the time, it was a good line. :mrgreen:
  3. pkjohna

    pkjohna Member

    Jan 20, 2004
    Manassas, VA
    2012 Prius
    One Party controls it all? Hardly! There have been plenty of roadblocks along the way in terms of filibusters, judicial nominations, etc. The majority control (of either party) is quite elusive unless it's two thirds or more for both houses, the White House, and a majority of the Supremes. And I just don't see that happening -- the voters swing the other way when it even starts to feel that way.
  4. LeVautRien

    LeVautRien Member

    Jul 23, 2004
    New Orleans
    2004 Prius
    It's still there, though, and the fact that the Republicans, a party that typically is no large fan of deficits, didn't put up a fight to a budget with clear implications of a deficit, shows quite clearly how the partisan divide isn't big enough currently. Had Clinton tried to pass a similar budget, it would have never made it through...the simple fact that it's a Republican doing it changes everything. Other Republicans can't say no to such huge things.