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Prius Club of San Diego Meeting Sunday, 9-26 at 1PM

Discussion in 'Local Prius Club Main Forum' started by Sev, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. Sev

    Sev Junior Member

    Feb 26, 2004
    San Diego, CA
    The 4th meeting of the Prius Club of San Diego will again be at the Hilton Garden Inn in Carlsbad Beach on Sunday September 26 at 1PM on the Terrace. We have arranged for limited choices off their menu as before, and individual checks. Parking should be no problem and the view should be spectacular. Wear hats and sunscreen. It relatively easy to get to off the I 5 at Palomar Airport Road or Poinsettia Lane. (6450 Carlsbad Blvd
    Carlsbad, CA 92009 Tel: 760-476-0800)

    PLEASE RSVP to [email protected] if you will be attending so that we can give The Hilton an idea of the number of attendees for table setup and menu planning!

    The meeting will start with a welcome and legislative update, then socializing around lunch. Bring ideas, stories, yourself and friends/ other owners/wannabe owners. We should have a great time. We will have an amplified sound system so eveyone can hear the presentations. Per an excellent suggestion by Ellen and Roger Scott, we are going to ask each table to independently come up with a list of 5 - 10 things they would like to have changed in the Prius, e.g., things that bug them about the car or that they find missing. Each table will select a spokesperson who introduces her/his table and describes what the group decided. We'll keep track of all groups and summarize the consensus, i.e., the most common gripes/wants/suggestions. This information will be forwarded to Toyota contacts.

    The main part of the meeting after lunch will be a presentation by Pat McAfee on:
    Maintaining your Prius Inside and Out
    Tire Pressure
    Tire Replacement
    Routine Scheduled Maintenance
    Engine Oil
    12v Battery
    Upholstery Cleaning
    Carpet Care
    Windows and Display Screen
    Classic Prius Known Mechanical Problems
    Keys and Fobs

    Pat will of course field any questions anyone cares to raise concerning any of the above subjects and other general questions about the Prius. Henry Eisenson, our "Tech Master" will also be available to answer more technical questions about the car and modifications.

    Immediately after the formal part of the meeting, Henry will hold a tech session in the parking lot to demonstrate the installation of the automatic door lock feature from CoastalETech and the conversion of the power outlet to always on. Everyone is welcome to observe and learn. Henry will have the CoastalETech power outlet conversion kits available for $10 .

    Those not interested in the installation demonstrations will have ample opportunity to continue to socialize or check out each other's Prius in the parking lot as well as participate in the photo op. Try to park together as much as possible so that we can get some excellent group photos! There should be more Prius in one place than ever...will we top our previous record of 30 Prius? I bet we do!

    Again RSVP to [email protected]